"Itchies" before touchups


New Member
\"Itchies\" before touchups

Does anyone experience this?

This is always my "tell-tale" sign that it's time to touchup my new growth. It starts around week 6 or 7. (I normally touch up at week 8.) And it drives me crazy!!

If not the "itchies", does anyone have any other "signs" indicating that it's time to touch up?

Or am I the only one?
Re: \"Itchies\" before touchups

I used to get terrible itchies. What helped me was making it a priority to wash my hair about 3 days before the perm, so I'd know at least my scalp was nice and clean, and my scalp was well stimulated. This generally alleviated the problem.
Re: \"Itchies\" before touchups

At week 6, washing or rinsing generally works but as I approach week 8, I suffer the day after I wash or rinse!

For instance, I washed last night and I'm itching like crazy today!
I just don't get it! The funny thing is that after I touchup, the itchies are gone!
Re: \"Itchies\" before touchups

I get this really bad too which isn't good because I like to extend my relaxer. I mix olive oil with peppermint oil and do a pre-shampoo treatment. That normally calms my scalp. I think anything minty would do prior to your shampoo - leave on for a couple of hours then shampoo.
Re: \"Itchies\" before touchups

Thank you, Nita, for that tip!
What I normally do is switch up my shampoo/conditioner. I use Giovanni's Triple Treat Shampoo which is very soothing--it has rosemary and peppermint oils which really helps. Then I condition with St. Ives Hair Repair Intensive Conditioner Moisture Treatment. I let sit on my head for about 30 minutes and it is totally invigorating. It has rosemary and peppermint oils too....But as soon as my hair drys, the very next day, I itch....only right before I need a touchup??
Re: \"Itchies\" before touchups

I used to get the itchies prior to a touchup. I was using the Keracare Dry and Itchy Scalp Glossifier. One of the ingredients contained salicyic acid. I discontinued the product and the itchies went away.
Re: \"Itchies\" before touchups

Hmm....that's interesting!

I know that the poo/conditioner combo doesn't have that ingredient...Plus, my itchies only occur before touchup time! It's so strange!!
I dislike when this happens since I don't want to scratch before the touchup!
Re: \"Itchies\" before touchups

My dermatologist prescribed a cream to use for the itchies. However, I never used it once I figured out the problem. I will give you the name tomorrow. I don't recall it at the moment.
Re: \"Itchies\" before touchups

A mind is a terrible thing to waste. It was called "Ultravate."

Good Luck,

Re: \"Itchies\" before touchups

You know what? The only time I get the itchies before a touch up, is the night before the touch up! I know it's all in my mind, just thinking about it because I do my own touch ups. I'm always thinking of ways to improve my application time. Hoping I don't screw up, and I think about how straight I wanna get it. Just all these thoughts running around in my mind, next thing I know my head is itching like crazy!
Re: \"Itchies\" before touchups

You know, Stormy, that is EXACTLY what I used to think too....But I thought that was truly rediculous, you know? But there has to be some validity to it if you really think about it....Because after the touchup, I have no problems for the next 6-7 weeks! How strange?!!!
Re: \"Itchies\" before touchups

same here! I wait 10 weeks. No itchies till then, when I used to wait 8 weeks, no itchies until then either.