Just can't mositurize everyday

If I moisturized my hair 2x a day, my hair would stick to my skull...not a good look. I don't need to moisturize my hair everyday because it stays moisturized pretty well on its own.

Protein conditioners sound good for your hair because protein is what helps keep moisture in your hair. I moisturize my hair when needed which is about 4x a week.
i moisturize 2x a day with no problem at all. you have to find a moisturizer and an oil thats light. i moisturize with carols daughter healthy hair butter or elasta qp mango butter and seal with vatika frosting. my hair is never flat or dull looking and the coconut oil give shine so my hair always look full of life.
I moisturize everyday, twice a day. I mist a bit of rosewater on my hair (gentle mist, not wet), add a lil bit of oil to seal and I have had no problem with limp hair. I even do this when I wear my hair down. Water has been the best moisturizer for me. I find that lotions weigh my hair down, and break me out.:nono:
I use to moisturize twice a day until I viewed this post. Since I cowash & dc twice a week, I don't think I need to moisturize all the time. No wonder everytime I pre-poo my hair is so damp. :perplexed
I had to learn this the hard way also...I ABSOLUTELY cannot moisturize when I wear my hair down, because it looks greasy and stringy since I have fine hair....Even when I moisturize my edges and nape only, the oil somehow manages to take over my entire head...so I have decided to cut down on the moisturizing creams and increase the washing and DC...My hair needs protein more than moisture at this point.