JBCO vs Regular CO shedding?


Well-Known Member
I had crazy shedding with JBCO but I still want the benefits. Anyone that "has" experienced shedding from JBCO but "haven't" with regular Castor Oil?

In other words would regular CO be a shed free alternative to jbco?
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I've been using regular castor oil (gnc brand) for the past two months. It's been great for my ends. Ironically, I just purchased JBCO.

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I would like to add that it works better, for me, when I mix it with a lighter oil (sweet almond, grapeseed).

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On the contrary, I've been using it mixed with Bee Mine sulphur and my NG has sprung to life, love it!
I have only been using it for a shot time and I only put it on my scalp and I have not had any shedding at all and I only plan on using jbco. I am waiting to see how much growth I get from it and I use it everynight and co wash everyday.
I've never had shedding from JBCO. However, the only difference between JBCO and the store brand is the ash used during the process. Many have said they can use both interchangeably.