Jealousy, Admiration or Ignorance?

How do people respond to your newly longer hair?

  • People mostly admire it.

    Votes: 108 78.8%
  • People often seem jealous of it.

    Votes: 11 8.0%
  • Several people have just ignored it, although they must have noticed!

    Votes: 37 27.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Most people are surprised by the length of my hair. That's because I normally wear it a bun all the time. I've worked at my current job for three year and I've worn my hair down once.
I get a lot of support. All my friends and family encourage me to be a product junky. They are always bringing me new conditioners they found or telling me about some new hair thing they saw that would be perfect for me. They all want to see how long it will grow, even my guy friends, lol.

It's funny. When my dad first saw the Instyler commercial, he couldn't wait to call me and tell me about this "revolutionary product". His exact words. He was like you'll never need a curling iron again. I love it. I have never gotten an negative feed back really. Beyond the few who said my hair would never grow.
Nobody cares about my hair. My husband tolerates me talking hair, but even he told me to pick up the phone and please call a female when it comes to hair matters :/
I get a lot of support. All my friends and family encourage me to be a product junky. They are always bringing me new conditioners they found or telling me about some new hair thing they saw that would be perfect for me. They all want to see how long it will grow, even my guy friends, lol.

It's funny. When my dad first saw the Instyler commercial, he couldn't wait to call me and tell me about this "revolutionary product". His exact words. He was like you'll never need a curling iron again. I love it. I have never gotten an negative feed back really. Beyond the few who said my hair would never grow.

leona2025 That is so cute! My grandpa actually bought me one!
My mom and aunt adore my hair. They used to give me trouble all the time when I cut it. My roommates used to comment on it when i wore it big and natural or when you can see the length when it's straightened. They don't say much about it anymore (probably because they're used to it now) :drunk: .

I do have a cousin who started her HHJ at the same time, but I've reached WL and cut 5 inches and am grazing it a second time and she's still at NL. I won't say she's jealous because I honestly don't get that vibe from her, but I do know she's had some set backs which is holding up her own progress (she may or may not be jealous *shrugs*)

So in short, I've only gotten compliments on my hair :yep:
Someone else said this too, but since I'm natural-ish (if you're confused...I can supply pictures and you will understand how I'm both 'relaxed' yet natural' :lachen:)

My hair is talked about/admired? at the salon. I love how all the women had stories of, 'Oh, my daughter has big, thick hair JUST like yours...only LONGER' :lol:

I think it's funny how every stylist/client all had a sister/daughter/cousin/cousin twice removed from the fam that had hair just like mine, but yet it was always longer. :lol::rolleyes:
I think because I'm mixed nobody cares. They expect me to have hair. All these eyebrows and top lip hair it's just par for the course lol.
People usually compliment/admire it. But on occasions I have been doubted and have had people ask if they can touch it (when its curly) I'm assuming to see if it is real. I have been curly head weave checked a few times, lol.

I would LOVE to be curly head weave checked. Now I'm jealous.:lol:
Why does paying your hair no attention have to be ignorance? They probably aren't hung up on hair like most women are and don't care, no matter how much u hope they do.
Why does paying your hair no attention have to be ignorance? They probably aren't hung up on hair like most women are and don't care, no matter how much u hope they do.

I think OP meant "ignor"ance as in ignoring.
I thought the same thing, initially.
I'm sure she doesn't mean stupid, jus a slight miscommunication.
Not sure. If it's down it's a variety of comments.

Guys just look, smile, or flirt more than usual. I get hit on much more than normal.

I get relatives who ignore it, but one who says "it looks just don't look's gotta be a weave" :rolleyes: That's when I'm not in protective styles or anything and 100% me.

I get people eyeing my hair, but not saying anything.

I also occasionally get compliments as well.

I also get asked how'd I get it so thick like there's a magical concoction.

When I occasionally visit the hair salon it's on! IT's like the luckiestdestiny hair show. People get quiet and watch, then as they grow comfortable they start making comments as it's styled. Someone will say something like "my cousin's hair is longer, it's to her knees" and someone else will say "whohee with all that hair why don't you get a relaxer?". That's when there will be hard core pressure to relax, with others chiming in. (I've only gone once or twice a year but whenever I go, it never fails that everyone wants to chime in on my hair and what I should do to it).

So I guess it's a combination.

My hair is talked about/admired? at the salon. I love how all the women had stories of, 'Oh, my daughter has big, thick hair JUST like yours...only LONGER' :lol:

I think it's funny how every stylist/client all had a sister/daughter/cousin/cousin twice removed from the fam that had hair just like mine, but yet it was always longer. :lol::rolleyes:

Lol why is that? What's it going to take? I'm hoping for tailbone this year and am closing in on hip, if I haven't already made it (as I didn't flat iron) from what I saw when I blow dried before my newest protective style...I'm sure that someone's sis, daughter, cuz will still be longer. If my hair were to my feet, I can imagine that someone would want to top it, and made sure I knew it on my next salon visit.:lachen: I can imagine it now:
Them: You seen that movie Tangled? My daughter's hair is just like that, isn't it?"

Friend: Yeah it is.

Them: Yup. Just like that until she got it cut.

What is that about? Everytime I go to the salon (and I don't go often but without fail)....someone's friend/daughter/cuz has longer hair than me and the elusive person is not present (and even if they were, who cares? What's the point of letting me know when I'm minding my biz?)
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Lol why is that? What's it going to take? I'm hoping for tailbone this year and am closing in on hip, if I haven't already made it (as I didn't flat iron) from what I saw when I blow dried before my newest protective style...I'm sure that someone's sis, daughter, cuz will still be longer. If my hair were to my feet, I can imagine that someone would want to top it, and made sure I knew it on my next salon visit.:lachen: I can imagine it now:
Them: You seen that movie Tangled? My daughter's hair is just like that, isn't it?"

Friend: Yeah it is.

Them: Yup. Just like that until she got it cut.

What is that about? Everytime I go to the salon (and I don't go often but without fail)....someone's friend/daughter/cuz has longer hair than me and the elusive person is not present (and even if they were, who cares? What's the point of letting me know when I'm minding my biz?)
That's code for "Your hair is nice, but you ain't special.":rolleyes: It must be if it stopped you in your tracks.

The mythical cousin/ sister/bestfriend'shairdresser is never around for the claim to be validated.

I tend to give this look when it happens:
Lol, I've had people mention that they knew somebody whose hair was just like mine but longer several times. I never knew how to respond to it. I usually just give a fake chuckle and say, "oh really".

That's code for "Your hair is nice, but you ain't special."

You might be on to something there, lol.

Luckily I'm pretty indifferent to stuff like this. I typically find comments like that amusing and take them as half compliments.
Neither. My hair is not a topic. Occasionally someone will say it looks nice just like I compliment others. I dont believe people are jealous or have ill will
I get most compliments after a good twistout or after flat ironing. Some men have wanted to touch. And I've been weave-checked (or "hair implants" checked) Cuba.
Not sure if there's any jealousy....haven't detected any. But I would most likely ignore it if it happened.
:lol: I normally get the first and last choice. My family was just talking bout my hair today. They can't believe how it grew back so much after I BCed lol.
People usually admire my hair although I personally think I could do with more body/ thicker hair. I've been weave checked even at the Dominican hair salons by the stylists when i'm about to get a wash and set. I use to feel offended but I don't anymore.
No one ever says anything about my hair except for my mum. She will tell me when my hair looks dry and messy and will comment about my hair growth when I straighten it. Otherwise, yeah, no one cares lol.
I was at a lounge just dancing enjoying myself, It was jam packed everyone was shoulder to shoulder. Some girl tried to run her fingers through my scalp I'm thinking it's some guy, I turn around it's a darn female. Then, she had the nerve to give me a thumbs up when she didn't feel any lumps. I gave her the meanest mug and yelled 'YEAH! It's all real, I could've told you that! that was NOT cool' I was totally caught off guard, here I am thinking it was some thirsty dude, but it turned out to be a lesbian. lol
I think that many people feel this way but most will never say it. Long hair in the black hair community (who are not on forums) is usually associated with with light skin women. So you may not be reaching

Ironically, most of the long haired black women I know are dark skinned. The Tatyana Ali, Chili, and Ananda Lewis of the world.
Ironically, most of the long haired black women I know are dark skinned. The Tatyana Ali, Chili, and Ananda Lewis of the world.

Thats so interesting because I know this also. The only "light-skinned" with long hair(HL) lady is my mother. Every woman I knew with very long hair was dark-skinned and they didn't have 3c/b hair. Most were 4a-4a/b types.
My hair isn't that long... but I make sure to keep it styled and looking healthy. A lot of people are always commenting on it and asking me what products I use or where I get it done.

I have one friend who was BSL/ MBL and her hair broke off to about SL/APL. She has longer hair than me but mine is thicker and usually styled (I'm a girly girl so I find it necessary to dress up everyday). Anyways, this fried of mine will NEVER comment on my hair or say it looks nice. Even though I let her know when her hair is is looking good. She sees everything as a competition and gets jealous if someone close to her is doing better than her.

But other than that, I don't really experience any ignorance or jealousy.
londonjakki What is the "Indian Reggie" mentioned in your siggy?

I just don't understand the whole ignoring thing. Understandable if maybe you thought it was weave or something but for those who know the truth, it wouldn't kill them to acknowledge it. :lol:

The person who ignores my progress is my sister. She's always had the longer hair between the two of us. On my last salon visit, I discovered I'm only about two inches shorter now...maybe not even that much on the longest layer. She knows about my hair struggles, my going natural and my efforts to grow my hair longer. And she doesn't say a word not even a "your hair looks nice."

Actually I think it would! :lachen: I have a relative like this. She won't compliment me on anything, hair, weight loss, etc.

It took her three years to say anything about my hair, and I guess she finally swallowed her pride enough to ask what I was doing to get it so long. I do believe it killed her to ask, because then she had to acknowledge that she admired it. :rofl:
I've had my half sister throw shade when she finally saw me after 2 years and I had grown to bsl from twa. I've had someone tell me on 2 occasions with the last saying that she would cut it, that she envied me for my hair. I've even caught her looking at my hair and the way she was looking creeped me out. She claimed she was joking but #side eye#. Were ya joking both times?

My mom throws shade every once in a while. I just bc'd so she's feeling herself cuz now she's a lil past apl and I'm between apl and shoulder. Today I was making mud shampoo for the first time and she asked me if I was trying to prove that my hair is gonna grow back. Mind you I'm the one who takes care of her hair. If she's left to care it alone she'll be bald. Just last year I moved for two months and two weeks after I moved she let some braider cut her from mbl to just above apl. But you gonna ask me if I'm trying to prove that my hair will grow back. I told her I didn't like what she said but it took everything out of me to not leave her hair half way done. She does crap like that every now and then. I'm bout to make her start doing her own damn hair cuz as my hair gets bigger along with hers I won't wanna be responsible for two giant heads of hair. Vent over.

Other than the above I get admiration and indifference.
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My friends compliment me for the most part.

My family is jealous and upset. Mainly because they took pleasure in laughing at me when I cut it all off to go natural. You can almost hear them sucking their teeth when they see me.

I also have interesting experiences at the salon when I get blowouts. It never fails. Some women will be in there smirking when I walk in because I have so much shrinkage that my hair looks short. But oh how their faces change and get salty when my stylist starts blowing it out and they see how long it is. And at least one always asks how long I've been natural and what products I use.
My family ignores... but then again they ignore pretty much everything I do. They WATCHED my hair grow from a super short cut to almost bsl without saying a word. I have one sis who mentioned to my older sis how long it was getting. She just responded yea it is very casually and changed the subject. Remind you they are all nl and under. Except my nieces who are sl. They also ignore various accomplishments/projects I am currently doing as well. It amazes me how strangers notice but they have blinders on...