oiling my scalp causes itching which causes shedding


New Member
I recently began to oil my scalp with a mixture of JBCO, wheatgerm and essential oils. This caused my scalp to itch constantly. I thought the itching was being caused by the JBCO so I tried other oil combinations, still the itching continued. I also noticed a correlation between the itching and shedding. I've discontinued oiling my scalp and the shedding has tapered off. I don't know if anyone else has had/is having this experience so I thought this information might be helpful to some.
If u want to still your oils and growing aids on your scalp you might have to wash your hair more often. U might want to look into co-washing in between your regular poo wash schedule. How often do you wash your hair?
maybe you have oily scalp and don't need oil on your scalp. YOu could use your oils on your length and ends only. CHeck out leobodyc5 on youtube. hth
I found that I am allergic to JBCO. I'm fine with regular castor oil. I think the JBCO may be the problem. It made me itch like mad!
I wash my hair every two to four day. This does not help the shedding at all. I think the oils may be overstimulating my folicles, causing them to go haywire which explains the shedding. Like I mentioned, once I stopped oiling the shedding stopped.