I've been diagnosed with Clinical depression


Well-Known Member
Please pray for me. Its been a rough couple of months since I have gotten back to school. I have not had 1 weekend to myself and I am always running around to do stuff for others. Lately, I have been going through financial troubles because of others being dependent on me. I do the best I can but I am a 20 year old college student struggling for herself. I can only do so much. Its all come to head when I was diagnosed with clinical depression today.:cry3: Please pray for me.
Please pray for me. Its been a rough couple of months since I have gotten back to school. I have not had 1 weekend to myself and I am always running around to do stuff for others. Lately, I have been going through financial troubles because of others being dependent on me. I do the best I can but I am a 20 year old college student struggling for herself. I can only do so much. Its all come to head when I was diagnosed with clinical depression today.:cry3: Please pray for me.

I will be praying for you. It is definently hard being in school and trying to go on with classes in the midst of the drama or pain going on in your life (fellow college student here). When you have too much to do, sometimes you have to say no to others, you have to take some time out for yourself before things spiral out of control (i know). If you can't provide for yourself, you have to let whoever know that is dependent on you that you just can't do it. Are you working and going to school?
I will be praying for you. It is definently hard being in school and trying to go on with classes in the midst of the drama or pain going on in your life (fellow college student here). When you have too much to do, sometimes you have to say no to others, you have to take some time out for yourself before things spiral out of control (i know). If you can't provide for yourself, you have to let whoever know that is dependent on you that you just can't do it. Are you working and going to school?

No, I'm just going to school....
This sounds like my mom lately.....you're about to make me cry reading that especially since you're so young and going through this too. I'm praying for you chickadee, be blessed girlie

Please pray for me. Its been a rough couple of months since I have gotten back to school. I have not had 1 weekend to myself and I am always running around to do stuff for others. Lately, I have been going through financial troubles because of others being dependent on me. I do the best I can but I am a 20 year old college student struggling for herself. I can only do so much. Its all come to head when I was diagnosed with clinical depression today.:cry3: Please pray for me.
Please pray for me. Its been a rough couple of months since I have gotten back to school. I have not had 1 weekend to myself and I am always running around to do stuff for others. Lately, I have been going through financial troubles because of others being dependent on me. I do the best I can but I am a 20 year old college student struggling for herself. I can only do so much. Its all come to head when I was diagnosed with clinical depression today.:cry3: Please pray for me.
I am honored to pray for you. :giveheart:

You're so young to have so much on you, so much responsibility. It's time for a break which is long overdue for you.

In Jesus's name, I pray the peace of God throughout your entire being. That your heart and soul shall only know the love and the peace of God.

We thank God for your precious life and for the loving heart that you have not failed to share with others; those to whom you've given so much. But unto you, shall even more be given. And I praise God that the fruit of all of your labor shall be rewarded and blessed beyond your deepest dreams.

I pray that God will become the closest comfort that you have ever known, for in this comfort and closeness, you will find strength, courage, and endurance to bring you through this all.

Be at peace and no longer fret for things which you've hoped for, which have not yet occurred. Allow the love of God to flow into your heart and cover you with His mercies from this moment on.

In Jesus's name, Amen and Amen.
Believe me sweetie, I can definitely relate. I've dealt with clinical depression all my life. That spirit of depression ain't no joke.:nono:

You'll be okay, we're praying for you..:kiss:
Glamourous, Im sorry to read about this. You definately have a lot going on in your life and I will pray that you will find peace soon.
You will be in my prayers. I know God is a good God and he longs to help heal wherever you hurt and whatever is paining you. Call on him and ask him to lift your burdens, release the weight that you have on your shoulders to the Lord. Give it to HIM and He will work it out. Thank him in advance for the blessings you know are on the way, the breakthrough you know will come to pass.

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks received, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or it he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!"

-Matthew 7:7-11

The Lord's love endures forever. He will deliver you from this. God bless you all.
I'm never very good at this kind of stuff, but I hope everything turns out well for you. I understand where you are coming from, I'm in a similar situation. You're definitely not alone. :hug3:
The doctor may have diagnosed you with clinical depression but know that the joy of the Lord is your strength. You do not need to claim it:nono: I pray that the Lord gives you the strength you need to come against this thing. Know that you are in our prayers. Be encouraged:kiss:
Please pray for me. Its been a rough couple of months since I have gotten back to school. I have not had 1 weekend to myself and I am always running around to do stuff for others. Lately, I have been going through financial troubles because of others being dependent on me. I do the best I can but I am a 20 year old college student struggling for herself. I can only do so much. Its all come to head when I was diagnosed with clinical depression today.:cry3: Please pray for me.

You will be in my prayers.
Thank you ladies. I'm seeing a psychiatrist tomorrow and I will be seeing a counselor on a regular basis now
Please pray for me. Its been a rough couple of months since I have gotten back to school. I have not had 1 weekend to myself and I am always running around to do stuff for others. Lately, I have been going through financial troubles because of others being dependent on me. I do the best I can but I am a 20 year old college student struggling for herself. I can only do so much. Its all come to head when I was diagnosed with clinical depression today.:cry3: Please pray for me.

First of all, I will say prayers for you. I'm so sorry to hear that. :nono:

Question though, did they say if this was situational depression or chemical depression - my understanding is that they both follow under the umbrella of clinical...?

And what are they going to do to treat it.

Just be careful of what they perscribe okay...:nono: I've had a friend whose been on different meds since highschool and some of them made her go from depressed to ...well...worse.

Just make sure you ask a lot of questions and demand tests if you need validation!