Man, luckiestdestiny
Can you help a sista out! You have mid back hair! I would give anything to get past my doggone shoulders. I know that I have to be patient and I have only been at this for one year but in that year one would think that I would have gotten past my shoulders by now. This is really what triggered me wanting not necessarily to cut but to do SOMETHING to jumpstart some growth. What did you do primarily and how long did it take you to grow your hair to mid back length???? PWWWEASE SHARE!
I can say that you need to make sure that you don't have setbacks where your hair is breaking more than growing. That's probably the case if your hair hasn't improved much. I have some stuff below that may help, but bear with me as my descriptions tend to be long:
You know I can't share the exact time frame it took me because I had a setback a year and a couple months ago (I was midbakc then but decided to listen to this lady at Sally's who suggested I needed this protein treatment pack. Needless to say I had to chop mid back hair all the way back to my shoulders as my hair became super brittle even after a moisture treatement. My hair craves moisture, not hard protein. She also didn't have hair in the best shape so I shouldn't have listened anyways. I learned my lesson). So this is my second time down this road (with the exception of when I was a kid). I am past midback by a little over an inch as of Dec (probably longer now but as I'm natural, I haven't remeasured yet)
I think the most important stuff is to find out what your hair likes and be consistent about doing it. For me it's moisture as I already have thyroid disease, but the other things I mention can be of help to anyone.
That sounds general but it's true because what works for you doesn't work for everyone else.
On a non general note, if you can braid up your hair do it. The reason I mention this is that I always read about how hard it is to get from shoulder length or neck to apl. I was always confused because I NEVER had that problem.
Then I realized it was because during that time frame I always get frustrated with my hair and braid it up (I hadn't even read this forum yet. I just know that it happened without fail that I always kept my hair braided when it got to this length). It's that in between stage and I just wanted my hair out of the way. So I easily made the leap from neck to apl without problems. I'm not talking about braids where people add hair, but I guess you could do that too. Just anything to stop manipulating your hair. Some people bun. I never did that ever, just braids...and not micro, just regular braids and cornrows.
Also when your hair is out moisturize those ends. I always put a bit of conditioner on my ends, and a little up from them (like an inch to two inches). Pure moisturizing conditioner w/o protein. I also love coconut oil as a seal.
I also dc every week.
Right now I'm in braids again but just because I was tired of styling it and wanted to take a break. If I'm too lazy to do them myself and someone else does, I always stop them if they comb too hard. I always say I'm tenderheaded (yeah! Really I want the hair to stay on my head) and then I ask if I can comb and do they have a bigger comb. This is the reason the hair stays on my head. During those moments you can have a big setback because someone is just ripping away at your hair.
I cut out all of my relaxer so I'm all natural. I don't know if you are or not, but I find that it's necessary to have control over my hair. So if you are relaxed you need to find someone who has people with long hair, or do it yourself. There's no need in guessing. In my case I got rid of it because of thyroid disease,my hair was really dry until my weekly dcs, and because I could never control the outcome of my hair (did they over process? You know the whole "what did you do?" thing where they ask if you wrap it every night like it's YOUR fault. So I decided that I know I wasn't messing it up and the only way to prove it was to remove the chemicals. That's when my growth took off again just like when I was little and I'm 4a. When I was younger my mom did my hair super slow with a big comb and it payed off). If I ever relax again (don't think I will), it would have to be with someone who knows what they're doing (not just in theory) and can back it by the heads of hair in their salon. Even then I'd still correct if there was a problem (ask for a big comb or lighter combing, etc. And I would time the process and tell them to take it off then by either demanding it or saying it is burning. I would demand it but I know others don't like to get a stylist mad, so I also used the other option as a way out. That way they never overprocess). I you're natural, you'll have other problems like knots and stuff. Keeping your hair braided and moisturized, or sadly straight can help with that (flat iron w/ protection). I'm sure others have other ways but that's my way.
Just baby your hair and it WILL get there.
Extras: I use a nettle tea rinse. I get nettle from and it's only $2.50 and it increased my hair growth. I started that in october. I just boil let cool and use as a final rinse. I also eat right and take chlorella now. I just think eating right and using natural products puts hair in it's top condition.
Oh and I know people love cowashing but I am lazy and just wash once a week, but I make sure to DC EVERYTIME I wash.