Is your hair a V, U, blunt cut, or uneven??

Is your hair cut/growing in a V shape, U shape, cut even or uneven???

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I have a disappointing V. I would like a U or a blunt cut. More than likely a U shape but that won't be happening anytime soon. I'll wait till I get to midback.
I have a blunt even cut. Until about 2 months ago I had a horrific :mad: "V" shape but I cut about 3 inches to even it up. It looks a 100% better. Now I will do LIGHT trims as needed to make sure that damn V doesn't creep back!
I voted "trimmed even" because I just had the big chop on 1/26/07. Now I have a blunt cut, below my ears. However, I noticed that the right side is a little longer than the left. :(

I don't know which shape my hair will grow in or which shape I'd like it to be just yet. I've NEVER had long hair before....but hopefully that will all change in the next couple of years. :)
I'm a U. I don't know why some people hate the V so much......

Blunt looks kinda unnatural to me.:perplexed
I voted for uneven all over.. My edges and kitchen area were always being overprocessed by so called hairstylist therefore since I've been taking care of my own hair (3 yrs) these areas are beginning to grow back in.. My kitchen area/edges thin and short, my left side is thick and my right side is thin because that's the side I sleep on and I probably experience breakage on the right side because of rolling my hair too tight/something...Now, what I plan to do is, as my hair grows, I'll keep cutting until everything evens up, after that I'll decide how it grows.. As for now, it looks OK but it could be better
my hair is pretty much a u shape but its alot of it so the sides really are quite shorter than the back so i should say i am between a u and a v.

i dont have an issue with it tho, i would like my sides to grow out a little more so its more U shaped and even less V shaped. but that will come with time. my hairdresser for some reason gave me this cut :confused:
it's alittle uneven, but it started as a U.

i like blunt cuts though, it's just hard to acheive since my hair is growing out from layers
my hair grows in a v-shape. Hopefully when i get closer to waistlength,i 'll cut it into a u shape.
Currently, my hair is cut in a U shape. It grows in uneven unfortunately, and i just can't deal with raggedy looking ends anymore. I like the look of a U shape though...
My hair is bluntly cut even in the back and sides. My front is not as long as I had some layers and a bang that grew out. I like the U shape, Not sure what I will do by the end of the year though. :perplexed
My hair is in a blunt cut in the back and sides. The front is shorter but it's pretty much cut even as well.
V shaped here. It was cut in a U shape in November, but it grows out into a V. So I am not going to bother it for right now.
1.5 years later I am still a blunt babe! I actually just cut my hait to under chin lenght it was at my shoulders. It Felt so liberating too! I love my cut.

I learned some important things
  • Hair will GROW BACK!!! ITS JUST HAIR
Not that I did not know these things already:lol:

The funny thing is that everyone was like WOW!! you cut your hair it looks so pretty...all except the haters.:lol: :lol:
I voted other because my hair is blunt, it grows that way, I love it :) But it's also uneven, the sides are about and inch to an inch and a half shorter than the back. I like my hair blunt, but I also love the V and U shapes, I would be happy with any of them!