It has begun

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Divya, for me this is what I was totally offended were not the poster who posted the quoted paragraph below...this I find to be inflammatory, and frankly, I stand by what I have already posted. Truly, truly this is not edifying to the Body of Christ at all. She says "it all comes down to the day we worship", hence we are all in error who worship on Sunday, right? I can assure you that I am not worshipping a devil on Sunday...I am worshipping The Lord Jesus Christ who has given me access to the Throne Room of the Most High by His precious Blood!

...So please don't tell me that (even if you weren't the one who posted this) this isn't about Sunday worship, 'cause the OP made it so.

I am officially out of this thread.

Quoted from Blazingthru...
"In Europe Sunday Laws are coming strongly in effect. this is very serious. God has told us all that is to happen but some will not believe. Many say so it has nothing to do with them. but it does. It all comes down to the day you worship. Why is the day so significant to Satan. It is so significant because he counterfeits everything that God has said we are to do. He always find a way to change it around. It is his plan to be worshiped. It has been that way from the very begining. He has gotten most of the world to accept his day of worship without question. Yes without question. The sabbath has been established throughout the bible and yet people say this happen or that happen to change the day but you can't change your birthday can you. or the day you gave birth to your child. God will never changed the day he completed his work. Not ever. It is the day that points to the one and true God. It is his holy day. Now it comes down to whether you will live or die to follow it or not. I have made my decision and it was not easy at first but it became easy. I am praying for others to make a decision we do not have much time. Once its fully in affect there is no more chances of being saved."
Daniel 7:25 - And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."

Revelation 13:18 - Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

But through it all...

Revelation 14:12 - Here is the patience of the saints; here are those[a] who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
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Divya, for me this is what I was totally offended were not the poster who posted the quoted paragraph below...this I find to be inflammatory, and frankly, I stand by what I have already posted. Truly, truly this is not edifying to the Body of Christ at all. She says "it all comes down to the day we worship", hence we are all in error who worship on Sunday, right? I can assure you that I am not worshipping a devil on Sunday...I am worshipping The Lord Jesus Christ who has given me access to the Throne Room of the Most High by His precious Blood!

...So please don't tell me that (even if you weren't the one who posted this) this isn't about Sunday worship, 'cause the OP made it so.

I am officially out of this thread.

Quoted from Blazingthru...
"In Europe Sunday Laws are coming strongly in effect. this is very serious. God has told us all that is to happen but some will not believe. Many say so it has nothing to do with them. but it does. It all comes down to the day you worship. Why is the day so significant to Satan. It is so significant because he counterfeits everything that God has said we are to do. He always find a way to change it around. It is his plan to be worshiped. It has been that way from the very begining. He has gotten most of the world to accept his day of worship without question. Yes without question. The sabbath has been established throughout the bible and yet people say this happen or that happen to change the day but you can't change your birthday can you. or the day you gave birth to your child. God will never changed the day he completed his work. Not ever. It is the day that points to the one and true God. It is his holy day. Now it comes down to whether you will live or die to follow it or not. I have made my decision and it was not easy at first but it became easy. I am praying for others to make a decision we do not have much time. Once its fully in affect there is no more chances of being saved."

Alright, I do understand how this is coming across to you. It is not an attack on you and anyone else but on the Satan's counterfeits. That's is what Satan does, create counterfeits for God's truth. We simply disagree as to what the counterfeits.

The thing is that there are some of us who do believe, based on our understanding of Scriptures, that Sunday is a counterfeit to God's Holy Sabbath. Does that mean we believe Sunday worshipers are automatically going to hell? Absolutely not. In fact, many of us do not even define hell the same way most Christians do (that's another discussion). We do believe that those who choose to keep God commandments, including the Sabbath, will be persecuted. And there will come a time when we will have to choose...
Isaiah 14:

12How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

To put a group of Christians in league with satan, because they worship God on Sunday, certainly does imply that you believe that Christians that worship on Sunday are going to Hell as far as I am concerned. According to the passage of scripture quoted above, lucifer will be brought down to hell, anyone who follows him will join him there. Hell is real. Hell is a place. Hell is a pit. In the book of Matthew there is described a fire in this pit. So, no, I didn't put words in anyone's mouth. We're just getting over the surface fluff and getting to the heart of the matter.

I pray people see this doctrine for what it is.

Alright, I do understand how this is coming across to you. It is not an attack on you and anyone else but on the Satan's counterfeits. That's is what Satan does, create counterfeits for God's truth. We simply disagree as to what the counterfeits.

The thing is that there are some of us who do believe, based on our understanding of Scriptures, that Sunday is a counterfeit to God's Holy Sabbath. Does that mean we believe Sunday worshipers are automatically going to hell? Absolutely not. In fact, many of us do not even define hell the same way most Christians do (that's another discussion). We do believe that those who choose to keep God commandments, including the Sabbath, will be persecuted. And there will come a time when we will have to choose...
I understand that we're coming from different perspectives on the Sabbath, but even still, I would think that the church (and even society to a certain extent) openly and explicitly affirming a day of rest and the need to honor the Lord (in the case of the Catholic Church) would be a very good thing, and more heartening than anything else.

Regardless of one's view on the Sabbath, I don't believe the Bible says anything about it with reference to the end times. We don't worship a day, but the Lord, so I don't think that passage should be construed to be talking about days of the week.

Thanks for this post! Thread closed.
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