Jealousy in my marriage, can you help?


Well-Known Member
Last night my husband told me that I really upset him at an event we attended when I referred to this guy that we know as being "dorky" because he was wearing a bowtie (when everyone else had on ties). He said when a woman puts a random guy down to her spouse, it means she's attracted to the guy. He said he's felt that way since January, when we first met this guy (and we see him frequently and can't avoid that), because I'm quiet around the guy. He said HE KNOWS I think the man is attractive and he can tell because I won't talk to the man very much and I don't have anything positive to say about him. When I'm usually bubbly and very talkative to men AND women.

Finally this morning (after a sleepless night for me) he told me that I should have just made him feel better when he's being insecure or jealous because that's what he strives to do with me. He said instead of denying it and telling him that HE must have a problem, I should have just said, "The man isn't attractive or handsome and I don't like him."

My feelings are that he is bringing baggage into our relationship and putting bad motives on me. I know the man he's referring too and I think he's "overdone" and tries to have that affect on women like he's so this and that. I think it's stupid and the guy appears vain, so I really have nothing to say to him when we see each other. I say a polite "hello" and keep it moving. That's about it. I also think my husband tends to think he knows what I THINK or FEEL and that's inappropriate. He also accused me of lying when I was referring to the man cause I used the wrong name as if I didn't know who wore the bowtie and looked dorky.

I admit that I wanted to downplay how upset he got over that remark so I purposely used the wrong name. I have to work on that because I felt backed into a corner even though his accusations are not true. I did not even address the lying comment. I was wrong and I know it now, but I was thinking "Are you serious! Nobody cares about that man!"

I asked my husband if he thought I would ever be unfaithful or cheat and he said, "no."

This is our first year of marriage and I need some advice please on what to do when your spouse is jealous. Please....

Also I feel so defensive and wronged! I really feel like he hurt me not the other way around. I feel accused I guess. I did reassure him that the man is not attractive to me, that I don't like him and that I only love my husband and find my husband very attractive (and I really do). But that was this morning, not last night.
From personal experience (11 yr marriage) I used to be defensive as well when accused of something and it would end up in an unproductive conversation. Now when accused I ask why he feels that way, take a deep breath and say I can understand why you could think that or feel that way but....explain in a calm voice why it couldn't be that way he explained and reasure him you love only him and only want him.

Once you take a certain tone then it sounds like you are being defensive and that leads to what are you hiding.... So even tho they can say the stupidest things some times try to keep your cool and reassure him all is well.

just my 2 cents
Last night my husband told me that I really upset him at an event we attended when I referred to this guy that we know as being "dorky" because he was wearing a bowtie (when everyone else had on ties). He said when a woman puts a random guy down to her spouse, it means she's attracted to the guy. He said he's felt that way since January, when we first met this guy (and we see him frequently and can't avoid that), because I'm quiet around the guy. He said HE KNOWS I think the man is attractive and he can tell because I won't talk to the man very much and I don't have anything positive to say about him. When I'm usually bubbly and very talkative to men AND women.

Finally this morning (after a sleepless night for me) he told me that I should have just made him feel better when he's being insecure or jealous because that's what he strives to do with me. He said instead of denying it and telling him that HE must have a problem, I should have just said, "The man isn't attractive or handsome and I don't like him."

My feelings are that he is bringing baggage into our relationship and putting bad motives on me. I know the man he's referring too and I think he's "overdone" and tries to have that affect on women like he's so this and that. I think it's stupid and the guy appears vain, so I really have nothing to say to him when we see each other. I say a polite "hello" and keep it moving. That's about it. I also think my husband tends to think he knows what I THINK or FEEL and that's inappropriate. He also accused me of lying when I was referring to the man cause I used the wrong name as if I didn't know who wore the bowtie and looked dorky.

I admit that I wanted to downplay how upset he got over that remark so I purposely used the wrong name. I have to work on that because I felt backed into a corner even though his accusations are not true. I did not even address the lying comment. I was wrong and I know it now, but I was thinking "Are you serious! Nobody cares about that man!"

I asked my husband if he thought I would ever be unfaithful or cheat and he said, "no."

This is our first year of marriage and I need some advice please on what to do when your spouse is jealous. Please....

Also I feel so defensive and wronged! I really feel like he hurt me not the other way around. I feel accused I guess. I did reassure him that the man is not attractive to me, that I don't like him and that I only love my husband and find my husband very attractive (and I really do). But that was this morning, not last night.


I agree with your points in red because of what you've said in bold. Based on what you've said, your husband has personal issues to address and all of the apologizing and rationalizing on your behalf won't change that. Untill he works through his insecurities, instead of trying to put them off on you, you will continue to have spats like these (IMO).
eyunka, in hindsight I see I should have done this, in fact I thought I did, but I used the wrong words. I told him something like "Honey, I go home with you, I don't want anything else." He told me that's what pimps say. But honestly it's what I say to myself if I'm feeling insecure about him just having a NORMAL conversation with the opposite sex. I will say "Lana, he goes home with you, so don't worry about anything else". It actually makes me feel better. But obviously the reverse was NOT true. I said all the wrong things, being upset and feeling accused.

I see that now.

I may have to refer to this thread in the future.
MD_Lady said:I agree with your points in red because of what you've said in bold. Based on what you've said, your husband has personal issues to address and all of the apologizing and rationalizing on your behalf won't change that. Untill he works through his insecurities, instead of trying to put them off on you, you will continue to have spats like these (IMO).

My reply: Thank you for the response MD_Lady, it's possible that he does have issues to deal with but I think if my response had been better crafted then it wouldn't have become a real problem. I really got flooded with "defense, be on the defense" from my brain.

Now when I see this guy I really want to run, because my husband might think if I start talking to the man that I'm using some type of reverse psychology. (sigh)

We're married and we're staying that way so this is just something I need to work through. If he does have a problem (tough love for Lana) I guess I'M just going to have to deal with it, since he won't address it...yet.
A marriage is just a work in progress. This is just one mistake of many you may make. Seems as tho you will/have learned from it. It's been long journey for me and I am still finding better ways to deal with dh.
eyunka, in hindsight I see I should have done this, in fact I thought I did, but I used the wrong words. I told him something like "Honey, I go home with you, I don't want anything else." He told me that's what pimps say. But honestly it's what I say to myself if I'm feeling insecure about him just having a NORMAL conversation with the opposite sex. I will say "Lana, he goes home with you, so don't worry about anything else". It actually makes me feel better. But obviously the reverse was NOT true. I said all the wrong things, being upset and feeling accused.

I see that now.

I may have to refer to this thread in the future.
MD_Lady said:I agree with your points in red because of what you've said in bold. Based on what you've said, your husband has personal issues to address and all of the apologizing and rationalizing on your behalf won't change that. Untill he works through his insecurities, instead of trying to put them off on you, you will continue to have spats like these (IMO).

My reply: Thank you for the response MD_Lady, it's possible that he does have issues to deal with but I think if my response had been better crafted then it wouldn't have become a real problem. I really got flooded with "defense, be on the defense" from my brain.

Now when I see this guy I really want to run, because my husband might think if I start talking to the man that I'm using some type of reverse psychology. (sigh)

We're married and we're staying that way so this is just something I need to work through. If he does have a problem (tough love for Lana) I guess I'M just going to have to deal with it, since he won't address it...yet.

But (and I could be COMPLETELY wrong, so feel free to correct me :)) you probably feel this way because much of what you do is put under a microscope. You're human Lana and people can only take so much of another person drawing negative conclusions about what they do before they have an adverse response. Picking your battles is really important in a marriage and I'm not going to knock you for feeling that things might have ended up better if you had responded differently. However (and again, this is strictly my opinion), you really shouldn't feel as though much of what you say and do is an attempt to avoid having WWWIII break out over the smallest interactions. I wish you the best of luck :bighug: and I can tell you're really trying to make things work, but remember, you're going to need some help. ;)
Basically tell him... you don't like the guy, you're not attracted, and he needs to stop interpreting simple actions of yours to be something that they're not, just because he may have heard it somewhere. Let him know that his accusations and backing him into a corner is just causing unnecessary problems and he need not take out his insecurity on you, but you'll help him out with it. And after you let him know nothing is up, if he keeps persisting, you'll just have to take the mean road and tell him to get over it. If he realizes that you really are done with the situation, he might realize that it was really nothing and that he was being paranoid.
Last night my husband told me that I really upset him at an event we attended when I referred to this guy that we know as being "dorky" because he was wearing a bowtie (when everyone else had on ties). He said when a woman puts a random guy down to her spouse, it means she's attracted to the guy. He said he's felt that way since January, when we first met this guy (and we see him frequently and can't avoid that), because I'm quiet around the guy. He said HE KNOWS I think the man is attractive and he can tell because I won't talk to the man very much and I don't have anything positive to say about him. When I'm usually bubbly and very talkative to men AND women.


Finally this morning (after a sleepless night for me) he told me that I should have just made him feel better when he's being insecure or jealous because that's what he strives to do with me. He said instead of denying it and telling him that HE must have a problem, I should have just said, "The man isn't attractive or handsome and I don't like him."

My feelings are that he is bringing baggage into our relationship and putting bad motives on me. I know the man he's referring too and I think he's "overdone" and tries to have that affect on women like he's so this and that. I think it's stupid and the guy appears vain, so I really have nothing to say to him when we see each other. I say a polite "hello" and keep it moving. That's about it. I also think my husband tends to think he knows what I THINK or FEEL and that's inappropriate. He also accused me of lying when I was referring to the man cause I used the wrong name as if I didn't know who wore the bowtie and looked dorky.

I admit that I wanted to downplay how upset he got over that remark so I purposely used the wrong name. I have to work on that because I felt backed into a corner even though his accusations are not true. I did not even address the lying comment. I was wrong and I know it now, but I was thinking "Are you serious! Nobody cares about that man!"

I asked my husband if he thought I would ever be unfaithful or cheat and he said, "no."

This is our first year of marriage and I need some advice please on what to do when your spouse is jealous. Please....

Also I feel so defensive and wronged! I really feel like he hurt me not the other way around. I feel accused I guess. I did reassure him that the man is not attractive to me, that I don't like him and that I only love my husband and find my husband very attractive (and I really do). But that was this morning, not last night.

Is he serious? You can reassure him all you want but he's going to think what he's going to think. My bf is almost the same way but not as much. He accused me of something I didn't do and I keep telling him until I'm blue in the face but I give up and tell him to think what you want nothing I do or say is going to change your opinion so be it.

He is the one with the issues not you. Damned if you do damned if you don't. Maybe he needs more attention. I'm not a jealous person so I don't understand that behavior. I hope he can get it together for your marriage's sake.

I agree with your points in red because of what you've said in bold. Based on what you've said, your husband has personal issues to address and all of the apologizing and rationalizing on your behalf won't change that. Untill he works through his insecurities, instead of trying to put them off on you, you will continue to have spats like these (IMO).
ITA with the bold
Just to answer some of the posts here, I do not find this guy attractive. We're going to keep running into him at various events that we are scheduled to attend and he's just a vain, overly dressed up guy that LIKEs to get other women's attention (even though he's married) and brings his wife along. Soooo...I probably DO ignore him more so than others, because I don't LIKE that type of man and I'm not attracted to it. Uh uh:nono:.

My husband is just going to have to trust me based on my actions and not his imagination! He's being paranoid, point blank. BUT I could have diffused the situation by just saying, Baby I don't want him, he's not attractive to me, I love YOU instead of: What? Why are you asking me that, that's crazy, ugh! (That was basically my response). I get defensive when I'm being picked on for what I feel is NO reason. Yes, I do feel put under a microscope and like everything I say and do is being observed and counted and weighed.

It's the first year of marriage...I'll just do my best and see if it gets better. I'm in my late 20's and my husband is in his 30's. We're mature and should be able to speak to each other maturely. I just have to learn.
Good Luck Lana and keep trying
Just to answer some of the posts here, I do not find this guy attractive. We're going to keep running into him at various events that we are scheduled to attend and he's just a vain, overly dressed up guy that LIKEs to get other women's attention (even though he's married) and brings his wife along. Soooo...I probably DO ignore him more so than others, because I don't LIKE that type of man and I'm not attracted to it. Uh uh:nono:.

My husband is just going to have to trust me based on my actions and not his imagination! He's being paranoid, point blank. BUT I could have diffused the situation by just saying, Baby I don't want him, he's not attractive to me, I love YOU instead of: What? Why are you asking me that, that's crazy, ugh! (That was basically my response). I get defensive when I'm being picked on for what I feel is NO reason. Yes, I do feel put under a microscope and like everything I say and do is being observed and counted and weighed.

It's the first year of marriage...I'll just do my best and see if it gets better. I'm in my late 20's and my husband is in his 30's. We're mature and should be able to speak to each other maturely. I just have to learn.