IMO the natural hair community is primarily made up of women with type 4 hair so who are we scolding? Ourselves? If there is a hierarchy, it is one reinforced by the very women that are claiming to be at the bottom. BGLH did an article a while ago about something similar to this. She was advised to put women with curlier hair on her website to attract black women with kinky hair.
Now to Joulezy's point: I get why she is upset. This preference for less kinky hair impacts her money. I would be pissed if I were her. I am not sure what the solution is because she cannot force people to like or cater to her hair type. Videos like this might get those companies to examine themselves or guilt people into hiring her. I kind of like her snarky self.
I like Curl Junkie, but it seems pretty clear to me this company is not catering to kinkier hair types. She has a ton of products that work for a lot of hair types/patterns, but don't expect to see kinkier hair types or black women in ads for her company or the front page of her website. That is not the core consumer she is chasing. A business gets to set who her core customers are, what products she is creating, and how she is marketing it. What would be the point of getting pissed at Curl Junkie for not featuring kinkier hairstyles when it is not her targeted audience?