I've been reading up on henna but it's kind of overwhelming! Help please!


sliding under the radar
It's just too much information to take in. My eyes are burning from reading so much.:lachen: I don't know whether to try henna or just do rinses. I want my hair to become dark brown or maybe even black. My hair is APL and relaxed. If i were to use henna i think i would like to use the BAQ kind. Is there a simple way to henna the hair without having to add a gazillion things to it. I saw one lady here say she puts henna /water/conditioner and that's it. Can it really be that simple?

Help ladies, how do you do your henna and have any had bad experiences?
If You want Black, (Darkest Brown) You should Stain your Hair First with Henna. I am also Relaxed. I use BAQ Henna. Mix with ACV only and allow the Dye to Release. Usually let it sit 8-12 Hours (Overnight). Apply the Henna Paste and Leave on for about 4 Hours. Rinse Out Thoroughly with V05 Conditioner (or White Rain or Suave).

Then I mix the Indigo with Salt and Warm/Hot Water. Apply over Freshly Henna'd Hair. Leave Indigo On for about an Hour. Rinse Again with V05, White Rain or Suave.

Deep Condition (usually with heat) with something like AO HSR or WC for about an Hour. And may just sit for another hour with the Conditioner on.

Rinse. Add Leave In Treatments etc.....

BAM! Black Hair!:grin: Comes out Perfect Every Time.
You can henna with just henna and water. As Catherine on Hennaforhair.com says, good BAQ henna does not require extra stuff for dye release. Now everyone has their own mix but I think for your very first time you should just do henna & water. And then make sure to condition well afterward.
My first henna experience was with the Lush Caca Noir bar which is henna mixed with indigo, cocoa butter, and some other things that're good for your hair. All I had to do was add warm water to it (that I had heated up in the microwave for 2 minutes), apply it to my hair, and leave it on overnight. My hair came out a darker, richer brown. After doing this three more times, my hair came out a nice, soft black.
thanks ladies. I want to try but i am scared. I will wait and see. How long should i wait to henna after a relaxer?
thanks ladies. I want to try but i am scared. I will wait and see. How long should i wait to henna after a relaxer?

It will be fine. I was kinda "scared"/Nervous too the first time, but I am so glad I did. It is far Superior than Bottled Color. And Healthy for Your Hair.

I waited at least a week 10 days after I relaxed. I think?:yep:

Although, I've read a lot of people have done it sooner.:perplexed
thanks ladies. I want to try but i am scared. I will wait and see. How long should i wait to henna after a relaxer?

You can do it whenever you want after a relaxer.. but it's not a good idea to do it too close before a relaxer (2 weeks or less) because it will prevent it from taking properly.
thanks for the advice ladies. I think i will try it with adding the water and conditioner. Hopefully it works out for me.