is your hair ahead of schedule?


New Member
Last month i was predicting about 5 in of hair by april but now im considering changing my goal to 5.5-6 inches by april. i got my last relaxer in july but my hair did not have any new growth until the end of august. now that it is mid december i noticed that i have 3in of hair in the back of my head and 2.5 inches for the sides and the front when it is stretched. but it has been only four months and im not supposed to be at this point until jan-feb. i know thats not a huge amount of difference but it feels good to know. anyone here actually underestimated the amount of time for their goal and has reached it before the anticipated date?
Yeah, I was just thinking about this last night. My hair usually grows 1/4-1/3" a month and nothing made it grow. But I noticed that from Sept to Dec I got 1.5" ...making it 1/2" a month. And for us "slow growth" girls that's a BIG DEAL
I think I owe it all to my workouts...6 days a week. Not for long either...about 20-30min a day...for aerobics and 45-60min for weights. I think it's great that I get double the benefits of a workout...WOWEEE

So, instead of reaching waist length by October-November. I think I'll be there by May-June....
So 5 months ahead of schedule.
Also, I have come to think that my back grows faster because of the amount of heat I feel emanating from my head back there. I wonder if there's anyway to get that amount of heat up front without it being uncomfortable (like under a dryer)...hmmm? I was thinking maybe wear a plastic cap around the house. Hmmm
Faith, about that plastic cap thingy.....I power walk 4 miles a day, 5 days a week and have been looking ghetto fab-o-lous in the morning by wearing a plastic cap to keep my head warm. Anyhoo, I'm usually a 1/2 inch a month woman but when I measured 3 weeks ago, the new growth was 7/8 of an inch long. Now, I didn't attribute the extra growth to concentrated heat to the head due to a plastic cap, until I read your post and that could possibly be a reason for it! By George, you may have discovered something!
I haven't developed a growth schedule while transitioning... but I can say that my hair is growing soooo much faster now that I've stopped relaxing.

Hopefully I can reach my goal of shoulder length natural hair by Apr/05 .... or before