Is Your Winter Hair Regimen Diff't than Other Seasons?


New Member
Have you changed your hair regimen for the cold winter months? If so, how? Is it ok to co-wash once a week and regular shampoo once a week (2 washes per week) or do I need to minimize my washing to minimize drying?
My hair regimen is pretty much the same all year.:) I have always washed and deep conditioned 2 x each week, airdrying in rollersets.
The only thing that changed for me is that I needed a heavier moisturizer to combat the dry air in my house and at work. So (2x a day) I mist with Surge/S-Curl or Cantu shea butter leave in and follow up with ORS Olive Oil moisturizer (in the jar).

In the summertime I wouldn't use the ORS.
Mine is way different.

In the winter
Twice a week CWC
Deep condition both times
Use heavier oil based moisturizer

In the summer
Daily co washes
Twice a month deep conditioning
Water based leave-ins and gel
B_Phlyy said:
Mine is way different.

In the winter
Twice a week CWC
Deep condition both times
Use heavier oil based moisturizer

In the summer
Daily co washes
Twice a month deep conditioning
Water based leave-ins and gel

This is what I do, too. I also stop using glycerin in the cooler months.
miss Congeniality said:
This is what I do, too. I also stop using glycerin in the cooler months.

I also stopped using the glycerin in the cooler months and no leave in humectants since they pull moisture from the air to your hair the humectants only work for me in the warmer months they make my hair dry in the winter

I use heavier products in the winter and deep condition more often most days I wear a hat or nice scarf because it's too cold in the morning to wash n go I do my shampooing and cond at night

In the warmer months I co wash or wet my hair daily
nope. i didn't change a thing for my regimen then again this is Florida. It's like this all year. I can count on one hand how many cold days we've had so far.
Very Different:

Winter: Straight - using maxiglide or roller sets
Summer: Curly - Cowash, moisturize and let it be
not too much different but i have upped the moisture and needed something heavier to seal it in from the artificial heat and chilly winds.

at first i thought i needed grease but i found pure shea butter to work great and i also try to toss in a few straight hair days since the humidity is low.
In the spring/summer I use more moisturizers and gkycerin-based products. In fall/winter I use less moisturizers and a lot of oils. Also, last summer I just washed my hair and pulled it back all the time, now I rollerset it to straighten it so it doesn't tangle so much when it's windy. I might keep this up throughout next year though.
I haven't changed my regimen drastically. The only thing I've changed is cutting out co-washes and protective styling more. I don't have time to co-wash and with the cold weather, wet hair is a no-go. I pin my hair more to cut down on the exposure of my ens to the harsh elements. Other than that, my products and techniques generally remain the same year-long.