Does Trimming/Dusting Really Stimulate Your Hair Growth?

pink_flower said:
Why do people get so heated about this argument? LOL!

:lol: You know black women's hair is a sensitive topic, period. I get a little frustrated when people try to explain everything scientifically. What works in theory, doesn't always work in practice. And some things that theoretically don't make sense to us, do work. I won't pretend I know it all and say that someone else' documented experience is completely invalid. There is a lot that science has yet to figure out. But, coming from an economics background, I realize that there are often many factors at play that contribute to the final outcome...gotta be open minded, I guess.
amorette said:
what is cathy howe's method? i have not cut my hair since january. I am getting frustrated because i joined the 2 inches per month challenge when i joined this board in february, and i measured and my hair grew 1.5 inches in 3 weeks the 1st month. Since then, i have not seen 4 more inches of growth. I wonder if my hair is at a plateau, or if i am doing too much or too little. I am open to suggestions...My hair is curly so it draws up and looks 5 inches shorter than it really is, so length is critical for me... i want to see a consistent 1.5-2 inches per month of growth. Ladies, please give me your suggestions. Here is my routine: daily vitamins, 8-12,000mg msm (2 teasp), 2500 mg biotin + biotin in ultranourishair vits, flax seed oil, eve primrose oil, folic acid, garlic, co-wash with nioxin scalp repair, i put nioxin follicle booster on my scalp followed by sulfur/castor oil mix, then i put nioxin leave in conditioner on my hair and seal with castor oil. Is there anything i should add change or remove to get faster growth?? please share :)
I think most of us would love to see a consistent 1.5 - 2 inches per month of growth! Congratulations on getting 1.5 inches in 3 weeks, that's amazing! We're all learning on this board what works and doesn't work for us with our hair health and growth. Not everyone here is trying to speed up their growth but some are. It sounds like you are doing a lot with your vitamins and are probably getting good results. If you feel there is a problem with your hair results, perhaps your hair regimen needs tweaking. This thread is focusing on trimming or dusting and whether or not it stimulates hair growth. :)

Cathy Howse's method is what I started on when I discovered the hair boards. Her website is and part of her method in her book (for relaxed hair) is not trimming the hair at all.
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Isis said:
Cathy Howse's method is what I started on when I discovered the hair boards. Her website is and part of her method in her book (for relaxed hair) is not trimming the hair at all.

Isis, I just looked at Cathy Howse's site. So, she's been growing for 14 years and only has BSL hair?....maybe she should try trimming.:lol:
jwhitley6 said:
Isis, I just looked at Cathy Howse's site. So, she's been growing for 14 years and only has BSL hair?....maybe she should try trimming.:lol:
:lachen: Someone on her site did ask her why her hair isn't longer after 14 years. I forgot exactly what she said, something like she was learning most of that time rather than actually growing her hair. I'll have to go back to her site and see. Good point though!:lol:
Candy_C said:
people will argue bout this for years.

i infact DO believe trimming and dusting grows the hair, i dont know why, but on my head it does.

i do a search and destroy on my strands, then all of a sudden i get major growth, even without vits, i used to dust and my hair would grow quick.

plus when my scalp was dirrrty my hair would grow quick too. keeping it thoroughly clean increase my growth aswell.

soooo, every |"man" for themself, as i've seen so many people shoot down folk who say trimming helps their hair to GROW (not retain..GROW)..who is anybody to say it doesn't work? bahhh humbug!
CandyC - With your experience it sure does sound like the body immediately corrects the trim/dust situation by focusing more nutrients and proteins into the hair and boosting the growth.
SherryLove said:
the less i trim my hair the longer it gets..... it's just as simple as that... i know a lot of women who trim their hair on a regular who complain that their hair never seems to get any longer, but it is always healthy looking... so go figure...
That's interesting SherryLove. Your hair is excellent proof that one doesn't have to trim often to have ultra-long, beautiful and healthy hair. :love:
I wish the search feature was working because someone posted a new commercial Howse shot and I was NOT impressed with her hair.

All I kept thinking was she needs a trim BAD! I was a fan in my early years but not anymore.

I also want to point out that I believe more in dusting (less than an inch) and I think trims need to be left for really damaged hair or evening.

Oh and I also understood the intent of your post, Isis. I didn't think you were choosing a side or trying to force anything. Just offering food for thought.
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Since I haven't noticed much growth since I joined in March, I'm gonna trim next week (maybe 1/2 inch or so all over) with the waxing moon and report my progress. Anyone else up for the challenge?
jwhitley6 said:
Since I haven't noticed much growth since I joined in March, I'm gonna trim next week (maybe 1/2 inch or so all over) with the waxing moon and report my progress. Anyone else up for the challenge?

I just did a dusting of my ends after my earlier post....I'm up for the challenge! :up: I'm going to have to cheat on my no-heat challenge and do a length check! :look:
pink_flower said:
I wish the search feature was working because someone posted a new commercial Howse shot and I was NOT impressed with her hair.

All I kept thinking was she needs a trim BAD! I was a fan in my early years but not anymore.

I also want to point out that I believe more in dusting (less than an inch) and I think trims need to be left for really damaged hair or evening.

Oh and I also understood the intent of your post, Isis. I didn't think you were choosing a side or trying to force anything. Just offering food for thought.[/quote]
I would very much like to see her recent pic too. :yep: I tried to find one on her site. The last I heard, she changed her regimen and was transitioning.

From what I've read on this board, ladies are having very good success dusting like you do.

I understand that you understood my intent and I appreciate your input Pink Flower. :) I wanted others to know this thread is just to share experiences since the answer doesn't seem to be so black and white.
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jwhitley6 said:
Since I haven't noticed much growth since I joined in March, I'm gonna trim next week (maybe 1/2 inch or so all over) with the waxing moon and report my progress. Anyone else up for the challenge?
This sounds like a great challenge! I read recently somewhere from a link on this board that June 25 is the best date for trims/dusting for increased growth. Is the waxing moon also a good time for this or the New Moon on Saturday?
Well I don't know why anyone else is getting heated but what gets to me is the reasoning.

Maybe it is some supernatural connection thing goin on. It would have to be because, like our nails and the top layer of our skin, the strands we call hair are dead!.

Even if cutting or trimming were to send some signal to the roots, how the h**l would it get there!! Argh!!!! its so frustrating to me! :eek:
I'm not mad or anything and maybe I'm just missing the point, but I don't see any one saying that our nails grow because we cut them. Once the nail leaves the nail bed, and the hair leaves the follicle, they are dead. Dead. At this point ,whatever we do or fail to do to maintain them will either hinder or foster growth.

and thats all I have to say about that........promise:D
Isis said:
This sounds like a great challenge! I read recently somewhere from a link on this board that June 25 is the best date for trims/dusting for increased growth. Is the waxing moon also a good time for this or the New Moon on Saturday?

I hear the the new moon and first quarter are the best times to trim hair. I think I'm gonna use this schedule:

I'll trim/dust a little this month and again in August, then I should be cool for a while. Per this schedule, the best June dates for cutting to increase length is June 26-27, based on PST northern hemisphere (almost exactly what you read).
Taij said:
Well I don't know why anyone else is getting heated but what gets to me is the reasoning.

Maybe it is some supernatural connection thing goin on. It would have to be because, like our nails and the top layer of our skin, the strands we call hair are dead!.

Even if cutting or trimming were to send some signal to the roots, how the h**l would it get there!! Argh!!!! its so frustrating to me! :eek:
I'm not mad or anything and maybe I'm just missing the point, but I don't see any one saying that our nails grow because we cut them. Once the nail leaves the nail bed, and the hair leaves the follicle, they are dead. Dead. At this point ,whatever we do or fail to do to maintain them will either hinder or foster growth.

and thats all I have to say about that........promise:D

Maybe our nails do grow faster when we cut them. I know that when I take silica my entire nail (not just the new growth) gets stronger almost immediately (a couple of days). I think It's because it still get nutrients from the nail bed as long as it's attached to the skin. I don't know...hope this doesn't frustrate you more. :lol: :lol:
dynamic1 said:
I have not read all of the responses yet. But if we were to trust the theory that trimming grows hair faster, then wouldn't hair breaking off promote faster growth also? How does the root realize the difference between a hair cut via scissors or snapped off. It is still shorter, thus the hair should grow faster, correct? (not a believer just putting it out there).

I am not for or against trimming. I fall in the middle. If you need one, get one (splits, aesthetics, whatever), but some stylist take unnecessary amounts too often.

Good point Dynamic1. That is something to definitely think about.

I don't agree with the spiritual/philosophical beliefs about trimming hair, but I am starting to wonder about this since it seems that some people do get increased growth from trimming. I am not interested in trying it though :p. Maybe it won't work for ALL people, but some people obviously get good results with this.
And I agree with the posters who say to keep an open mind. It's very presumptuous of us to have die-hard beliefs and generalities about anything just because "science says so", or "it didn't work for me". Science still has a lot to learn about the human body, and there are many roads one can take to get to a destination (i.e. long hair). Everything may or may not work for everyone.
Taij said:
Well I don't know why anyone else is getting heated but what gets to me is the reasoning.

Maybe it is some supernatural connection thing goin on. It would have to be because, like our nails and the top layer of our skin, the strands we call hair are dead!.

Even if cutting or trimming were to send some signal to the roots, how the h**l would it get there!! Argh!!!! its so frustrating to me! :eek:
I'm not mad or anything and maybe I'm just missing the point, but I don't see any one saying that our nails grow because we cut them. Once the nail leaves the nail bed, and the hair leaves the follicle, they are dead. Dead. At this point ,whatever we do or fail to do to maintain them will either hinder or foster growth.

and thats all I have to say about that........promise:D
You and everyone else are welcome to keep sharing your opinions and experiences. It's perfectly ok if we don't all agree.:)

Jwhitley made a very good point about the nails. :yep:
Jwhitley said:
Maybe our nails do grow faster when we cut them. I know that when I take silica my entire nail (not just the new growth) gets stronger almost immediately (a couple of days). I think It's because it still get nutrients from the nail bed as long as it's attached to the skin. I don't know...hope this doesn't frustrate you more. :lol: :lol:

I noticed since I started taking MSM in March, besides my nails growing faster, my nails are whiter and stronger, even the older part that was there before I started taking MSM.

Taij, you mentioned supernatural. I don't think it's supernatural at all, just something perhaps we are still learning about. All explanations aren't set in stone. One of the ladies on the other hair board offered a possible explanation that may sound "woo-woo" to some but actually makes sense, even scientifically. I don't think we can quote other hair boards here so I'll have to check her post again to make sure I paraphrase it right.
Isis said:
You and everyone else are welcome to keep sharing your opinions and experiences. It's perfectly ok if we don't all agree.:)

Jwhitley made a very good point about the nails. :yep:

I noticed since I started taking MSM in March, besides my nails growing faster, my nails are whiter and stronger, even the older part that was there before I started taking MSM.

Taij, you mentioned supernatural. I don't think it's supernatural at all, just something perhaps we are still learning about. All explanations aren't set in stone. One of the ladies on the other hair board offered a possible explanation that may sound "woo-woo" to some but actually makes sense, even scientifically. I don't think we can quote other hair boards here so I'll have to check her post again to make sure I paraphrase it right.

Isis, I remember reading the MSM clincal research where they say the appearance of the hair was improved in 6 weeks. They couldn't have been looking at only new growth in that length of time.'msm%20hair%20appearance'
jwhitley6 said:
Isis, I remember reading the MSM clincal research where they say the appearance of the hair was improved in 6 weeks. They couldn't have been looking at only new growth in that length of time.'msm%20hair%20appearance'

That's an interesting MSM study, thank you Jwhitley for sharing this. It does look like they are talking about all of the hair being thicker and more brilliant.

This makes me wonder about all of the supplements we are taking for our hair, including drinking water and taking flaxseed oil. It seems to affect all of our hair, not just the new growth.
I think It's because it still get nutrients from the nail bed as long as it's attached to the skin. I don't know...hope this doesn't frustrate you more.

He he he!!!! Naww. I'm not frustrated. Actually, I think you're right about the nail bed thing. I'm trying to grow mine.They haven't been long since 2002 but that's probably because I don't take care of them like I should.

and I like a spirited discussion....keep em commin!;) :D
africa said:
Good point Dynamic1. That is something to definitely think about.

I don't agree with the spiritual/philosophical beliefs about trimming hair, but I am starting to wonder about this since it seems that some people do get increased growth from trimming. I am not interested in trying it though :p. Maybe it won't work for ALL people, but some people obviously get good results with this.
And I agree with the posters who say to keep an open mind. It's very presumptuous of us to have die-hard beliefs and generalities about anything just because "science says so", or "it didn't work for me". Science still has a lot to learn about the human body, and there are many roads one can take to get to a destination (i.e. long hair). Everything may or may not work for everyone.
ITA! :yep: As of the last decade or so, western science has just begun to see and accept there is a mind/body connection when it comes to health and illness. This has been written about for centuries but science "poo-poo'd" it until recent years after learning about quantum physics. They are still learning about the human body, as you stated.
Isis said:
This sounds like a great challenge! I read recently somewhere from a link on this board that June 25 is the best date for trims/dusting for increased growth. Is the waxing moon also a good time for this or the New Moon on Saturday?

Hey...maybe this explains why when I trimmed my hair last year on June 19th, my hair GREWWWWWWW! Even to this day, I havent seen my hair grow that fast. I planned on doing another major trim on the 22nd of June this year and see what happens. Hopefully I have a repeat of last summer's major growth spurt.
lexi84 said:
Hey...maybe this explains why when I trimmed my hair last year on June 19th, my hair GREWWWWWWW! Even to this day, I havent seen my hair grow that fast. I planned on doing another major trim on the 22nd of June this year and see what happens. Hopefully I have a repeat of last summer's major growth spurt.
Thanks for sharing that Lexi84. I do see some major growth in your comparison shots! :yep:

Did you trim just once or several times since last June?
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Isis said:
Thanks for sharing that Lexi84. I do see some major growth in your comparison shots! :yep:

Did you trim just once or several times since last June?

Well in the picture in my siggy, I had just trimmed off about an inch and a half and since then I havent done a trim as drastic. I have however done slight dusting and .25 inch trims in recent months. I told myself at the beginning of my journey that I would only do one major trim per year and that yearly trim date is rapidly approaching.:(
lexi84 said:
Well in the picture in my siggy, I had just trimmed off about an inch and a half and since then I havent done a trim as drastic. I have however done slight dusting and .25 inch trims in recent months. I told myself at the beginning of my journey that I would only do one major trim per year and that yearly trim date is rapidly approaching.:(
I'm sure you wouldn't have to do an inch and a half this time, unless you really want to. Your hair looks very pretty and healthy, BTW.
sweetcashew said:
I don't believe any of this. I'm a regular trimmer and I don't see a difference in growth rate when I trim normally or when I experimented and went 4 months without a trim. My hair still grows at the same rate.
Sweetcashew - You've already shared in several posts how fast your hair grows, including after your last cut! Your hair growth may not have anything to do with this particular theory, it just grows faster than most and you are so blessed! :yep:
SherryLove said:
the less i trim my hair the longer it gets..... it's just as simple as that... i know a lot of women who trim their hair on a regular who complain that their hair never seems to get any longer, but it is always healthy looking... so go figure...

Glad to have input from someone who obviously knows and has one of the most beautiful heads of hair... Sherrylove the grand diva damme of hair care!:lol:
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I am unsure of the reason behind it, but my hair definitely appears to grow faster and healthier after a trim/dust. However, I will admit that when I cut my hair it is to remove damaged, thinning ends. Trimming relieves me of the extra effort it takes to make my hair behave which equates to less stress on my already damaged ends and ultimately less breakage. If my ends were healthy to begin with, I don't believe I would see much of a difference.

My nails split and break often and never appear to grow (I am pretty handy). It's no wonder because I almost never file them or ensure they're smooth on the ends. When I do file them on a regular basis, they retain length like nobody's business (and this is without the aid of polish or vitamins). The filing (i.e. dusting combating damaged ends) eliminates snags. Could this be what is happening with hair?

BTW, my hair has been cut to ear-lenth.
Hair is DEAD period. "Hair is an appendage of the skin, a slender, threadlike outgrowth of the skin and scalp. There is no sense of feeling in hair, due to the absense of nerves." quoted from Milady's Standard Book of Cosmetology

If our hair had nerves, then the body would be able to sense when it is being cut. The only way our body communicates is through nerves. If our hair communicated with the body, I think it would hurt when our hair sheds.

The only important thing about trimming is that it maintains the health and strength of the hair. That is what helps with growth. If your hair is breaking off faster than it is growing, then of course after you trim off those bad ends, you will notice the growth.