Just because your are half white does not mean.....


Well-Known Member
Your hair is automatically going to grow long and full!!!
I am Bi-racial my mom is white (German) and my dad is African!
I keep getting remarks from the women on my dad's side of the family especially my cousin......she keeps going on and on about how her hair can't grow like mine cuz she aint mixed and how I got good hair.....she insists on relaxing her hair as soon as there is NEW GROWTH( every three to four weeks) and does a corrective relaxer everytime:wallbash:.....If I try and tell her anything about her hair she tells me I would not know anyway cuz I have good hair and (OUR )hair is different to mine...Now look I don't have much from my mom's side of the family and if you could see me, you would never guess my mom has blonde hair and blue eyes so it's not like the the accusations are justified......Does anyone have the same problem or do all bi-racial ladies in here have long flowy hair!!!!
Your hair is automatically going to grow long and full!!!
I am Bi-racial my mom is white (German) and my dad is African!
I keep getting remarks from the women on my dad's side of the family especially my cousin......she keeps going on and on about how her hair can't grow like mine cuz she aint mixed and how I got good hair.....she insists on relaxing her hair as soon as there is NEW GROWTH( every three to four weeks) and does a corrective relaxer everytime:wallbash:.....If I try and tell her anything about her hair she tells me I would not know anyway cuz I have good hair and (OUR )hair is different to mine...Now look I don't have much from my mom's side of the family and if you could see me, you would never guess my mom has blonde hair and blue eyes so it's not like the the accusations are justified......Does anyone have the same problem or do all bi-racial ladies in here have long flowy hair!!!!

Based on the comments I've read here, not all bi-racial folks have long hair or easily grow long hair just because of race AND I've heard folks also say that some caucasian folks they know can't easily grow long hair as well...
There is no such thing as "good hair" if you keep abusing it and thinking that it can repair it's self. Good hair is when it's healthy, and properly taken care of. Tell your cousin about LHCF, but no one can make anyone see the light if they don't want to.
Until I came to the board, I believed that "mixed hair" or "good hair" grew faster. Now I know better. There are women on this board who have hair in in the 3s who are using growth aids.

I've come to realize that hair with any kind of curl can be challenging to grow... until one finds a regimen.

BTW - you have that long flowy hair :giggle:
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I've dealt with this my entire life too. My parents are the same as yours. The only thing I got from my mother is her smile. You just...learn to ignore it. We know the truth. Its taken me 11 years to grow my hair from chin length to almost apl. (Most, if not all of it growing after I found this board. :D ) When my hair was broken, damaged and looked like everyone else's in the family...I was normal...but as soon as I started taking care of it, and trying to learn and it started to grow...it was all because of my mother's genes, which I know is not true. These comments will never go away. Just ignore them and let them be jealous, is what I've learned to do.
Well I'm not mixed, but I have the same problem, people think I'm adopted, in grade school, I got asked if I was indian, or if I was mixed, and it bothered me because I thought that maybe I was adopted, my parents are brown skin......my hair was always long....and I didn't know much about hair.....and when I went into the Navy EVERYONE thought I was Hawaiian, or Samoan(sp?), I mean I had to fight with others to prove I'm black, I mean I'm not 100% black, I'm not African, but my parents are black(their ancestors might have other mixtures).....my hair just grew.....my hair can take a lot of abuse......I mean I actually called my mother when I was in Great Lakes, IL for bootcamp, and asked her if I had any pacific island in me or was there any in her family or my dad's family because someone asked me if I was hawaiian, and I mean being black didn't cross their mind, just recently(right after new years) I was in a hispanic club, and a guy asked me if I was hawaiian!!!!! I mean DANG, CAN A SISTA BE BLACK????.....and with my child, she's her father's skin tone, people look at her like I adopted her......and when my mom is with me, they asked "oh is this your child(to my mom) and then I say "this is my daughter" and they look at me funny.......so not just being mixed but being light skin people think you are mixed or have "a good grade of hair" I mean ANY woman can grow their hair to great lengths if they let it.....I mean I'm just picturing myself having waist length hair, I know then no one will believe I'm black.....girl try proving to people that your black, it's hard for me, especially when you have to sit back and think about why people don't think I'm black........it bothers me a lot.....and it hurts me a little.......but I feel you though...........sorry so long....had to get this off my chest..
My dad is austrian and my mum is congolese. I have never ever had even full shoulder length hair but when im telling my cousins about my braids regimen and tryna grow my hair long they just say 'but your mixed' um yeah, you have known me all your life and have never known me to have long or even healthy hair. DUH!! Gets on my nerves! When i try to give advice they say that it might work for me but not for them. Gets on my nerves and upsets me. Makes me think of the thread 'light skin and have long hair doesnt count!' i feel like when it finally is bsl no one will even care because im mixed. Even though my hair is probably 4a.
You can change the title to "just because you're white, or chinese, or indian or puerto rican" etc. None of that is a guarantee. If your cuz reads around the web, she will see white folks having the same hair issues. Those hollywood bimbettes aren't wearing fusion weaves for no reason.
Sometimes people are happy with ignorance and refuse to throw away these silly sterotypes. What people don't realize is that the regimens that we have on this forum have been practiced by people of other races for many years, which could explain some of the long healthy hair. From Auyrvedic to daily moisturizing/oils and frequent washing. If those folks who created hair relaxer and hot combing would have spent time finding out what would really make our hair thrive we would not be in this situation. That's why I believe that we are in a -hair revolution right now with the LHCF leading the charge.
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They need more exposure. There is no set look, hair, etc. for a biracial person. They can have type 1-4 hair and anything in between. It is widespread where I come from and I have seen biracials with the same hair and hair issues as stereotypical "regular Blacks."
You can change the title to "just because you're white, or chinese, or indian or puerto rican" etc. None of that is a guarantee. If your cuz reads around the web, she will see white folks having the same hair issues. Those hollywood bimbettes aren't wearing fusion weaves for no reason.

I agree with you, but I bet it's the younger generation of white, chinese, indian and puerto rican who are having hair troubles. You know the too cool to listen to the wiser generation. Not including those with health issues. And on another note, try as a Black women to give some of these women advice about their hair and they will look at you crazy. I say to hell with them all, focus on your hair and let them all eat their hearts out. :grin:
They need more exposure. There is no set look, hair, etc. for a biracial person. They can have type 1-4 hair and anything in between. It is widespread where I come from and I have seen biracials with the same hair and hair issues as stereotypical "regular Blacks."

I agree they need exposure. When someone brings the subject up of you being mixed or with good hair just gently explain that this information is universal. I tried this with a 4b frind of mine and she wasn't hearing it. Whatever works for her. I left that alone.
Ha! Someone should have told my mother that when she had no clue what to do with my hair and it was a matted mess that got cut into a short fro and then relaxedat the tender age of 12 with no knowledge on how to properly relax.

I will stand by this forever and a day. And this is my opionon from having a white mother not any other mixes. Having someone take care of your hair that does not know anything about your hair texture does not lead to long flowing hair. Then it doesn't help when you are not taught how to properly care for your hair.

Same ole story same ole misconceptions.
My mom was born with blonde hair blue eyes....even passed on 2 blonde birthmarks to me in my own hair. She now has hazel eyes and dark reddish brown hair. My hair is longer than hers. She cant get past APL. But Im POSITIVE if she listened to me she'd have WL hair. It is SUPER thick although she uses direct heat everyday without a heat protectant. Her texture is a lot tighter than mines. She is a 4z. (is that even a texture? LOL). My mom may be biracial but wooooo booooy that one drop rule applies to that head lol She can never deny her blackness.lol My cousin is mixed as well and her hair is the same, if not thicker than my moms.Black, white, brown, yellow, if you take good care of your hair, it will be "good".
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Unfortunately, prejudice like that still lives on and will continue forever.
You might as well just get used to it, because as you say - as long as you are half white people will say you have long hair because of that very fact.

All the work and patience that you put into your hair will not be appreciated by everyone. That's just the way it is.

I see it on this very board quite often. :perplexed Hence the thread "If you are 100% black with long hair..." :wallbash:

Some would/will say my hair is long because my mother is white (even if her own hair could never grow long...) regardless of the fact that most white people around me don't have hair as long as mine either. And I live among 90% white people, so I see their hair every day.

It's all about how you treat your hair and the time you put into taking care of it and figuring out what it needs to grow. Anyone can do that as so many have proved on this board :).

Most people don't really want to though. So they find it easier to say that it's because of DNA. Most don't want to give up heat appliances, harsh colors, relaxing every 5 weeks etc :lol:

Just like most people don't want to work out, they prefer to be envious of someone who stays thin instead of figuring out what they need to do to get in shape. Okay...I've said too much! :lachen:
Unfortunately, prejudice like that still lives on and will continue forever.
You might as well just get used to it, because as you say - as long as you are half white people will say you have long hair because of that very fact.

All the work and patience that you put into your hair will not be appreciated by everyone. That's just the way it is.

I see it on this very board quite often. :perplexed Hence the thread "If you are 100% black with long hair..." :wallbash:

Some would/will say my hair is long because my mother is white (even if her own hair could never grow long...) regardless of the fact that most white people around me don't have hair as long as mine either. And I live among 90% white people, so I see their hair every day.

It's all about how you treat your hair and the time you put into taking care of it and figuring out what it needs to grow. Anyone can do that as so many have proved on this board :).

Most people don't really want to though. So they find it easier to say that it's because of DNA. Most don't want to give up heat appliances, harsh colors, relaxing every 5 weeks etc :lol:

Just like most people don't want to work out, they prefer to be envious of someone who stays thin instead of figuring out what they need to do to get in shape. Okay...I've said too much! :lachen:

To the red highlighted part...I bet they think your hair is long because you have some black in you. They probably think the black genes are making your hair strong....:lachen:
To the red highlighted part...I bet they think your hair is long because you have some black in you. They probably think the black genes are making your hair strong....:lachen:

The funny thing is you're completely right! :lol: :lachen:
They see Beyoncé on TV and think oh...all of them have long thick hair :scratchch :lachen:
Unfortunately, prejudice like that still lives on and will continue forever.
You might as well just get used to it, because as you say - as long as you are half white people will say you have long hair because of that very fact.

All the work and patience that you put into your hair will not be appreciated by everyone. That's just the way it is.

I see it on this very board quite often. :perplexed Hence the thread "If you are 100% black with long hair..." :wallbash:

Some would/will say my hair is long because my mother is white (even if her own hair could never grow long...) regardless of the fact that most white people around me don't have hair as long as mine either. And I live among 90% white people, so I see their hair every day.

It's all about how you treat your hair and the time you put into taking care of it and figuring out what it needs to grow. Anyone can do that as so many have proved on this board :).

Most people don't really want to though. So they find it easier to say that it's because of DNA. Most don't want to give up heat appliances, harsh colors, relaxing every 5 weeks etc :lol:

Just like most people don't want to work out, they prefer to be envious of someone who stays thin instead of figuring out what they need to do to get in shape. Okay...I've said too much! :lachen:

Totally agreeing with the red-lighted.

I live among the same people and 75% av white women bleach their hair (Swedes are not natural blondes either) every 2 months, while flatironing (without protectant, and/or washing daily and blowdrying.
At my job (99% arian) at least 30% have extensions (I can spot them a mile away).
Most white people also say that I have good hair because of the black in me. I'm not arguing, looking at LHCF hair makes me green of envy so it's nice to know that at least at work my hair is great.

Thankful I don't work with Flowerhair!
i feel u on this. im black, white & american indian and everybody used to always be like "u've got a good grade of black girl hair." and i have zero white genes in my hair dna, so its a mix between american indian and black which is hard to figure out because there arent really any products for it. i have a little longer than apl hair but my hair is DEFINITELY not long and flowing. its a constant struggle trying to get it healthy & properly moisturized. even white girls have a hard time gettin their hair right, so all that being mixed is "scrictly" BS
Totally agreeing with the red-lighted.

I live among the same people and 75% av white women bleach their hair (Swedes are not natural blondes either) every 2 months, while flatironing (without protectant, and/or washing daily and blowdrying.
At my job (99% arian) at least 30% have extensions (I can spot them a mile away).
Most white people also say that I have good hair because of the black in me. I'm not arguing, looking at LHCF hair makes me green of envy so it's nice to know that at least at work my hair is great.

Thankful I don't work with Flowerhair!

I know it's funny how many people think that most Swedes are blonde haired and blue eyed. They may have started out that way but do to widespread racial mixing including the "darker" whites Swedes are no longer Blonde and Blue. :lachen:
It sure doesn't. Of course I thought that until I came here. In the last year I met quite a few "mixed" ladies and they all had relaxed hair that barely came to shoulder length, dry and brittle and were asking me for advice to grow their hair longer!
People need to educate themselves and stop classifying RACE and HAIR together.......I just don't believe that RACE has anything to do with GROWING hair........
My hair isn't long enough yet for ppl to assume I have *good* hair,the only experiences I've ever had where ppl that were amazed that my hair is type 4 and not wavy or curly.
All this commentary from people trying to explain away your hair boils down to one thing: EXCUSES.

People are mad because it takes more effort for certain types of hair to grow than others. Well, that's the way the cookie crumbles, everything ain't for everybody, but if you think it's for you, then put in the work and STFU. Period. Stop worrying about what you don't have and work with what you got!

OP, I'm sorry you're having to deal with other people's ignorance. All I know is, if you are healthy inside and out, and are protecting, moisturizing, and taking care of your hair, IT WILL GROW. If you are diligent, YOU WILL RETAIN THAT GROWTH. Period.
All this commentary from people trying to explain away your hair boils down to one thing: EXCUSES.

People are mad because it takes more effort for certain types of hair to grow than others. Well, that's the way the cookie crumbles, everything ain't for everybody, but if you think it's for you, then put in the work and STFU. Period. Stop worrying about what you don't have and work with what you got!

OP, I'm sorry you're having to deal with other people's ignorance. All I know is, if you are healthy inside and out, and are protecting, moisturizing, and taking care of your hair, IT WILL GROW. If you are diligent, YOU WILL RETAIN THAT GROWTH. Period.

You put that very nicely.. I agree totally.
Unfortunately, prejudice like that still lives on and will continue forever.
You might as well just get used to it, because as you say - as long as you are half white people will say you have long hair because of that very fact.

All the work and patience that you put into your hair will not be appreciated by everyone. That's just the way it is.

I see it on this very board quite often. :perplexed Hence the thread "If you are 100% black with long hair..." :wallbash:

Some would/will say my hair is long because my mother is white (even if her own hair could never grow long...) regardless of the fact that most white people around me don't have hair as long as mine either. And I live among 90% white people, so I see their hair every day.

It's all about how you treat your hair and the time you put into taking care of it and figuring out what it needs to grow. Anyone can do that as so many have proved on this board :).

Most people don't really want to though. So they find it easier to say that it's because of DNA. Most don't want to give up heat appliances, harsh colors, relaxing every 5 weeks etc :lol:

Just like most people don't want to work out, they prefer to be envious of someone who stays thin instead of figuring out what they need to do to get in shape. Okay...I've said too much! :lachen:

ITA with the bolded. A friend of mine told me to stop relaxing every four weeks but I wasn't trying to hear it. She had much longer hair than me, but I didn't want to put the effort into growing my hair.

It was much easier to just throw in a sew in weave...until I grew tired of them and started looking into this hair growing business.

And with the weight thing, I'm thin and always have been but I cut out a lot of sweets and practically NO fried food. My friends are always saying how they wish they were my size. I tell them that they can if they just do what it takes, but you know how you can tell when someone is not paying attention to you? THeir eyes start to glaze over....

There is just no reasoning with some people. It's YOUR hair journey. Let the rest of the world come to their terms on their OWN time.