I've added new pics!


New Member
I\'ve added new pics!

I just wanted you to know I added a few new pics for this month to my album. I did a quick style that's not intricate but a little different. It's a "no makeup day" so I thought I wouldn't frighten you two months in a row with my bare face
I didn't even bother to do the "eye treatment" this time. So, you're just getting my head.

I realize I'm coming up on one year (in July) of not relaxing and staying natural. But, I'm not sure yet if I'll keep my natural hair or relax in July, I'll let you know what I decide. So, before I go home next month I will braid my hair again, which may be the last time I'll be doing it for awhile. So, enjoy them and let me know if I can help anyone with questions regarding cornrows...after doing them for a year, I think I'm more informed about them and their upkeep
Re: I\'ve added new pics!

Your hair looks beautiful in those braids with the beads...And your daughters are absolutely gorgeous like their mom.........
Re: I\'ve added new pics!

You hair looks beautiful. I am interesting in cornrows but I feel like they may come out lopsided if I attempt them on my own hair. Any pointers? And how do you get your knots so small?

Again, you and your hair are looking gorgeous as usual!!
Re: I\'ve added new pics!

Ok you are going to have me making a braid appointment. You look beautiful and your braids are jammin! Can you braid my hair?
Re: I\'ve added new pics!

Awwww, thank you SherryLove, they're actually prettier than their mom but I never tell them so....

dontspeakdefeat said:
You hair looks beautiful. I am interesting in cornrows but I feel like they may come out lopsided if I attempt them on my own hair. Any pointers? And how do you get your knots so small?

Again, you and your hair are looking gorgeous as usual!!

[/ QUOTE ]

DSD, you know something? I always do styles that really don't call for the design to be in really straight rows...haven't you noticed that about my pics? Let me tell you, when I part off a section to braid, I have to put clips on the parts I'm not using so they don't get mixed in. In all honesty, I have had to take braids down many times because I accidentally got other hair mixed in and the part ended up all "zigzag." Believe me, I am so hot when that happens too because braiding my own hair is tiring and I don't want to have to take nothing down once it's done
As for pointers, as I said, the thing I've found to work best is to either use a scrungie to hold the hair you are not using or clips. Also, anymore I will take a mirror and look at the parts to make sure they at least look decent. Sometimes I dont' care if they are "professionally straight" as long as they look nice and they end style is becoming to my face. You should try it, you never know what you can do until you try. If you do, be sure to let me know so I can see the pics

Thank you LadyL for the compliment. And, yes, I do braid my own hair...otherwise I would not be able to afford to change it up so often.

Thanks to you all.
Re: I\'ve added new pics!

Thanks Cybra! Good information. I may have to give it a try in the next couple of weeks. Maybe on my daugther's hair. What type of hair do you use and how do you get the knots so small?
Re: I\'ve added new pics!

How long do you leave them on? I'm starting to get mine to look half way decent, but only when I add extention hair. I may attempt an easier style for starters, though.
Re: I\'ve added new pics!

Very Pretty Cybra....

Im wondering the same thing DSD

i just dont think i could develop those skills
Re: I\'ve added new pics!

dontspeakdefeat said:
Thanks Cybra! Good information. I may have to give it a try in the next couple of weeks. Maybe on my daugther's hair. What type of hair do you use and how do you get the knots so small?

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh DSD, I'm so wrong to leave you hanging like that
As for the type of hair I use, I use the synthetic type, if that's what you mean, but be really careful not to get one that is too coarse. If the strands are stiff and too thick, don't use it. I also, sometimes, pretreat the hair by dipping it in water with fabric softener in it...to soften the extention hair. As for making the knots small, hmmmm, that's a good one. I never really thought much about that part, I guess it would have to do with how much hair you use for each part and then how you start. I take up a thin section at the start of part I'm going to braid, then I take it along with the two strands of extention hair (two strands because it's folded over) and I begin by simply braiding them a couple times before starting to pick up hair and begining the actual cornrow. I'm not sure, but maybe this is why the knots are small. Also, I do this because I find it places less tension on the starting point hair.

Wildflower, I leave my braids up usually for 2 weeks, 3 tops and then I take them out for a week before rebraiding them again. This last time, I left them out for 3 weeks because I wasn't up to braiding my hair again...lazy
But, I love the convenience of having it done and not having to do it for a couple weeks.

Thanks to all you ladies for your compliments. As so many have indicated in the past, your compliments are always so appreciated and encouraging.
Re: I\'ve added new pics!

Cybra!!!! Thanks so much for sharing your photos. I TRULY enjoyed viewing them and I must say your entire family is absolutely STUNNING!!!!

Shout out to BlackCardinal if you're reading this!
Re: I\'ve added new pics!

Hi from across the English Channel

I still cannot get over the fact that your are old enough to have your beautiful children.

Your cornrows look pretty as always. LOL can I come to Paris to get my hair done? I actually printed off your pictures last year to copy when I had cornrows.
Re: I\'ve added new pics!

All I have to say about you and that hair --- absolutely gorgeous! Girl, it doesn't make any sense to be this gorgeous and even while transitioning. I have been transitioning for 18 months and if I had skills like you, I would not even think about relaxing again. Your daughters are beautiful too! thanks for sharing.
Re: I\'ve added new pics!

I am serious, you ladies always have me blushing
...not to mention make me feel like a million bucks when I know I'm only a dollar

Tonya, I would love to braid your hair, you too pradalover. Actually, I am sooo much better at braiding others hair than I am at doing my own. You know how much easier it is to get around someone elses head, use clips to hold things, and do a "bomb" design. I am limited in what I can do with my own hair since I can't detach my head

Ms_k I'm glad you enjoyed the SG analysis. To be honest, I haven't taken it yet, but I thought it was nice and I plan to. I just added it last night before going to bed. I already pretty much know my gift...talking and shopping, but I don't know if you'd call those "spiritual"

Bonjour Anky. Ca va? I saw your updates and your hair is really growing. You go girl!!! Beautiful. I feel so weird being given so many compliments with all these beautiful women and their beautiful hair on this forum.

deborah, I often think about never relaxing again and keeping my hair in braids a bit longer...we'll see. I do like how much healthier my natural hair is and how thick it has become...hmmmm. I'll let you know what I decide, the jury is still out on that one

Thanks to all who complimented my family...I am truly proud of them too, even my 4-legged friends
God bless and do have a wonderful week.
Re: I\'ve added new pics!

Oh Cyba, your hair looks absolutely wonderful. You have such a lovely family.
Re: I\'ve added new pics!

Cyb, I threatened to come visit you before and I'm getting more and more serious about it. So enjoy your peace while in Paris. You will be back and I'll be waitin'. One thing I'll be coming for is lessons on cornrowing. Even after your very clear explanation, try as I might, I don't see how I could ever succeed in making my partings that neat and even. I'd have to pluck my head off and put it on my lap to do it right. But then I'd still need a pair of eyes to watch and see how I was doing it.

I just don't get it!
I just don't get it.

I feel as dumb as that guy who said to me he is always amazed that women can put eyeshadow on themselves so well/neatly. "How can they see what they are doing when they need to have their eyes closed to put apply it?"

So be afraid, Sis. I don't promise to make an appointment. I'll just come when I can't stand this state of not knowing anymore.