June 2007 Feature of the Month - Isis

angelica said:
Congratulations Isis. I have to admit that you are the reason i joined lhcf. I found your fotki and that gave me a terrific start to good hair care. Thanks!!!
This is my first post btw, I've been lurking since September last year.
Thank you Angelica! :kiss:
Aura said:
CONGRATULATIONS ISIS!!!! :grin: THANKS FOR THE DETAILS.... It's important to give details for the newbies......you are definitely one of my inspirations! And one of the first LHCFer's I studied when I first came to this board.... Keep up the good work!

Thank you Aura (what a great screen name!)! :kiss:
All of you ladies are wonderful, thank you so much! This happens to be an unusually busy time in my life right now and it makes me smile :) when I check in with LHCF and see so much kindness. (((Big Hugs)))
:) Well Isis, here is another compliment coming your way! Your hair is beautiful and so are you.

Warm regards,

Oh no, I posted in another thread! And now its July, I've only just realised - how embarrassing! Just want to say Isis, you are my icon. Thank you so much for your advice, I'm so happy with what I've learned from you!
Beautiful oustide and in!