Its been a year!!!


Well-Known Member
May 5 2012 I shaved off my hair to support a good friend who lost her hair to chemo because of breast cancer. I also donated my hair as it was natural and prime length for donating

Before the cut


Then after the cut



Now I've been growing my hair out following a very simple reggie which is in my profile I believe.

My friend is still fighting the good fight. The cancer spread to her lymph nodes and had to be removed and she had to restart chemo :(

She will lose all of her hair again but she is praying, staying positive and staying strong for her self and all of her loved ones.

Now that I went through that here is my hair now, one year later May 8 2013



I'm not illiterate. It's my phones auto correct
May 5 2012 I shaved off my hair to support a good friend who lost her hair to chemo because of breast cancer. I also donated my hair as it was natural and prime length for donating

Before the cut

Then after the cut

Now I've been growing my hair out following a very simple reggie which is in my profile I believe.

My friend is still fighting the good fight. The cancer spread to her lymph nodes and had to be removed and she had to restart chemo :(

She will lose all of her hair again but she is praying, staying positive and staying strong for her self and all of her loved ones.

Now that I went through that here is my hair now, one year later May 8 2013

I'm not illiterate. It's my phones auto correct

What an amazing and wonderful person and friend you are. I am so sorry about your friend and tell her to please keep fighting. Such a blessing to have you in her life. Your hair looks amazing. So thick and healthy looking. Are you still natural?
Yes still natural. I can't flat iron at this length yet (uncoordinated) so I,hot combed it. Its wrapped right now :) thank you

I'm not illiterate. It's my phones auto correct
You wear the short hair well. God bless you and your friend! There seem to be more and more stories like's just hair.
You are gorgeous inside and out! WOW! Can you be my friend too? You are inspirational! I wish your friend all of the best!
Your hair looks fantastic, Mo. So lush and healthy.

And you are such a good friend. Scratch that ... a GREAT friend!! The world needs more people like you. :yep:
I remember your chop and I'm still praying for your friend. Great friend you are indeed and wonderful hair progress -- it looks great.
It's hard to believe it's been a year since you did this Mz.MoMo5235. I'm sorry to read of your friend's setback, but she sounds like a fighter and I'm sure she draws strength from having great friends like you. All the best to her. Your hair is growing out nicely. I also thought you looked really good with the short cut.
This is my first time seeing how beautiful you are! What a great thing you did by supporting your friend. You actually look incredible with your head shaven. I amazed by your growth!
Yay! I ran in to see your 1 year update. Your hair looks so healthy and you look great!!
Thanks for updating, you've retained all your growth! I remember when you first shaved it off. My prayers are with your friend.
What an awesome friend you are. And you have been added to my hairspiration list because I don't know many people who look good with short, medium, & long hair.

I am praying for your friend's recovery and for your emotional strength as you walk with her thru this journey.
May 5 2012 I shaved off my hair to support a good friend who lost her hair to chemo because of breast cancer. I also donated my hair as it was natural and prime length for donating

Before the cut

Then after the cut

Now I've been growing my hair out following a very simple reggie which is in my profile I believe.

My friend is still fighting the good fight. The cancer spread to her lymph nodes and had to be removed and she had to restart chemo :(

She will lose all of her hair again but she is praying, staying positive and staying strong for her self and all of her loved ones.

Now that I went through that here is my hair now, one year later May 8 2013

I'm not illiterate. It's my phones auto correct

May I suggest your friend research the "Gerson Therapy". And congrats to you,
Thanks everyone for the support for me and especially for my friend. She had an MRI done today and everything came back negative which is good. She will continue with this round of chemo and hopefully be cancer free.

Thanks again guys. This site is always so supportive ^_^

I'm not illiterate. It's my phones auto correct
Thanks everyone for the support for me and especially for my friend. She had an MRI done today and everything came back negative which is good. She will continue with this round of chemo and hopefully be cancer free.

Thanks again guys. This site is always so supportive ^_^

I'm not illiterate. It's my phones auto correct

That's wonderful news! :-) :-) :-)
Me too! LOL
I love how your hair is growing. It has natural layers.
Such wonderful news about your friend too.

Girl these layers are killing softly lol but I refuse to do a blunt cut til I get to apl... Or longer lol I dunno.

And yes the MRI result is great news indeed :)

I'm not illiterate. It's my phones auto correct
I'm really happy so many remember the org thread and just me in general. I don't post much any more as I already have a solid reggie and few questions so I just lurk for hair porn.

Glad to be remembered lol :)

I'm not illiterate. It's my phones auto correct
Yes I remember when you did this aaawwwwww so sorry to hear she is going through it all over again.