Is your SO/DH who you thought you would end up with???


Well-Known Member
Forgive me if there is another thread like this I didn't see one...

So i was thinking today, my SO is nothing like the person I thought I was going to be with but now I cant see myself without him at least not as happy as I am right now.

When i was younger I always thought that I would be with a tall very muscular, funny, romantic, conservative,shy,lightskinned/white, light eyes, mysterious,tactful... yea so far my SO has 3 of those qualities, tall muscular and funny. He is so different from what i thought i wanted but yet we balance eachother out. He will say to someone we know "yea that dress is hideous" ill add "but you pull it off", then we go have a silent laugh about it:lol::lol::lol:... Just wanted to know if anyone else is with someone they never expected to be with and is loving it as much as me.
Except for being tall and skinny, he is nothing like I thought my future SO/DH would be. We are from opposite worlds. The first night after moving in together he went down on his knees and prayed before coming to bed. That was the strangest thing I have ever experienced. Kinda freaked me out and I laughed. That was innappropriate on my part but it just seemed strange because he just did not seem like the kind of man that went down on his knees and prayed before going to bed every night.

I waste money and he is a saver. I have expensive taste and he loves a bargain. Also he never used to swear and I had a potty mouth. With him I can be loud and volatile and he is quiet. I remember the first time we had an argument. to say he was shocked is an understatement. I love solitude and quiet and lazing about when not working and he loves constant loud music blaring from his big music system and he always has to be fixing something in the house or doing the gardening. He makes friends easily and all the neighbours know him and I am a loner don't know or speak to any of the neighbours. However, over the years some of our differences have rubbed off on each other. I think we balance each other out. I had no intention of getting married to anyone when we met but he said he was the marrying kind, so here we are.

We have been married 10 years now.
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Looks wise I've always been attracted to (and attracted) super tall, chocolate, and muscular men. But God made NO mistakes when he BLESSED me with my medium height, light bright (LOL), more to love hubby. This man is my life twin, I tell you. Or personalities are so different but we compliment each other beautifully. He gets me and I get him. He's all the things I wanted in a husband so I couldn't be happier. Although he wasn't what I'd usually go for, back in the day, that man is super sexy to me.
I had no idea who I'd marry (what the package would look like), as I dated so many different colors. I was amused that my fiance is black because it was very up in the air about who. I just wanted them to be wonderful and have their stuff together (financially, emotionally, intellectually), and also a sense of humor splashed in there for fun. So I got everything I wanted in reference to that. But I didn't have a certain look. I did however have a height issue for a while (lol!). I feared the Napolean complex of some short guys like my dad. I wanted the EXACT opposite of my dad and since my dad is 5'7 I wanted a tall guy and only dated tall guys. Until My fiance walked in at a medium height of 5'9 1/2 (ha!) or is he 5'10? Well either way he's in the 5's and I never thought I'd see the day. But then again I'm not silly enough to throw away a good thing all because of something that minuscule and I'm glad I was smart enough to let go of that. Because not only do I love him deeply, but he is one of the most compassionate, loving people I've ever met. My fiance is the opposite of my dad in every way (besides height) though so I am happy to say that I have a good catch that knows how to respect, and love a woman, while also lifting her up instead of tearing her down. He's supportive in every way, and well....let me stop because I just could go on about him for days:grin: :)
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Im happy to see so many happy people on this board, its amazing the gifts that we are given. Love comes in all different shapes and colors
Hes exactly who I thought I would marry except I figured my husband would b like 6'8'' and my husband is only 6'5''. What can I say I'm a whore for hieght
This is funny because I went through a single period where I dreamed and prayed for the type of man I wanted. By God if He didn't bless me with the 'man of my dreams'. He's very smart, but not c0cky about it, taller than me, but short to others, he's a handyman, very compassionate and loving. I'm truly blessed to have him in my life.