June 2009 Updates *Pic Happy*


Active Member
Hello to my fellow LCHF sisters,:grin:

It seems like it has been a century :spinning:since I've revealed my hair growth up dates. Well, today is the day ladies that I take the time out to show you all my progress. My hair has come a long way. In the beginning I chopped all of my damaged relaxed hair off to about ear length. I proceeded to go natural for a while then found that my active lifestyle made it more complicated to maintain natural textured hair. I then decided to texlax for more manageability.

My quest for long hair was then put into action. I made a pledge to myself to take better care of my hair and to treat my hair like silk. I knew the only way to get that "long dreamy" hair that I longed for was to wear wigs. By wearing wigs, I gave my hair a chance to rest and grow....and so it did.

My hair regimen consists of: *washing with a moisturizing shampoo every 2wks * Deep conditioning treatments *Spraying a leave-on conditioner * Sealing with oil, moisturizer, or serum *Corn rowing * MN applications & *Just leaving my hair alone.





*The New Progress June 1 2009........:band:DRUM ROLL PLEASE*


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Wow you have have great progress good job, also you are beautiful And uhh if you keep up the good work I see waist lentgh waiting to happen

Did you wear wigs the entire 2 years??? Are you still hiding that beautiful hair now that you have achieved healthy hair??? :rolleyes:
Ur hair is beautiful and u r fierceeeeeee, grl lol, i love ur makeup i can never get my eyes to look great! Congratulations!:grin:
your hair is beautiful

man look i cant wait to reach my one year mark it will be 2 months next week since serious hair care.
WOW!! Beautiful hair, amazing growth!! What would you say are some of your best hair care tips?

1) You are your hair, meaning you wouldn't hurt yourself so don't hurt your hair.

2) Treat your hair like pure silk when styling, detangling, and combing.

3) Deep Conditioning is your best friend.

4) Exercise so how helps accelerate hair growth.

5) leave your hair alone so that it can grow.

6) Chances are that if you hear your hair ripping while you are combing
It... 9 times out of 10 it is.

7) Please keep your hair moisturized!

8) Mom knows best... The old school methods your mom use to use to grow your
Hair... WASH, DRY, and BRAID....Really works.

9) Every one should invest in a wide tooth shower comb....you know the one with round tips and no seams.


Did you wear wigs the entire 2 years??? Are you still hiding that beautiful hair now that you have achieved healthy hair??? :rolleyes:

Yes, I wore my wigs for 2 years. It really helped with my progress. I am still wearing wigs to this day. My goal is to be waist length by December 2009. 4 inchs to go. Yea!!!!1
Hey girlie! Another one of my favorite fotkis to follow. WOW you have made a lot of progress!!!!!

Your hair is to die for and congratulations!