(!!!) It's been HALF A YEAR since my LAST RELAXER (!!!)


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
I can't believe I have gone 6 months (24 weeks counting) without relaxing my hair! :yay: This would be abnormal back during the time when I used to relax regularly! :yep:

With the help of God, tips from LHCF, staying focus, and being patient, I am able to stay strong in this journey to being natural. I ignore all the negativity about natural hair because I know I am doing what is best for MY hair. :cool: Also, after seeing so many different lengths of beautiful, healthy-looking relaxed heads here and other places, I can't believe I am this strong not to relax my hair! :shocked: So it is definitely a mind transformation as well as a hair transformation...this transitioning process has been an amazing experience! I have thought about getting my hair cut in some sort of short hair style so it will be more manageable (IMO), but I think I will wait until I am more comfortable to cut my hair.

I know 6 months may not very VERY far along...It's just a big accomplishment to me, and I just wanted to share with you ladies. :antlers: Anyway, I love the texture of my new growth (even if it may or may not be scab hair...doesn't seem like it is to me), and I just can't wait to completely wear my natural hair! *I don't know how many times I've said that* :p

For all you other transitioners out there...hang in there, hang in there! We will survive! Woo-hoo!:woot:
Congrats on your natural progression. There will always be negativity from someone about something,I say as long as you are pleased that's all that matters. I got so much slack from people about not relaxing my hair, but I love the versatility of natural hair.
YAYAYAY pooh bear IM so happy for you....

dont change your mind like me...I got to my 6th month and decided to texturize ....stay strong!!
Praise God!! Congrats! That is a huge accomplishment!! Way to go!!! :woot: You've come a mightly long way girlfriend!

*in my news reporter's voice*

How many inches of newgrowth to relaxed ends do you have?

How tough has it been battling the two textures?

How have you been wearing your hair?

What products have helped you style your hair in the some of the smooth styles I've seen you with?

Do you have any pertinent advice for future and current transitioners?

Onepraying signing out for Channel 2 Action News! :lol:

Well Done,

That a great acommpliment, I bet your hair is beautiful !!!!
Do you have any pictures !!. Do you still have relaxed ends

kizzylonghair said:
Well Done,

That a great acommpliment, I bet your hair is beautiful !!!!
Do you have any pictures !!. Do you still have relaxed ends

Thanks! :D

I have pictures but right now my album is hidden from any viewers (I haven't had anything bad happen to me yet, just taking safety precautions from crazy people online...I might take it down completely). :cool:

Yes, I do have relaxed ends. I would say I have about 3-4 inches of natural hair and about 14 inches of relaxed hair (but I have different lengths of hair all over from a layered cut). ;)
Well here you go OnePraying Reporter! :grin:

How many inches of newgrowth to relaxed ends do you have?
newgrowth: 3-4 inches
relaxed ends: different lengths all over, longest section about 14 inches I guess, not sure (the back is the longest section of my hair and it is about 3-4 inches past my shoulders when all my hair is straightened if that helps).

How tough has it been battling the two textures?
When I tried to transition back in April 2004, I couldn't deal with it and ended up relaxing. But since October 2004, it's been pretty much a breeze after learning more about taking care of my hair.

How have you been wearing your hair?
bun or braidout

What products have helped you style your hair in the some of the smooth styles I've seen you with?
Citre Shine Gel
Suave Professionals Humectant

Do you have any pertinent advice for future and current transitioners?
Do not desire your hair to be like anyone elses, worry about your own hair...
If you need to comb your hair, only comb it to detangle when wet or soaked with conditioner...
Stay focused on your hair goals, be patient, and try not to think about hair so much!

Onepraying signing out for Channel 2 Action News! :lol:

Thanks for your interest One Praying! ;)
Congrats on your progress, six months is a very big accomplishment:clap: and I'm happy that you've made it this far. Good luck on the rest of your transitioning journey:)!
Congratulations girl! I am stretching to 26 weeks (6 mos, 2 weeks), that way I will only be re-touching twice a year! I'm proud of you!
Go Poohbear! I'm so happy for you. If you can make it for 6 months I'm sure you can hang in there for the rest of your transition. How long do you think you will transition in total? Just curious. Keep up the good work and I can't wait for your future post that will read, "Poohbear's all natural!" :rosebud:
Congrats Pooh!! 6 months is a long time. How long more do you plan to transition? I plan on cutting a couple inches this weekend and the rest this August.
@ hopeful & chocolate01.... I plan on cutting my relaxed ends off in April 2006. If I'm still not satisfied with the length, I will wait until that fall. :yep:

@ SilkyandSmooth... it sure is a great feeling! no more worries about those relaxers burning my scalp! :yay:

Thanks ladies for your responses ladies! :kiss:
Poohbear: congrats to you! The mental part of the transition really is the biggest hurdle to overcome- with LHCF tips and advice the rest is definitely a breeze.

chocoate01: you have some beautiful thick healthy hair can't wait to see your all natural hair in a few more months!
tryn2growmyhair said:
Congrats, Poohbear :kiss:

How did you use the Humectant for the smooth styles? Did you use it as a leave-in?
I usually use Suave Humectant as a conditioner wash. I sometimes leave it in all over my hair after I wash. ;)
Congrats Poohbear!!!

Enjoy the journey!!

I felt soooo incredibly good about my hair when I was transitioning. I N-E-V-E-R imagined myself with natural hair... it just never crossed my mind as an option... Relaxed hair was all I knew (& all I was comfortable with) UNTIL I DISCOVERED LHCF :grin: Now, I can't imagine myself without natural hair! Goodness, how much I've changed! :grin:

Yes I agree... it's DEFINITELY a MIND TRANSFORMATION... & a BEAUTIFUL ONE at that ;)
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Congrats Poohbear!! This is really an accomplishment. You are stronger than me :lol: One day though, one day I'll be saying "It's been HALF A YEAR since mylast relaxer!" Lord willing. Congrats again and keep up the good work! :up:
Good job, Poohbear. I remember being happy at the 2 month mark. It takes a heck of a lot of patience to transition. And believe me, 6 months is a milestone (hopefully one of many for you).

Before I knew it, I had transitioned for 19 months. And this July will be my 2nd year completely natural. Time really does fly by- just don't worry yourself ragged over how much it's growing every month. Keep it healthy and it will grow like a weed.

By the way- I'm in Lexington. So, we gonna rep for the central Kentucky nappies together one day, ok?
Poohbear, you are such an inspiration for me. I've never transitioned b4. I always BC'd. This is no joke for real. But seeing someone else make it (even 6 mths) makes me feel better. Congrats and see you in Apr 06! ;)
CONGRATS Poohbear! Looks like we started transitioning around the same time! Good Luck! Happy Hair Growing!! :dance7: