I've come to the Descision to Transition


New Member
yep yep, as of today i'm offically transitioning to natural and i cant wait. i would really appreciate it if any body could post links to threads that has transitioning tips, natural hair tips and words of wisdom regarding transitioning and natural hair!

my reasons:

  • I love my relaxed hair, but i also love when its combing day and my hair turns big and bushy i feel at my most beautiful
  • relaxed hair is boring me, all i do it bun it, i cant and dont want to use heat on it at all
  • its healthy and what not, but what can be more stronger than natural afro hair?
  • i'm fed up of my hairstylist tellin me i need to relax more often as my hair grows to fast..i feel OWNED
  • I never had the choice when i was 11, my mum just sent me 2 my jelous cousin hairstylist to get a relaxer
  • relaxed hair has no character the only way it does it to heat style it or twist it up
  • reached a point in my life where i wanna find myself!

so please wish me luck, i cant see myself giving up on this as i hate when relaxer time comes and i love stretching...

my natural hair is very coarse 3b and its pretty straight, not really much curl pattern, only in the nape...

I'M SO DAMN EXCITED i'm actually crying i'm ready!
Good luck to ya!

Are ya gonna do a bc or just gradually cut your relaxed ends?

As for your hairdresser "owning" you by saying you need to relax more often: can't you INSIST that your hair should be relaxed on YOUR terms--it is your hair, after all....;)

Again, good luck...
the pics attached is what i'm aiming for, (me and my pops back in the day)

i feel ready as my relaxed hair, is in prime condition, long etc, and because of this i feel more happy to transition. i've grown it out from shoulderlength damaged to past brastrap length healthy and i know i could've definately got relaxed waistlength, so now its time for another hair journey!


  • happynbushy.jpg
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  • me_and_pops.jpg
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Whoa, this is a lovely shock in the morning! Good luck and I think you will be OK. How long are you planning to transition and what are your plans so far?
bklynwildheart said:
Good luck to ya!

Are ya gonna do a bc or just gradually cut your relaxed ends?

As for your hairdresser "owning" you by saying you need to relax more often: can't you INSIST that your hair should be relaxed on YOUR terms--it is your hair, after all....;)

Again, good luck...

the thing is, shes kinda getting on in age (60's) and its a lot of hair for her to deal with, if i leave it for 3 months she starts to complain, and to be honest, i cant be bothered with her anymore, shes the best thing for my hair, but its like relaxing is something i'm doing cuz i've always done it..

i think i'm gonna trim 1/2 every month to keep it around the same length, do twist outs and basically still treat my hair with care till my new growth takes over and i'll probabley chop when it gets to a cut off point!
Nymphe said:
Whoa, this is a lovely shock in the morning! Good luck and I think you will be OK. How long are you planning to transition and what are your plans so far?

i'm actually thinking wheres the best place to sell/donate my hair!

i'm just in a dream world now, i feel so positive. i love challenges and i think i'm bored of my relaxed challenge, i never straighten it, i treat it like its natural..

my plans:

  • do an avocado treat once per month to keep the demarcation strong
  • keep airdrying, and mainly wear twistouts or ardried pony tail
  • trim little by little
  • preotective styling when it gets colder
  • study natural hair sites like a new religion
  • read the bible to give me some strength
  • talk to my pops hes very pro-natural!
Candy_C said:
i'm actually thinking wheres the best place to sell/donate my hair!

i'm just in a dream world now, i feel so positive. i love challenges and i think i'm bored of my relaxed challenge, i never straighten it, i treat it like its natural..

my plans:
  • do an avocado treat once per month to keep the demarcation strong
  • keep airdrying, and mainly wear twistouts or ardried pony tail
  • trim little by little
  • preotective styling when it gets colder
  • study natural hair sites like a new religion
  • read the bible to give me some strength
  • talk to my pops hes very pro-natural!
I assume you have already stalked Iris and Peachtree's albums. ;) Once you get rid of the straight stuff, you can try some of the technique curlies use to see what your hair can do...you may be surprised. It is all in fun, right?
Good luck Candy_C. Your natural hair is absolutely gorgeous - you will enjoy the transition experience.
Congrats and good luck on your transition Candy!:D Your natural hair is going to look as beautiful as it is relaxed.:band: I plan on going natural again after reaching my desired relaxed length of armpit. Your are truly an inspiration girlie:)
Candy_C said:
i'm actually thinking wheres the best place to sell/donate my hair!

i'm just in a dream world now, i feel so positive. i love challenges and i think i'm bored of my relaxed challenge, i never straighten it, i treat it like its natural..

my plans:

  • do an avocado treat once per month to keep the demarcation strong
  • keep airdrying, and mainly wear twistouts or ardried pony tail
  • trim little by little
  • preotective styling when it gets colder
  • study natural hair sites like a new religion
  • read the bible to give me some strength
  • talk to my pops hes very pro-natural!

Hey Candy I see you have your natural regimen starting up. :grin: Are you going to continue using keraCareproducts for your transition and natural hair? Or are you going to search for only natural like products to use on your hair ex Aveda, Elucence etc? Thanks
berry87 said:
Hey Candy I see you have your natural regimen starting up. :grin: Are you going to continue using keraCareproducts for your transition and natural hair? Or are you going to search for only natural like products to use on your hair ex Aveda, Elucence etc? Thanks

thankyou ivanay and Berry87 i'm so excited i've wanted this deep down for a long time, so many of the british naturals have inspired me aswell as Poohbear, Iris and manyyyyyyyyyyy more!

Keracare is good to me, and my new growth loves it, so i think i'm gonna carry on! my natural hair loves water too, but i'm thinking i bet it will love MNT, my relaxed hair started 2 break after mnt for a while, but i think my natural hair will love it!

edited to say: irIS not ISIS although isis was definately an inspiration whilst happily relaxed
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Hey, CC

I can tell you were a daddy's girl. The pics of you and your father are too adorable. Got me choked up here. :)

You have beautiful relaxed hair so I am sure it will be beautiful natural too. Congrats on making your decision. It seems you have definitely weighed your options.

I loved looking at hair albums while I was natural. A lot of the albums have good tips on styling natural hair.

I didn't do the big chop because I was too chicken. I didn't want to be stuck with a decision and then decide I wanted to perm. So I started off by transistioning. It seems BC makes the most sense so you are not dealing with two textures. I wore up dos and roller sets while transitioning. I also wore braids for like 4 months (way too much time:confused: ) to aid my hair in growth. I also wore wigs and weaves which had me looking like a fool. When I had enough new growth, I started wearing twists.

The ladies are great here with giving hair advice. If you like I can send you some of my pictures. Just drop me a pm.

Here are some links that I used to help me on my journey.

Wow! I'm sure you will also find a lot of support on this board, so you already have that working in your favor, and yes, there is a wealth of helpful tips and advice on going natural.

I'm sure there will be times when you feel frustrated, since dealing with two textures can be a pain. I've actually considered going natural myself, lately, and, but don't think I want to go through the frustration of dealing with two different textures, and of course, cutting my hair.

Frustration aside, I'm sure it's exciting, and I'm excited for you, and look forward to your updates on your transition! :)
congrats on your decision to transition!! Your hair will be beautiful whether it's relaxed or natural!! In the beginning i used motown girls site, she is very informative and enlightening. And then i went to nappturality, TONs of natural hair info over there, and also browse other natural fotki albums, it will give you tips on styling and products. But i would stick with the products that has been working for you! It is so easy to become a product junkie when your transitioning and after you bc'd because of the excitement! Just remember to keep the products and your routine simple and you and you're hair will love it!
Thanks peeps! and whoever rated the thread 1 star..iTS ALL GOOD :D

CountryGal i would be honoured if you sent me some of you photos! I think your hair is goregeous, and jasmine26, woah your hair is beautiful too!

i'm already picturing myself wid a huge afro, sunglasses and some bling bling nex yr summer!

edited to say: Jasmine26 i'm lookin at motown girls site right now, its really good, shes answered most of the questions i had! i will check the other site now :)
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Congrats girl!!!!!!! You have beautiful hair now and I know it will be beautiful natural too.

Looking at albums and doing searches have really helped. I do not have a set routine down and I am still learning (at a little over 33 weeks into my transition) but it's all good. I think that it is important for all transitioners to post photos in fotki so that other transitioners can see what they may go through . I know for me I didn't see many of these photos just natural. As soon as I can get my carmera to work again (I always have problems with it) then I will try to post more often.

Keep your head high and your spirit strong, you may need it for the journey ahead of you. Good luck!!!!
NewYorkgyrl said:
Looking at albums and doing searches have really helped. I do not have a set routine down and I am still learning (at a little over 33 weeks into my transition) but it's all good. I think that it is important for all transitioners to post photos in fotki so that other transitioners can see what they may go through . I know for me I didn't see many of these photos just natural. Good luck!!!!

Congratulations on the next challenge/journey for you Candy_C. Remember to just take it one day at a time. :)

My hair was only at APL when I did the BC, but a bunch of us did keep transitioning albums. I always keep the link in my signature (it was a yahoo) simply because it might help someone else in their journey. Lovelymissyoli, jcoily, kitchentician, perfectdoak, onepraying are some people off the top of my head I remember who kept transitioning albums/journals.
Congrats on your transition!
I'm transitioning, too! Thus far, it's been incredibly easy for me and I hope that it will be for you, also.
Aww Congrats Candy C!! I also have an online transitioning album. Nothing much but its there if you wanna look in it :) And Im always here if you wanna ask me any questions! I dont think this will be a hard transition. You have a positive outlook so I think this will be a very easy transition!
beyondcute said:
Aww Congrats Candy C!! I also have an online transitioning album. Nothing much but its there if you wanna look in it :) And Im always here if you wanna ask me any questions! I dont think this will be a hard transition. You have a positive outlook so I think this will be a very easy transition!

ahh thanks hun, i remember our online "clashes" as such referrin to relaxed vs natural...but hey i guess if your words touched me so much, i was definately a natural dying to get out!

i'm gonna look at your album right now!
Good luck on your transition CandyC but can you tell me your regimen to getting where you are now at BSL because you have really long, healthy, beautiful and im trying to get there right now im at SL
Congrats Candy!
ITA with what all the ladies have said. I too dont have a regimen and Im 9 months post! But it all comes in time.
I also think its wonderful that you have sources of support (Bible and Daddy of course) I think having that one person who is supportive of you will help you in so many ways.

Welcome to the transition...its a journey.