June 2007 Feature of the Month - Isis

Congratulations Isis! I love and have taken a lot of helpful info from your regimen! What an inspiration :)
Great job! Your hair looks wonderful and I appreciate your detailed response on how you care of your hair - your words are extremely helpful.
Congrats Isis! Your album was the first hair album I viewed when I first join LHCF about a year ago.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I learned everything from you ladies here at LHCF and I am truly grateful! :kiss: :)
How do you use the Verifen Constant ends conditioner? I am just taking out my natural hair after being in a sew in to grow my hair out....and wow has it grown....the HD is not scissor happy - she actually dusts... but I am worried about my ends as I see some little breakage when I comb that is likely from the ends....help? Where do you find it and how much does it cost? Thanks
Beautiful hair!!!
How do you use the Verifen Constant ends conditioner? I am just taking out my natural hair after being in a sew in to grow my hair out....and wow has it grown....the HD is not scissor happy - she actually dusts... but I am worried about my ends as I see some little breakage when I comb that is likely from the ends....help? Where do you find it and how much does it cost? Thanks
Ladibug said:
Beautiful hair!!!
How do you use the Verifen Constant ends conditioner? I am just taking out my natural hair after being in a sew in to grow my hair out....and wow has it grown....the HD is not scissor happy - she actually dusts... but I am worried about my ends as I see some little breakage when I comb that is likely from the ends....help? Where do you find it and how much does it cost? Thanks

Hello Ladibug and thank you! The Constant Care for Ends has a light, pomade consistency (not greasy) and was a Wanakee product. It costs a little more than some products for the same purpose but I really like it. It really works. The cost is $16.95 and they recommend keeping it in the fridge, if the climate is warm. It lasts a long time that way. :yep:
blackmaven said:

I must say you give very detailed answers to questions very long interview.:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Thanks Blackmaven and yes, my answers are pretty detailed.:) Didn't realize exactly how long it was until after the fact though, but it's all good.:lol:
GoldenBreeze said:
Congrats, ISIS.!! Great feature article, and beautiful hair. I always enjoy reading your input, and seeing your hair. Keep up the great work. You're an inspiration mami. :)

Lanelle said:
Great article!

Thank you GoldenBreeze and Lanelle!:)
Wow! :blush: Thank you so much ladies! I know I wouldn't have made progress without you. :kiss: I am so grateful I found LHCF.
Congratulations Isis. I have to admit that you are the reason i joined lhcf. I found your fotki and that gave me a terrific start to good hair care. Thanks!!!
This is my first post btw, I've been lurking since September last year.
CONGRATULATIONS ISIS!!!! :grin: THANKS FOR THE DETAILS.... It's important to give details for the newbies......you are definitely one of my inspirations! And one of the first LHCFer's I studied when I first came to this board.... Keep up the good work!