Just Curious...How Many Ladies Don't Know Their HairType??

Do you know your hair type?

  • Yes, my hair is all one texture. I know my hair type

    Votes: 18 6.0%
  • No, my hair is all one texture. I do not know my hair type.

    Votes: 54 17.9%
  • Yes, My hair is multiple textures. I know my hair type.

    Votes: 83 27.5%
  • No, my hair is multiple textures. I do not know my hair type.

    Votes: 158 52.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Its like I have a halo of 4b around my head.
It goes from temple BACK around to the other temple.
Its a thin layer of it tho so thats good.

Me too....and the section of hair right next to it in the front is 3a/b so it looks like I need a touch-up when in reality I haven't had a relaxer in almost 4 years :ohwell:

I still can't "really" classify my hair because of the following:
-My "curls" don't spring. Based on LOIS, my hair would be predominately S (even the tightly coiled section grow in a snake "S"-curl type pattern. When I stretch my hair, it stays wherever I stretch it to :/

-My texture is mostly thready w/ some cottony & and silky parts. Knowing this tidbit has by far been the most helpful. My hair is loosely coiled, but doesn't behave how definitions say it should-it behaves like type 3c/4ab hair but without the tight curls. The 3a section when dry look frizzy as though I had done a half-a$$ed blowout. BUT, it can straighten with very little effort on my part (even just by manipulating it via combing, it will straighten)
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Nope, don't know.

What I do know:

If I label as a 3(something), someone's bound to say naw it ain't.

If I label as a 4(something), someone's bound to say naw it ain't.

It's so much easier (for me and other folks) to just let a few pics say what a number cannot. :yep:
i have no clue...some parts, I know for sure are a 4a...cause of the clearly defined lil springs but then other parts..there are no curl pattern and then I lean to a 4b but when i look at strands there isn't a 'z' pattern either...:shrug:
I dont think i'll ever completely understand the typing system. Here's a chart but it seems like they style the hair and then type it rather than typing it in its "natural out of the shower" state.


Another thing that confuses me is when 4a is said that the coils are the size of coffee stirs. Have you seen a coffee stir lately? They are very small and most that say they are 4a's do not have curls that small myself included. I've seen 1 girl in my life that had curls that size and most people probably would say she was 4b.

Hopefully this link will help someone.
All I know is I'm a type 4 something and frankly that's all that matters at this point, lol...
Hmmmm...I guess I'm a 4b...I've got tons of underprocessed hair that looks like z's. I know that this is old, but thanks for posting this info!
I always thought the charts were straightforward, until I saw some hair boards whose members seem to bump every one toward looser curl status. I think of my hair as averaging out to a 3c, but it looks as if I have some 2c, 3a, 3b, and 4a as well. Hair type does not seem to be very useful information when you have multiple textures.
I've given up on trying to figure out my exact texture. I just say 4a/b. Even thought I also have a patch of like 3b or 3c in the front. I love playin with that patch cause its the only patch that listens to me:rolleyes:. The crown area of my head looks like 4b to the naked eye, but when I cut a strand I can clearly see a highly defined curl pattern (ranges from a 3c-4b).

I think my problem is that most of my hair doesn't "clump" together. Most of the strands just curl on their own, so even though they have a defined pattern, it sure doesn't look like it. I do have a few tresses that clump together and are springy and silky 4a, but it is usually overtaken by the mass of single curls that suround them so the naked eye can't see them. Basically, I just stick with the answer 4a/b and do what ever my hair tells me to do.
I don't know what my hair type is. When I was transitioning, I was really obsessed with finding out, but now that I did the BC, I really don't care what type I am -- I LOVE my hair anyway. :)
I think I'm 4b/a, not 4a/b like most women. I know one thing as soon as I slap a little IC gel in it it starts curling up all over. The back though is more wavy than anything. Still lots of tight coils and kinks. Hope this makes sense. I'm learning, but still a little confused.
I only know mine because I made a thread asking, lol.
Question though.... What is 4Zzzzz and cnaps? Can someone describes these hair types to me?
I think I know mine, but I am not sure because I had locs for a number of years. Prior to my locs, I just didn't pay it any attention. All I recall is that it was not difficult to deal with my hair. Detangling was not hard at all....my hair was just thick.

Since it wasn't straight by any stretch, and because I didn't have to do anything special to deal with breakage, I think I had 4a mostly and maybe some that was "almost 4b" on the sides. It will take almost SL natural for me to see my real texture, I think.

I don't worry about it much. I just treat it like it's 4a/b.
I pretty much know what mine is..I'm mostly a 3c with 3B in the front...its helped me knowing because I can gear myself toward products and techniques that people with similar hair types use.
bumping....i still want to know what 4z and Cnaps are !

Just manipulated 4B aka hair that appears to have no uniform pattern throughout the strands and to have zigzag shapes, which are caused by hair having been brushed, combed or stretched/locked into styles like braids that temporarily alter the true shape of the strands.





