It's My Nappy-versary! One Year's Worth of PICS (pic heavy)

Your hair is beautiful!!! Congrats on your anniversary - you really are making great progress AND you cut off all that hair to start with!!! Go head girl!!
Your hair is so pretty! You make me want to do the BC instead of continuing to transistion.

Your hair is beautiful!!! Congrats on your anniversary - you really are making great progress AND you cut off all that hair to start with!!! Go head girl!!

Take your time and be sure that you are ready when you do it :grin: I thought I had mentally and emotionally prepped myself for the BC before I did it, but it was such a shock to see all my hair in the and see myself with such short hair! I cried! And people's reactions, wow! At first I wondered whether or not I BC'd too soon....For the first two months I swear I did daily length checks hoping that I had miraculously grown inches overnight, lol. Tons of people on this board say that "A watched pot never boils", and how true it is!. I took that to heart, learned how to care for my hair properly, style it in different ways, and love it in all of it's crazy glory. It's been really cool enjoying every milestone and length gain.

Amazing!!!!. Please share your regimen.

Right now I am in the Twist for Growth challenge so I generally keep my hair in twists for a week.

- Wash day: DC with AO HSR (I use my gym's steam room and DC after my swim), and at night wash with Chagrin Valley shampoo bar, followed by ACV rinse; make about 10 braids for detangling; condition and detangle with cheapie condish (Vo5, Suave, White Rain, Herbal Essence). I rinse the condish, but keep a little in for the twists. I twist with what's on hand, usually shea butter, but I also use SheaMoisture and Miss Jessie's Baby/Buttercreme. Seal twists with castor oil. Sleep with a satin bonnet and in the morning, let the shower steam plump them up again or spritz them.

- I baggy about every other day...just spritz with a moisture mist (just condish and water in a bottle) and baggy. Moisturize my ends every night with castor, olive, or coconut oil.

- Sometimes I'll wear a twistout on day 6 or 7, and I will just cowash my hair, leave some of the condish in, take my twists out, shake, and go!


Gorgeous hair, and I know this is off-topic,
but what's your skin regimen.
It looks flawless.

Wow, thanks, lol:grin: I was just talking about how much it's driving me nuts! I use Mary Kay products day and night.