Ok so this is my first time posting(I am here at work checkin all these beautiful threads by all you beautiful ladies. I just went tru the 31 pages of the 'post your favorite hair pic' W-O-W is all i can say!) I am Aida, 19 years old and I live in The Netherlands. I have been transisitioning for about 8 months now and hairboards are the best thing that could happen to me! Loving the vibe here and positivity because we all know not EVERY board has that-wont be mentioning any names but yall Know whats up(LOL)
ANYWAYS,so I saw this thread and I just HAD to log in and finally post my first post because a couple of days ago I was reading another forum(LMAO..I have no life huh) although that wasnt a hairforum,it was just a random dutch forum. So somebody opened a thread about white people who have black or biracial (adopted) kids and their nappy hair and the white folks not knowing how to deal with their hair.
I read some comments from Black people which made me actually go kinda crazy behind my screen,I just wanted to go and register just to respond to it but I had to calm the *** down.
They said that Nappy/curly/coily/'black' hair DOESNT LIKE WATER because WATER MAKES BLACK HAIR DRY and Crunchy and the best product for black hair is GREASE. -blank stare-..then some white people were like: oh yeah? I didnt know that,that doesnt make sense.. I wanted to go and say something sooo bad:YO GO WHITE GIRL!! Of course it doesn't make sense.UGH Ignorance. And to be honest,this is what my mom,grandma,aunties..everybody been telling me my whole life too and this is how I end up with a head full of straw-ish dry dull crappy relaxed hair. WE GOTTA DO BETTER MY PEOPLE. We just need to spread more knowledge and thats why I loveeeeeeeee these kinda boards
[/ok end venting-mode] *SIGH*