Is this his real hair?

Y'all are killing me, let's not forget people do lie about their hair being real. I think sometimes he wears a weave. To me it's obvious. That video posted with the bang and pigtails, looked fake to me lol. It was stiff and crunchy/greasy looking. You couldn't even really get that good of a look at his hair because he had it in slow mo.

I guess cause he is chickasaw or however you spell that, that means his hair is real. He's ignorant period.

I think those cornrows are fake too. There is a way to blend them like that and make it look real but the reason I think it's fake is the super thick shiney braids hanging down. Hair just doesn't look real. He's got mad skills though.
lol. he's like B Scott!

lol! Don't be insulting B. Scott like that. :lol:
Imo, the only thing that they have in common is that they are both flamboyantly gay, androgynous black men on youtube. And they both have B's in their names.

B. Scott is so much more refined and mature than Bejean, and I feel like he actually stands for something. Although I do like Bejean, and I think he does have actual long hair of his own, his whole...vibe is so much different than B.Scott's. He's more crass, more self-centered, and more young-minded.

You don't even have to watch the videos to see it, you can just tell by their blogs.
Well, like all weaved people say, "it's mines if'n I paid for it." LOL. He favors a love child between Aliyah and B. Scott!!!