My Slight Set Back And Warning About Water One Fine Hair Daily

@almond eyes When you were spritzing were you drenching your hair? Do you think the temperature of the sprizt also played a role (opening your cuticles daily with warm water, plus steaming, maybe hot water washes as well...)?
@almond eyes When you were spritzing were you drenching your hair? Do you think the temperature of the sprizt also played a role (opening your cuticles daily with warm water, plus steaming, maybe hot water washes as well...)?

I would spritz with a lot of warm water and then baggy for ten minutes. I would not use hot or cold water on a daily basis spritzing or through the shower. I would also not recommend daily moisturizing and sealing or baggying daily. Fine hair cannot be over manipulated.

Almond Eyes
Yes I discovered that a long time ago as well. After baggying for a week my hair would stretch and then snap off. So much breakage! So then i try overnight dc to try and repair and give it some was so weird because it seemed detangled & nice but it was sooo crispy when it dried.

I quit all that and just moisturize every 3 or 4 days now. Leave in & pomade after washing. My hair thrives with this regimen.