Is Your Man Allowed to Touch Your Hair?


Well-Known Member
Whenever a guy ask if he can touch my hair or he just does it without asking, I always cringe because I feel like my hair isn't silky enough. He for darn sure can't run his fingers thru it without getting stuck, lol. I also know a lot of black women are like, "you should no better." So what do you think? Is he allowed to touch your hair?
I really don't like anyone in my hair unless it's for a specific purpose (washing, relaxing, etc.). I usually don't say anything to hubby when he does touch my hair (for some reason he loves to do that), but sometimes I'll swat his hand away. :lol:
I love it when guys touch my hair. The ones who have seemed to like the way it feels even though hairdressers have told me that my hair is dry.
Nah. My boyfriend isn't the "run your fingers through my hair" type of guy. He'll SAY it's cute or he likes a particular style, but he'll never touch it.
I'm single since going natural but when I was relaxed I loved for my man to play in my hair. Its very soothing. :)
caligirl said:
Whenever a guy ask if he can touch my hair or he just does it without asking, I always cringe because I feel like my hair isn't silky enough. He for darn sure can't run his fingers thru it without getting stuck, lol. I also know a lot of black women are like, "you should no better." So what do you think? Is he allowed to touch your hair?
shooooot! i WISH i had a man to play in my hair!!! i feel selfish for keepin alladis here to myself! :lol:
What;s up with that...he can't touch your hair!!!! ...I really don't get it...but...curious....I would never want a man that was paper trained and you could't want him salivating over someone else's because he is feeling know...THE LAW OF DEPRIVATION!!!!... How long did it take you to hairtrain him? lolol(remember some of the psche classes!) Bonjour
chocolate01 said:
:lol: :lol: Girl I feel the same way.
for real for real....nothin makes me feel lonlier than when my hair is all gorgeous and soft and touchable and aint NOBODY hair to touch it! :D
My boyfriend touches my hair all the time and I don't have any problems with it. The only time it did bother me was when I tried to do a wash and go and he was touching my hair before it dried. But I LOVE it when he massages my scalp or strokes my hair.
Well, kind of. I love to play in his hair (it's naturally curly but he always wears it braided).. but right now, if he tries to put his hand in mine, it will get STUCK cause I'm transitioning.. lol
Before I went natural I would freak out if a man touched my hair. Now I love it. :) I would lay in his lap while he scratches my head......pure heaven!

Every woman here should buy one of these scalp massagers.

Me and my friends have a hell of a time working each other's head.
By the looks of things the ones that let their man massage and play in hair have the best looking hair. A article in one of the hair magazines said that having sex was good for hair growth, do to stimulation and blood flow..
We have to be REALLY close for me to allow any touching, pulling, etc. Only I am allowed to touch my hair.
I love it when he plays in my hair, it's very soothing, When I wear it straight I like to sit and have him comb it for me, Feel Great! By the way, I think sometimes we get to caught up in growing our hair sometimes i think we should just enjoy it...Like someone posted awhile ago have fun with your hair! Who wants to have beautiful waist length hair and have to bun it everyday? That's just my opinion, not saying we shouldn't protect our hair but hopefully ya'll get what i'm saying. *slowly stepping down from my soapbox now* :lachen:
My husband has his hands in my hair all the time. It is really relaxing when he runs his fingers through my hair. Although I do make sure he doesn't have hang nails so my hair won't get snagged. I used to be upset when he touched but now I don't mind.
Mestiza said:
Certainly! As long as the hands are clean. LOL!

That's about right!!!! :lol: :lol: It's all about germ control in this camp. That's why I don't like any hands in my hair.......I don't know where those hands have been. And hubby has a habit of sneezing in his hands and, NOPE!!! I know I have a touch of OCD, for sure!!! :lol: But unless I've seen you wash your hands or use some hand sanitizer......NOPE. But then again, I don't really touch my own hair after I've styled it in the morning until bedtime.
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yea, i let him play in my hair, but when it get it fix, he knows better. He likes to touch my newgrowth...i find that odd. When my scalp feels itchy, i like him to massage my scalp.
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Yes, clean & gently (unless otherwise instructed:lol: )
I just don't like being "petted" as if someone's looking for tracks..:nono: :lachen: :lachen:
Yes, he definitely is allowed to touch and play all in my hair, it's so soothing and relaxing and usually puts me right to sleep. It's only right since I'm always playing with his curls. :)