Just an FYI


Well-Known Member
I received an email from the Moderators saying someone had tried 5 times to log into my account; they also gave the IP address. There are several sites online that can help locate where the IP address is, this one was from China. I have since changed my password and made it extremely difficult. Just a heads up for you all.
Considering all the excessive members in the member list NEVER posting I wish the mods could made a rule where if you don't post within 15 days of signing up your sub gets cancelled. it's creepy seeing all these sn signed on since 03 that have never made a single post but re-subscribe every year, who knows why someone would be trying to hack into accounts but it may be related.
Considering all the excessive members in the member list NEVER posting I wish the mods could made a rule where if you don't post within 15 days of signing up your sub gets cancelled. it's creepy seeing all these sn signed on since 03 that have never made a single post but re-subscribe every year, who knows why someone would be trying to hack into accounts but it may be related.

Maybe they are just here seeking wisdom and knowledge and feel that they have nothing to contribute?

There are already to many people who post just for the sake of posting.

Or maybe they are afraid to post?
i agree all the wayyyyyy

Considering all the excessive members in the member list NEVER posting I wish the mods could made a rule where if you don't post within 15 days of signing up your sub gets cancelled. it's creepy seeing all these sn signed on since 03 that have never made a single post but re-subscribe every year, who knows why someone would be trying to hack into accounts but it may be related.
Having you also scanned your computer for viruses, trojans, and rootkit infections?

It sounds like you could have a trojan/backdoor program.

I had one a few weeks ago that was trying to send information from my computer out to places in Asia and Europe. My Norton keep blocking it, but it eventually destroyed my harddrive/computer and I had to get a new computer. The trojan infection logged me out of all of my accounts on my computer (including this one) and when I would click on a link at a search engine, it would send me elsewhere. It also changed the advertisments on this site from the usual hair advertisments to chasebank.

I keep my Norton running at all times and keep my internet security running at all times but some things Norton can't pick up. My Norton didn't pick it up and I had to run another spyware program. After deleting the trojan (can't remember the exact name), Norton found two more viruses including the backdoor trojan. A few days later my harddrive was gone and I couldn't even turn my computer back on. Once you have a backdoor trojan, even if you get rid of it, you computer may never be safe again. Be very careful what you download; I used to download lots of music and picked the trojans up from Limewire.

I would run a virus scan. Also, some of these backdoor trojans/viruses could steal all of the passwords stored on your computer and even gain access to your bank account if you pay bills online.

You can pick up these by downloading music (I got mine from limewire), videos, or just visiting unsafe websites. Norton scan may not even pick up some of these and you may need a spyware blocker/scanner to find these. I've noticed that alot of these ip addresses lead back to places like Hong Kong, China, and Russia that's what make me wonder if you have a trojan/backdoor virus/ rootkit infection that's just trying to gain access to your accounts.
^^^what is the other program you ran to discover it?

I don't know if I agree about deleting members. How do you even know they paid for a subscription? They may just be members who created a free account and forgot about the site, didn't find what they wanted and never paid for a subscription, or just don't want to post. If they are lurking just to get free hair care advice, it would be wrong to delete them.

Just because their profile tells you when they joined doesn't mean they paid for something. I think my profile says I joined in April 2008, but I lurked for two months before I gave up that $6.50. Others have stated that they joined months or even years ago, but just became paying members this year. You never know.
ummm please forgive me for interjecting here but I just want to mention that I had been lurking here since 2005 as an unregistered nobody. Just loving the rapport and help and hugs, basically.

More recently, as my regular life began to spiral out of control, I found that I was becoming more interested in my hair (makes sense? I dunno). Perhaps the one thing that belongs to me that I have some control over. So I registered in February and became a registered nobody lol.

Then, one day, on a whim, just a few months later, when I really wanted to show a member some support, I couldn't post. So, I paid for my subscription.

If I was kicked out at the early stages, I may never have come to care so much about you all and, perhaps, been bald-headed considering all the nonsense I was doing to my hair.

Trojans/viruses/malware scare me and I try to be careful where I go online. Navigating to Fotki caused my AVG to freak out so I don't go there at all. All I have is you guys ...

Ok, I'm done now ...

Thanks for reading ...
What would they get out of doing that? So strange.

Spammers. They do it on Facebook a lot and my friend just had to change her Yahoo! password because they hacked in and were sending people in her address book spam e-mails in her name.
I have my puter set to run virus scans everyday, also have a firewall so it's not that. Who knows why people do half of the things they do? I don't do downloads or play games or anything that would be able to take over my puter.

Here is the email I received:

Dear Coffee,

Someone has tried to log into your account on Long Hair Care Forum with an incorrect password at least 5 times. This person has been prevented from attempting to login to your account for the next 15 minutes.

The person trying to log into your account had the following IP address:

All the best,
Long Hair Care Forum
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I hate to hear that someone tried to access your account Coffee. I am happy they did not and that LHCF blocked them from the sight. Thanks for letting us know about this.
Wow this is very scary!!! Thank you Coffee for posting this.

@Celina Starr: Thank you for posting those sights as well. I had to get rid of a computer b/c of a nasty virus that I had picked up. I have no idea where it came from, cause I surely don't visit any crazy websites. I thought I got it from LHCF actually, but who knows. I run a virus scan everyday now:(
How weird.

And I also agree about not deleting idle members...I signed up in January 2010 and just subcribed this week! That's a lot of lurking... :blush:
Wow this is very scary!!! Thank you Coffee for posting this.

@Celina Starr: Thank you for posting those sights as well. I had to get rid of a computer b/c of a nasty virus that I had picked up. I have no idea where it came from, cause I surely don't visit any crazy websites. I thought I got it from LHCF actually, but who knows. I run a virus scan everyday now:(

I used to really enjoy downloading free music especially from Limewire. I know mine came from there because as soon as the song finished downloading and I tried to open it, the program froze and closed and I started getting pop ups and alerts from a fake virus program called antimalware virus. After that everything went downhill.

ETA: I'm not trying to say that there's not someone else trying to log into this Coffee's account but the fact that the ip address is from China makes me wonder. Many of the trojan/backdoor ips are also from places like China and Russia and they can do things like log into your account and even send out emails using your email address.
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There is has been alot of this going on...My DH and various friends emails have been hacked where these random emails were being sent from their addresses...

I use Norton and I have not had any issues - my DH has another type on his...
What the heck is going on with everyones emails getting hacked?
This has happened to so many of my friends this month. It just spam but when they change their passwords it still sends spam from their account.

Yea, them attempting to get into a LHCF is just an attempt to spam the crap outta the site. It happens on other forums 2. Random posts of spam, spam, spam.