Jada's Hair Regiment

Would it be safe to say AGAIn that everyone's hair grows differently. Some folks can grow hair no matter how bad they treat it. Me on the other hand, I can grow it and but I have to baby it to keep it. And if it is a wig...if they like it, I love it.
YUP! Or, if she really does it, it was just recently. After all she just became a Carol's Daughter's investor in 2005 & her hair was bangin' way before then...

naturallady said:
I honestly dont believe Jada does this. It sounds too much like an advertisement to me...
I just read thru the whole thread. OK, this may be a dumb question but why is there such a debate about this womans hair? In all the time I've been here I've seen at least 100 threads about it.

I really think as women on a long hair care forum we should believe that it most certainly COULD be her hair especially since she appears to be doing a lot of the same things we do i.e. protective styling for extended periods. I would think we would be more inclined to believe its her real hair being that we are all trying to get our hair down our backs and we are dispelling age old myths about black women and long hair. Weather or not it is really her hair doesnt matter. We all have worn extentions of some sort before I'm sure. Me personally I believe its hers. There, I said it! Its hers, doggone it! :lachen:
I started this thread in search of her REGIMENT, believing her Carol's Daughter post was more advertisement than anything. Period.

naturallady said:
I just read thru the whole thread. OK, this may be a dumb question but why is there such a debate about this womans hair? In all the time I've been here I've seen at least 100 threads about it.

I really think as women on a long hair care forum we should believe that it most certainly COULD be her hair especially since she appears to be doing a lot of the same things we do i.e. protective styling for extended periods. I would think we would be more inclined to believe its her real hair being that we are all trying to get our hair down our backs and we are dispelling age old myths about black women and long hair. Weather or not it is really her hair doesnt matter. We all have worn extentions of some sort before I'm sure. Me personally I believe its hers. There, I said it! Its hers, doggone it! :lachen:
CurleeDST said:
In the end, this everlasting debate about Jada and other women of color with hair length just shows that many AA women have a problem believing black women can grow their hair long, naturally - without gimmicks. We just refuse to believe that their hair is theirs which is why many of us face what we do when we walk out in public from other AA women.

It is based in jealousy and insecurity about their lack of what they covet. Many of us had long hair as children and had to deal w/ mean black girls with *snap* much hair because their parents burned their hair out with hot combs, over processing and tight braided styles.

Even in this type of forum where we SEE other black women with waist length hair, black women still can't accept that another black woman can achieve this like anyone else.

Sad but true.
So,so true. I think her hair is beautiful short or long.
CynamonKis said:
I started this thread in search of her REGIMENT, believing her Carol's Daughter post was more advertisement than anything. Period.
Sorry, sis. I cant read your mind. How was I to know that you believed it was an advertisement? :look:

ETA: My post that you quoted was not directed at you. I was speaking generally. I apologize if there was confusion.
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LondonDiva said:
OK here we go again :lachen:

Sep 1995

March 97

Aug 98

Jun 99 (Protective style, nothin we ain't done on here ourselves)

Sep 99 (6 months later protective style a potential 3-6 inches since June pic of possible growth)

Feb 2000 (her mini fro. Her hair is a curly pattern here)

June 2000 (Curly do straigtened 1yr since braid were worn)

Jan 01

June 01

Oct 01

Feb 02

Jun 02

May 03

July 04

Aren't we doing the same thing on this board and have family members who don't do half of what we do but can grow their hair with no problem at all?

That is so true!! My daughter (7 yrs old) has the same type of hair as Jada and it grows very fast...she doesnt even like to sit with conditioner on her hair. :look:
CynamonKis said:
I remember how short Jada's hair was when she first appeared on the Fresh Prince. Now, her hair is long and flowing and, yes she said it is her hair.

Has anyone heard of what her regiment is?

This is what was posted on carolsdaughter.com, but I suspect more was involved than this & if anyone knows please chime in:

Treat Worn Out Hair to This Deep-Conditioning Treatment

1) To prep the hair for treatment, shampoo and gently massage the scalp with exhilarating Rosemary Mint Herbal Shampoo (detangling formula). Rinse and repeat if needed.

2) Deep condition with a Hair Smoothie (for normal hair try Tui Hair Smoothie; for dry hair try Khoret Amen Hair Smoothie) and apply to hair from roots to ends. Leave in 15 minutes to one hour, depending on the level of damage. Rinse thoroughly. If you've got fine hair, shampoo again.

3) To replace essential oils, pour a small amount of Lisa's Hair Elixir into the palms of your hand and massage into hair and scalp. For extra hydration, squeeze a small amount of Hair Balm into palm of hands and apply to hair, concentrating on ends. Do not rinse out.

Jada, Mary J. Blige and Lisa Price were on Tyra Banks show maybe a month ago. Jada said she was using Carol's Daughter products for years before she decided to invest in the company. I'm sure she uses products from other companies as well but I don't know what they are.
Let's not forget that she lives a very healthy lifestyle (eating properly, exercising, etc.). A few years ago I seen her in a interview (on Oprah I believe, during the Nutty Professor promo), where she said, she eats healthy, and drinks a health drink smoothie every morning for breakfast, and makes Will drink one too.
LOL that's okay Naturallady. A sistah's just tryin to tap into Jada's secrets! No matter how I break my neck taking care of my hair it takes FOREVER to grow, unless I wear a weave!

My sister has hair like Jada's and she does VERY VERY little to it, it is long, natural and gorgeous. I was not blessed with her hair unfortunately so I must work at it for it to grow.

If Jada drinks a morning smoothie, I'm certain the protein from that is very helpful. Also, if she was using CD's products long before becoming an investor, then I may check out her CD regiment, which I priced at $50. I would incorporate it with my bi-weekly henna and try to be CONSISTENT with my MTG, vitamins, etc, and see if this speeds things up a little. New regiment for a new year...

If ANYONE finds out more about what Jada does, kindly advise. I may shoot her an e-mail on her my-space blog myself and if she responds I'll post it here. And if I try her CD regiment and get results I'll post that here, too. Thanks.

naturallady said:
Sorry, sis. I cant read your mind. How was I to know that you believed it was an advertisement? :look:

ETA: My post that you quoted was not directed at you. I was speaking generally. I apologize if there was confusion.
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deontaer probably is Jada.

she is absolutely right about people that just have growing hair.
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Kweena - who are you? When I post I am posting in general. I don't know you so I can't make any assumptions or have doubts about you. No offense but you aren't that important nor is this discussion for me to take any of it personally nor really care that much. I stated my opinion on the topic, read through some of the posts, stated more of my opinions and made my own assessment because it is what I understand to be true based on MY EXPERIENCE first hand.

Except for 1 poster, none of us claim to know Jada so why make assumptions? Take your own advice.

Peace out.

kweenameena said:
wow! So simply because I don't believe it's her hair I also believe that black women can't grow long hair? I'm jealous and insecure because I covet it? wow! What a way to assume and you know how the saying goes. Why do people get so all up in there feelings about what I believe is real or not? Just because I don't believe that this one particular person is sporting all of her hair and her hair only doesn't mean that I think that we as black women can't grow hair. Gosh I hate when people try to interpret what I say for way more than I actually said! The things we say to sound informed!
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I believe her regimen is posted on the CD website. At least the last time I looked there months ago it was.

CynamonKis said:
I started this thread in search of her REGIMENT, believing her Carol's Daughter post was more advertisement than anything. Period.
CurleeDST said:
Kweena - who are you? When I post I am posting in general. I don't know you so I can't make any assumptions or have doubts about you. No offense but you aren't that important nor is this discussion for me to take any of it personally nor really care that much. I stated my opinion on the topic, read through some of the posts, stated more of my opinions and made my own assessment because it is what I understand to be true based on MY EXPERIENCE first hand.

Except for 1 poster, none of us claim to know Jada so why make assumptions? Take your own advice.

Peace out.

Well You make a post about people being haters because they don't believe it's her hair, and I'm one of the people that don't believe it. And I'm one of the only people at that! Why can't anyone state their own opinion about something without someone calling them a hater? Or close-minded? Anyways, it's too early in the morning to get in a typing match. Try me later!
I just read this entire post and I am kinda in disbelief. People can go on and on and on about whether Jada's hair is real or fake when that wasn't even the point of the initial poster. If you think her hair is fake, i'm sorry but you are hating. Its not like we see her everyday in the limelight so we don't know if her hair went from super short one year to down her back the next. Secondly, SHE WAS NOT ON FRESH PRINCE. That was Nia Long, who I might add, did grow her hair out. And has anyone thought about the fact that not only did jada have kids, which may have contributed to her hair growth, but she has money. And lots of it, she has access to people and products that some of us only dream. Even after someone posted pics with her hair growth process, people still think her hair i fake. NO!!! Beyonce, Tyra, and MJB (even though that is my girl) has FAKE HAIR.

I'm done...dont even have anything else to say.
In my experience, it is a deep-rooted issue as to why women are skeptical of other black women having and growing long, healthy hair. I have experienced it first hand and much of it stems from jealousy and envy.

Just because someone will not admit it doesn't mean it still isn't the case. But I never said people were haters. I said black women still have a problem believing other black women can grow their hair long and it stems from jealousy b/c their hair wouldn't grow. That about sums it up.

kweenameena said:
Well You make a post about people being haters because they don't believe it's her hair, and I'm one of the people that don't believe it. And I'm one of the only people at that! Why can't anyone state their own opinion about something without someone calling them a hater? Or close-minded? Anyways, it's too early in the morning to get in a typing match. Try me later!
CynamonKis said:
YUP- I initially thought that too, until I later saw a stylist on TV who confirmed that it was her real hair....which obviously got me curious about her regiment....
I am in the entertainment industry and a stylist will NEVER say a person hair is a weave. Jada in her old movies had long hair, she then cut it short and started growing it back; last I heard she is wearing a weave to grow her hair back but she does not have it in all the time some of her photos in Hollywood does show her real hair which is about shoulder length. She does have fast growing hair which she mainly contributes to her diet but from working industry and having some of same stylist do my hair I do not believe that is her hair Carol's site. They are saying this to sell products since she now co-own Carol's Daugther. This is a marketing tactic.
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star said:
I am in the entertainment industry and a stylist will NEVER say a person hair is a weave. Jada in her old movies had long hair, she then cut it short and started growing it back; last I heard she is wearing a weave to grow her hair back but she does not have it in all the time some of her photos in Hollywood does show her real hair which is about shoulder length. She does have fast growing hair which she mainly contributes to her diet but from working industry and having some of same stylist do my hair I do not believe that is her hair Carol's site. They are saying this to sell products since she now co-own Carol's Daugther. This is a marketing tactic.

Thank you! I remember an article I read in Sophisticate's where a stylist was talking about what they did to Beyonce's hair in each picture. And they said that it was real. Each picture was taken around the same time with varying lengths and colors! A celebrity will always get enhanced to promote a product and then say that it's natural and it came from the product! I mean it's just marketing! This is the main reason I don't believe that it's Jada's hair in the CD ad that I posted. But I just thought that it was obvious.:look: But I guess we'll never know!
CurleeDST said:
In my experience, it is a deep-rooted issue as to why women are skeptical of other black women having and growing long, healthy hair. I have experienced it first hand and much of it stems from jealousy and envy.

Just because someone will not admit it doesn't mean it still isn't the case. But I never said people were haters. I said black women still have a problem believing other black women can grow their hair long and it stems from jealousy b/c their hair wouldn't grow. That about sums it up.

You know Curlee, I apologize for the experiences that you've had. I agree that a lot of skepticism comes from jealousy and envy. And it's sad. Now maybe if I saw Jada on the street and she was just some average chic I would believe it's hers. But there's a reason that celebs talk about how it takes a whole team of people to do their make-up and hair and it takes hours to get them ready. It must take Beyonce a whole day to get ready.:lachen: But really, most of what we see of them is a product, an image. So they're most of the time enhanced in some way or the other. I don't doubt that Jada probably is a 3B with long hair. But, in my opinion, in most of the pictures that we see of celebs they're enhanced!
CaliJ said:
Let's not forget that she lives a very healthy lifestyle (eating properly, exercising, etc.). A few years ago I seen her in a interview (on Oprah I believe, during the Nutty Professor promo), where she said, she eats healthy, and drinks a health drink smoothie every morning for breakfast, and makes Will drink one too.

I was gonna say the same thing. If I'm not mistaken,

1. She doesn't do alcohol at ALL (She's recovered.)

2. She drinks water, herbal teas, no soda, coffee, etc.

3. I thinks she did a period of mostly salmon (that was mistaken for yams) or mostly yams (that was mistaken for salmon).

4. She exercises cause her livelihood depends on it.

5. Her skin makes it evident that she's doing something healthy cause it's always flawless.

One of her employees said those two Pocahontas braids are what she wears when she's not on and that's her hair.

Good enough for me. My eldest daughters hair CAN'T be held down. I cut it to an ear length bob in 05. In o6 it was back to bsl. Some folks are just like that.

My hair used to grow fast until I hit my thirties. Everything slows down a bit in the thirties:eek:Literally, you turn 30 and the next minute you get struck with a reset of sorts. Don't get me started!!!

CynamonKis said:
LOL that's okay Naturallady. A sistah's just tryin to tap into Jada's secrets! No matter how I break my neck taking care of my hair it takes FOREVER to grow, unless I wear a weave!

My sister has hair like Jada's and she does VERY VERY little to it, it is long, natural and gorgeous. I was not blessed with her hair unfortunately so I must work at it for it to grow.

If Jada drinks a morning smoothie, I'm certain the protein from that is very helpful. Also, if she was using CD's products long before becoming an investor, then I may check out her CD regiment, which I priced at $50. I would incorporate it with my bi-weekly henna and try to be CONSISTENT with my MTG, vitamins, etc, and see if this speeds things up a little. New regiment for a new year...

If ANYONE finds out more about what Jada does, kindly advise. I may shoot her an e-mail on her my-space blog myself and if she responds I'll post it here. And if I try her CD regiment and get results I'll post that here, too. Thanks.
Please do send her a message. And ask her is she has 5011 cousins on LHCF too. Everybody and their mama seems to know the woman and have put their hands in their head.

If that's the case then she def knows about LHCF.
StrawberryQueen said:
Please do send her a message. And ask her is she has 5011 cousins on LHCF too. Everybody and their mama seems to know the woman and have put their hands in their head.

If that's the case then she def knows about LHCF.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

StrawberryQueen said:
Please do send her a message. And ask her is she has 5011 cousins on LHCF too. Everybody and their mama seems to know the woman and have put their hands in their head.

If that's the case then she def knows about LHCF.
I don't really have a problem believing it's Jada's hair.. if anyone remembers an early movie that she did about a young man visiting Martha's Vineyard with his family.. she had a head full of hair that was at least full APL. So sure, she probably doesn't use only CD products but it's not hard for me to believe that it's her hair.
Please remember that Jada is 4'11''. Thus growing BSL hair might be a "shorter" process than someone who is 5'11''. From her scalp to her bra ain't that long. But her short body makes it appear long

FYI -I'm 5'0''
I don't believe Jay Manual would flat-out lie about his client's hair. True, a stylist is a confidant and should never VOLUNTEER that his client is wearing a weave, and I don't know whether Jay Manual volunteered any information re: Jada's hair without being asked, or whether he just felt compelled to state that it is Jada's hair. I would think, for the sake of his own credibility, that he would not come out and say it was Jada's hair if it were not true. If he were repping Beyonce, for example, and the question came up, I would think he would side-step the question rather than flat-out lie and put his own credibility at risk.

Annyway, I posted my inquiry based on the assumption that it IS her hair, wanting to learn from what she did so I can apply it to my self. The feedback, however controversial, was helpful, as I have come to know the ladies on this forum to be very helpful! Thank you all!

star said:
I am in the entertainment industry and a stylist will NEVER say a person hair is a weave. Jada in her old movies had long hair, she then cut it short and started growing it back; last I heard she is wearing a weave to grow her hair back but she does not have it in all the time some of her photos in Hollywood does show her real hair which is about shoulder length. She does have fast growing hair which she mainly contributes to her diet but from working industry and having some of same stylist do my hair I do not believe that is her hair Carol's site. They are saying this to sell products since she now co-own Carol's Daugther. This is a marketing tactic.
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keluric said:
I don't really have a problem believing it's Jada's hair.. if anyone remembers an early movie that she did about a young man visiting Martha's Vineyard with his family.. she had a head full of hair that was at least full APL. So sure, she probably doesn't use only CD products but it's not hard for me to believe that it's her hair.

Are u talking about The Inkwell with Larenz Tate?? If so Jada most definately wore a full weave for that role.
czyfaith77 said:
We have one on here and she is doing quite well. I think her name is Scorpioqutie or Scorpiocuitie (sp?) She is not quite mid back but I believe she will get there this year. She is doing a great job and her hair is beautiful.
Just saw this and of course I am on my way stalking. I love hair and anything that grows I want 5 please!
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