IVF with Your Best Friend’s Husband (via REDDIT)


Well-Known Member

So in my freshman year of college, I met my friend (C) and we hit it off immediately to the point where we're still close friends to this day. Around the same time I started dating J, who I married two years later. Ever since the beginning, C has always had a big crush on J. It's become a bit of a running joke between the three of us. This whole thing has bothered me a little bit since the beginning, but I'm able to rationalize it. It's just a joke.

So C has wanted kids ever since I've known her. She's always said that she's going to spend her early years making as much money as she can so that she can effectively spend the rest of her time as a mother. In sophomore year she got a job as a traveling salesperson, and made her fortune. Now she's back, and she's decided to have her first child. I always assumed that she wanted to get married, or at least have a long term partner before doing something like this. But it turns out I was incorrect. She has asked J to be a sperm donor in her IVF treatment.

I feel very conflicted about this. On the one hand, I know that this is something that C has wanted for the longest time and I don't want to shoot her down. On the other hand, the fact that she's had a crush on J for years frames this in a different perspective. She wants him, and no one else. Suddenly the joke stops being funny. J once drunkenly admitted to me that he'd sleep with her almost immediately if I ever gave him a hall pass. I know it was just him joking around while drunk, but I've always believed that a drunk person's words are a sober person's thoughts. I know he'd just be jerking off into a cup and that's it, but it still feels weird to me. They're having a baby together if I say yes.

J has said that he won't do it without my approval first. I don't know what to tell him. Am I being paranoid, or is there more to this?
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You are not being paranoid.
That you all joke about this
is bizarre to me.
You need to quit tiptoeing
around the topic and
set boundaries.
I find C totally out of order :nono2:
I am struggling to find words
that won't get me banned.

I. Have. Lost. All. Ability. To. Can
Nothing about this makes sense unless she is already sleeping with him and ivf is the cover in the case she gets pregnant via natural causes. Only a fool would allow this. Even if they aren't already sleeping together there is no reason for them to continue refraining once she becomes his baby momma.
Never trust a snake. This woman is NOT your friend; she is a snake. She is full of poisonous venom. This is her venom into the relationship between you and your husband.

This is one of the oldest tricks in the world; women use pregnancy to trap a man and to ruin a relationship that he has with someone else. She is out to use your husband’s sperm as snake venom to destroy your marriage. And use her fangs to kill whatever love and trust that you and your husband share. i.e. “Baby Mama Drama”.

This woman is NOT to be trusted. She does not respect you. She is EVIL! You do not need her in your life. Kick her out :kick: with a quickness. Do not let her back into your life. Not even for a prayer.

She is the kind of woman who will slither under your sheets just to get next to your husband while you are sleeping next to him; and tell you, you were dreaming. That will be Baby No. 2, and not via IVF.
I'm open minded and flexible to a point. This should have been nipped in the bud years ago and not becoming a joke that she has a crush on your SO. There is no way anyone I'm dating much less married to allowed to tell me they would love to sleep with one of my friends. esp when said "friend" has said that they have a crush. This is not a time to debate, hedge an emphatic NO and she would be kicked to the curb
Hubby and his girlfriend (aka her friend) are out of order. And the wife seems dumb as hell to even entertain this.
How are you even friends with someone that has a crush on your man? How does that even happen? Never mind it being a running joke between the three of you.
Their running joke is extremely fun because it has that measure of truth and poor thing doesn't realize that she's the punchline to C and J eventually being together biblically. I bet $1,500 monopoly dollars that those two are already making foot for socks while J patiently waits on his hall pass from her to sleep with C.
Eventually they will start sleeping together. If they are not anyways.

Next thing you know your income will be her child support. She will ask him to sign the birth certificate. She will say you allowed it and were okay with it. She will say they need to be a family and the child needs a present father. This is a mess and you are the punchline. Like no.
I'm sorry, OP. This is a strong no, as you've gathered from the other posts. I actually wondered if it was real because I thought you might be a writer testing out a plot, but when I went back to look at some of your other posts, I think I confused you with another woman who is a writer on this forum. I do hope it's not too late for you to put a stop to all this. It has kind of passed nipping it in the bud, because the bud was some years ago and it's a full on weedy flower now. Time to do a 180 on the whole situation and hope it's not too late!
~~~~~~~~~~~~deleted~~~~~~~~~It was a song that reminded me of this thread but I don't want to make light of this since both friend and her husband are foul. I do wonder if her friend is already pregnant though.
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I'm sorry, OP. This is a strong no, as you've gathered from the other posts. I actually wondered if it was real because I thought you might be a writer testing out a plot, but when I went back to look at some of your other posts, I think I confused you with another woman who is a writer on this forum. I do hope it's not too late for you to put a stop to all this. It has kind of passed nipping it in the bud, because the bud was some years ago and it's a full on weedy flower now. Time to do a 180 on the whole situation and hope it's not too late!

I’m pretty sure she’s just reposting from one of those “Needing advice columns/ hear-this-crazy-story Reddit” posts.

I could be wrong though.
I think you should arrange a sit down with the three of you and a neutral third party. First on the agenda should be you taking a shovel to both of their skulls. Second on the agenda should be you and the neutral third party burying the bodies.

This need to be two 2 way conversation.
Way 1) Tell your husband you are not entertaining this foolishness. Period.
Way 2) Tell your friend you are not entertaining this foolishness. Period.

At last, terminate the friendship.

It sound like J went straight to the husband. The audacity!
Right....IVF "process" to cover up doing it the old fashioned way.

Agreed. I can hear C now “The IVF didn’t take! It’s so expensive, that money should be going to my unborn child. J and I think we should do this the natural way. He promises to think about you the whole time. Thanks!”

I really don’t appreciate C going to the husband first either. If the author was your friend first, you talk to her first or to them together
This need to be two 2 way conversation.
Way 1) Tell your husband you are not entertaining this foolishness. Period.
Way 2) Tell your friend you are not entertaining this foolishness. Period.

At last, terminate the friendship.

It sound like J went straight to the husband. The audacity!

You mean C went
straight to the husband J.
Dump both of them. I’m not keeping a man like that in my corner. And I’m definitely good on that kind of ‘friendship’. Maybe I’m really uptight but if you tell me you have a crush on my man, that will be the last time we hang out.

There can be no running jokes about you wanting to sleep with my friend/man. She sounds stupid even reciting this story.
Don't know about the OP but this ish does happen in real life. It reminds me of the story about Jacqueline du Pré (one of the best cellists to have ever lived) and her sister, their story is a lot worse than the OP. Sister claims Jacqueline(while married) made moves on big sister's hubby when she came to stay with them, and sister allowed her to sleep with her hubby because she didn't want her sister to become upset. Hubby was also down with it. Sister wrote a tell all book that was made into a movie. Her friends have challenged the sister's story but I see no reason for her to lie. Love the woman though, she was unbelievable on the cello!