Jealousy, Admiration or Ignorance?

How do people respond to your newly longer hair?

  • People mostly admire it.

    Votes: 108 78.8%
  • People often seem jealous of it.

    Votes: 11 8.0%
  • Several people have just ignored it, although they must have noticed!

    Votes: 37 27.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
WHen i flat ironed my hair..i went to show my mom to show her how long it has gotten already.

The first thing she says "I thought it would be LONGER than that!"..... Me: -____________- *whale face*

So the next day i walk thru the house, she's on the phone with my Nana and she starts telling her about how i flat ironed my hair and how much it swings and has grown....inside i'm like o_____O?! But then i was kinda feelin special...she liked it.:lol:

THEN i went to work....NOBODY recognized me. I'm the only Black person there and i have a manager almost causes him to burst into flames to give somebody a dag gone compliment!!! after he figured out who i was...:lol:...he goes "Wow, i didn't recognize who you were...your hair is different" and walked away.:look: Nobody commented to say they liked it or asked why i straightened it...i told her i just wanted to do something different...everybody was being really weird..and now that i'm back's not as weird anymore.

People can be some strange birds!:lol:
So far mostly admiration, especially cause my friend and family knew it had all fallen out. My Mom can get a bit extra sometimes....she keeps on after me to cut it. I keep asking her, why would I want to do that...I'm trying to grow it to HL. She keeps repeating the same nonsense about "It will grow faster if you cut it", and "Why do you want long hair? That's silly!" I give her the side eye, and KIM...
I think because I'm mixed nobody cares. They expect me to have hair. All these eyebrows and top lip hair it's just par for the course lol.


when I was bsl folks would compliment, ask if I'm mixed, and then renig on the compliment "oh well that's why then"... just totally disregard any effort I may have put into growing my hair because I'm mixed... that annoys me more than any hating

but I have always have gotten more compliments on my texture/curls more than length
My hair is admired by my family. They're like "wow you're hair really is growing" haha. I do notice stares when I'm in public which is ridiculous because my Hair isn't even that long.
Just compliments here and there. A lot of girls in my family have SL hair and longer I don't really sense any negativity.
I don't get much negative to my face. I think most people just assume I'm wearing a weave. What does chap my hide is that when it does come up in conversation people insist that I do not have afro hair (I'm 4b/c, except in my nape which is like 3c). It only bothers me because that was my line of thinking for most of my life, and it really held me back.

Edited to add: I'm only a wee bit past APL, and I don't blowdry or flat iron. So I don't think it's attracting THAT much attention anyway.
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I keep my hair cornrowed for the most part. I'll wear it out for the first one or two days when it is fresh and then I will do a protective style. Well my cousin saw my braids and she kept going on and on about how long it has gotten. I get mostly admiration from people even though I don't wear my hair out often.

So my cousin says to her friend, look how long her hair is...and her friend glances at me quickly-- makes no comment at all and then starts talking about how good her food is.:lol:
Oh The shade!!