It's Official, I'm HL (Hip Length)!! sorry for the big pics

*Happily Me*

Well-Known Member

Congratulations! It's looks so thick and healthy. This is truly an inspiration!
Very little heat, like, once a month, if that.

Lots of con washes and braidouts.

Stretch between 10 and 16 weeks.

oil, oil and more oil

i have the bomb vitamin reggie which gives me enery to work out which gives me good circulation.

My main staples are Lekair cholestorol, CON shampoo and any clairifier. Anthing else is extra.

I'm kinda low maintenance.

thanks yall
Oh my lord...that's just amazing.

I love your hair so much I can't even speak.

You know you're my idol right?
Goodness, your hair always makes my jaw drop!!!! I don't post much, but watching your hair's progress has been really inspirational! How long are you wanting to grow?
.......... congrats...

(Need to drool some more before i can come up with anything more sensible to say.)
Wow, D!!! HL??? :thud:

What's this vitamin reggie you speak of? Now you know you can't talk about this bomb vitamin reggie and not tell us what you're taking! :lol:

And when did you change your name? Am I late? :lachen:
Oh my lord...that's just amazing.

I love your hair so much I can't even speak.

You know you're my idol right?

Why was I thinking the exact same thing? Goodness gracious girlie, that's unimaginable in my eyes. The thickness, oh my, is just............I can't even think of anything to say. I am completely in awe and truly inspired. That is one beautiful, thick, gorgeous head of hair and I am so thankful that you shared you progress and your pics with us. Many congratulations and thanks again for sharing such wonderful pics!!!
Look at all that hair!! I was thinking to myself "that sure does look like Dsylla's hair" and it is you!!! Great job!!