I love your hair, girl. Stop trippin'
I have several textures and I have no clue what mine is. My natural hair looks like bigger waves than a 3 but not loose like 2 but it doesn't look like a 4. My hair doesn't look like any of those pictures. I give up. I must have alien hair.
Anancy said:Those pics are really helpful Kizzie, thanks for sharing. I wasn't sure what my hair type was but i alway figured 4a/b. Looking at those pics i think im right erplexed
My hair doesn't look quite as tight as 4b but it definately isn't as lose as 4a, i think my nape is more 4a.
Who knows, im just sticking with 4a/b.
Writer100 said:Thanks for sharing the article KizzieNapps because I was wondering what my hair type was and why I thought it wasn't acting right. I see that I'm primarily a 4b with some 1s thrown in from the Creamy side of the family. When I deep condition I get some coils in the back, the front is way soft like I didn't get all of the conditioner out and the rest real 4b cottony with hardly any curl definition. When dry my hair would just shrink all up except for the White folks -- they just stand up, stock straight, and wave at everybody. They so friendly!
I'm happy to know what not to expect from my hair now. That's a load off!
cocaluv said:I'm so silly. When I first joined the board I thought that my hair type would be what my hair looks like now (permed) so for awhile I thought I was like a 1A lmao.
I voted Multiple Textures but I do not know my hair type.
I think I'm mostly a 4a but my sides, nape, and front are curly and my top is wavy.
I voted I don't know cause since I'm transitioning my hair type could be totally different once I'm completely natural. erplexed
Also length affects the way the curls will hang too. So who knows.
I do think its beneficial to know your hair type so you don't become an even worse product junkie buying up the beauty store for something that might not work.
Although I know no 2 heads are the same I spend hours stalking fotkis looking for my hair twin.
I vote no multiple textures. Just joined the board last week but I may have mistyped my hair. Heck I don't know- it seems I have every type listed. I thought kinks meant group 4 group. I may be more 3b/4a. Does anybody use the LOIS system?
[LOL!!! I can completely relate to this. My hair was relaxed for so long I had forgotton I had nappy hair. Just like I wore weave so long I thought my hair was actually long....sad but trueerplexed