Jilbere ceramic porcelain flat iron???


Well-Known Member
Has anyone used this...Whats the difference between the ceramic porcelain ( there are vented(for use in damp hair) and non vented porcelain) and regular jilbere ceramic flat iron???-Melissa
I have this iron the vented one and you can use it on towel dry hair. It works well but it take longer to have straight hair. I like to hair dry my hair and flat iron after but I think it is really good to use if you use a deep conditioner and flat iron your air with the conditioner in it (and rinse after I am not sure) I believe it is a treatment they give in Asian salon. It is supposed to be very good for your hair.
I have this iron but I have not tried the vented one b/c I am so content with the regular cera. porce. flat iron. If you get one make sure it's the one with the tempurature settings on it b/c the one that just turns on gets too hot for our hair. I'm sure you'll love how smooth and silky your hair gets with this iron compared to the old ones.-kitcat <font color="red"> </font>
I'm lovin mine! It doesn't take that long to flat iron your hair either. I had another brand and I had to go so slow down my hair it would take a doggone hour to do my whole hair!