July 26,27,28..What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans??

I did my co wash yesterday. Sunday, I will do a shampoo with diluted SM moisture retention and a little SM black soap, less than a ounce of these. I will put this in a 12 ounce bottle with a nozzle and warm water to the top. This will be my first shampoo after the henna on 7/15. I tried to give it time to migrate into the shaft. I will do a hot oil treatment with coconut and olive oil and DC with some coffee with steam. After the rinse out, I will use diluted conditioner and finish with ACV and my tea mix. I think.....
SSI Okra Reconstructor
HH Grapefruit Punch DC
HH Pink Lemon Berry Mimosa
ACV Rinse
SSI Seyani Hair Butter

I'll have to enjoy it through you & others like I always wanted that Naturelle Grow Orange & Hibiscus when ya'll were always talmbout it. *mostly because of the hibiscus tho'*

I knew I'd better steer clear of that one. Same with this. Which is so strange because I'm good with HV's Sitrinillah & Oyin Honey Hemp and those are both quite citrus-y.
prepoo w/ dabur coconut oil
shampoo w/ SM black soap
protein tmt w/ KC protein strengthener
dc w/ SD avocado conditioning cream o/n
moisturize and seal
Braids to help me transition into my new life as a career woman! But they hurt like a motherrr! These will be kept only for 4 weeks!
Did a lot this weekend!

Friday night: slept with sulfur oil mix

Saturday: moisturizing prepoo of avocado and evoo.
Wash scalp with Grisi Sulfur Soap and length of hair with VO5 Vanilla Mint Tea Shampoo.
Deep condition with SD Mocha Silk Infusion mixed with SD Vanilla Silk Moisturizing Conditioner.
Set hair with SD Wheat Germ Butter Conditioner and Motions Foaming Wrap Lotion
Flat iron new growth with SD PRE.

Sunday: Cowash probably
My hair is desperately crying for some needed attention. First off, after church tomorrow, I will be doing a texlaxer after 16 weeks post my last one.

I will be relishing in a much desired deep conditioning with my old faithfuls, either Keracare Creme Humecto or Design Essentials Stimulations Moisturizing Conditioner. Hmmm:scratchch, I think I will use Affirm Sustenance Treatment as my 5 minute post relaxer treatment. That makes my hair pretty strong, so yeah, that's the one:yep:.

My DC's ordered from Sally's and Sleekhair.com have not yet arrived although I am sooooo ready to use those:rolleyes: I can't wait for their arrival.

I'll save my henna treatment for next week. It will be too much to do a texlaxer and a henna treatment all in one day:nono:. Will update if there are any changes.
Broke a few of my hair rules this weekend (lazy) but got decent results :)

-Aphogee 2 step on week old hair
-Cowashed it out and detangled
-Air dried in curlformers w/ Giovanni direct leave-in
-Flat ironed
Today I pre-poo'd with Njoi Ayurvedic oil and Hairitage creamy hair butter.
I detangled with Curl Junkie Smoothing Lotion
I washed with sheamoisture shampoo
I'm currently doing henna and I will rinse it with Hairveda moist 24/7 and I will sleep in Hairveda Sitrinillah
Will prepoo overnight with coconut oil and some conditioner. Clarify with V05 kiwi shampoo, then wash with CON detangling conditioning shampoo. Deep condition with naturelle grow marshmallow dc with claudies tea underneath and rice bran oil on top and steam for the first time (yahhh!!!!!). Apply leave ins, rollerset, and flat iron :)
Texlaxed and DCed today. I needed that so badly. looking forward to my henna treatment next.
Left it alone all weekend. Wore a braid on saturday, bun today and will bun again tomorrow. Just going to oil my scalp with hair trigger tonight