is this thing about carrot oil a myth?


New Member
someone told me that using carrot oil or creme will make ur hair thick... and im like hmmm that doesnt make sense.. cause if u wasnt born with thick hair how does ur hair all of a sudden become thick....

anyone wanna take a shot at this?
I use ORS carrot oil on my hair daily and I haven't noticed any change in thickness. I also drank carrot juice for a looonnng time and didn't notice a change. So I'm still skeptical that there is really a product out there that can change my hair from thin to thick.
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I think it's a myth. I fell for drinking atleast 4 oz. or more of carrot juice a day on top up putting carrot oil on my scalp and hair daily after I lost my hair due to an iillness. My hair did not change at all. I am sure the carrot juice is good for health though, but it did not give me any kind of hair thickness or length. I did both of these for about a year with not change at all.