Is this guy into me?


Active Member
Hello, I dont normally share alot on the forum but i need some outside advice on this guy i'm kind of talking to. Sorry its kind of long :ohwell:

Ok so I've known this guy since elementary school. We've always kept in touch and in high school we took things a little further than friends. Well after the incident he stopped talking to me, so i stopped talking to him. Bascially one day he tried to apologize to me and i cut him off saying my current boyfriend told me not to speak to him. He gets mad at me and choses to ignore me whenever we see each other in the street (He'll say hi to my mother but would ignore me). Ok so 5 years passed and we started saying "hello" when we see eachother, nothing big. But about a month ago he sees me standing outside waiting for my mother and we spark up a conversation and exchange numbers again. So he calls me the next day and we talk for a while. It seemed like every 5 minutes he was apologizing for what happened when we were in high school. He asked me if I would give him a second chance to be a friend to show me that he's matured. Ok so blah blah blah we chat on the phone and text occasionally. We talked about how I have been celibate for 2 years and I wanted to wait until I was in a commited relationship to do anything. Well he comes to my house one day and one thing lead to another and we ended up sleeping together. We had both agreed before hand that we wouldnt have sex for a while because I told him I get emotional and needy. He actually told me that he appreciated me telling him upfront so he would know what to expect. But after it happened I literally cried for a good hour. I was so disappointed in myself for not sticking to my rules. I actually felt dirty.

So after our hook up he ends up going through alot of drama and was stressed but he did manage to call me i guess like every other day. (I didnt initiate any calls). So this past monday he wants to hang out, so he stops by and we have a good time (No sex just laughing and joking around).So before he leaves I ask him if he looked at me differently since I had sex with him. He said that he's known me for so long he already knows what type of person I am. So then I eventually told him that it couldnt happen again. He asked me why and I told him because I felt dirty. He looked at me and said "Why? Nah we gotta talk about this, I'll call you after my basketball game". call. I texted him on tuesday to ask how the game was and his response was "fine" He always answers me with short responses but he'll call in a minute and talk forever. So wednesday night I called him and left a message that I was sorry for just blurting out what i said and that I wanted to explain why I said that. I told him to call me when he got a chance and he hasnt called yet. So right now I dont know what to think. We arent in a relationship or anything and he told me he is talking to some chick but he always makes it a point to say he is not "with" her. So I havent called or texted him since, well I actually deleted his number from my phone so I wouldnt get tempted. So should I wait it out or suck it up and move on.

(I didnt mention it earlier but he popped back into my life at a very bad time, I've been really depressed/talking to a therapist)
I don't think he's into you. I think he's just looking for the physical (I could be wrong)

He caught you in a weak vulnerable moment unfortunately. Maybe you felt comfortable with him due to past experience and let your guard down. I would not have any deep contact with him outside of just speaking to be friendly. I feel like he is still in player mode and hasn't matured/changed much since you last knew him. Move on.
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Thank you, I was thinking this too. He just got out of a 4 year relationship and my mother keeps telling me he's not going to settle down anytime soon. Although he says he just wants to be with someone real, create a real relationship and have some kids. I think he just says things he thinks I want to hear.

I wouldnt mind being just a friend. We actually have a lot of fun together. Plus deep down I know i'm not his type.
You had sex with him after 2 years of celibacy which you TOLD him about.
You felt dirty...and won't have sex again with him again and tell him this.
He asks "Why?"
You tell him why and he starts blowing you off...again. Just like he did when things got "past" friends in High School.

He probably still has a High School mentality or that girl he's "talking to" IS his girlfriend and he wanted some on the side. You dried the well up, he kept it moving.

You do the same.
I wouldnt mind being just a friend. We actually have a lot of fun together. Plus deep down I know i'm not his type.

At some point in life, there are men in life who you KNOW that you KNOW that you KNOW, that you can't never just be friends without dipping in the sack. And he, my dear is one of those.

You already know that he is not your type so why keep him around.
He is not into you (sorry) he just wanted to hit that (after a long sabbatical) and was going continue hitting that(unattached of course) till kingdom come but you ended it by saying you felt 'dirty'.

Leave him be and move on with you life. Inviting him back is inviting trouble.
P/S: you don't even know his health history that well since the last time y'all were together (condoms ain't all that) so him probably being with other women should be enough turn off for you.
Thank you everyone for your responses. I'd be lying if I said I felt better about the situation, but I really want to thank everyone for their input. I really appreciate you all for helping me realize that it is what it is.

I am well aware of all diseases and I took all precautions necessary. I get tested regularly and will continue to do so. But thank you for your concern.
Hes not into you sweety...but *** him...continue to heal n move on...

btw: he seems like his talking situations is one of those where its basically a relationship...just w/o the confirmation
I don't think he is into you.

If you are going to be celibate, please go to places and be around people who your clothes won't come off. You are in control of you.
Nope he's not into you. You told him you were Celibate and he didn't respect that. I know you have to have control too, but he caught you at a weak moment. Now he's brushing you off? :nono: You don't need someone like that.
OP: Don't hate me for stating this...I'm in big sister mode.

You have instincts...use them! If you find yourself wondering if a guy is into you...he isn't. You know when a guy is into you!

I wish someone would have saved me a lot of time worrying by telling me this years ago. I just recently woke up and figured this out. When I revealed my revelation to my friends, they told me they already knew this.
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Count your blessings sweetie. Stop wondering and worrying about how he feels. If he isn't trying to get with the rewind and start over w/o sex program don't worry about his butt. Your feelings are more important.
AS usual the ladies have give great advice, unfortunately I don't think he is that into either,I think he found you at a weak time in your life,he heard celibate and he wanted to see if he could can get you to break it for him.some guys find the chase of any can the sport regardless of how we are feeling.Celibacy is like being a virgin to them ,it is an adventure to see if he can get you to give it up.Move on and keep away from him.
I am so sorry that you are going through all this. This is more than just "is he into you or not" A guy can not be into you and at least have the decency to respect you as woman, a former friend etc. He sounds like a "jerk" period! As the others stated he found you in a vulnerable and weak state and took advantage of that. If I met this man and came to you and asked you about him and you told me your history with him, I would lose respect for him. His actions speak volumes about his character and values. A man who can treat another woman like this is not a man I want to be with-IMO.
There is a someone out there who will love you and respect you for the gem that you are. When true love comes knocking at your door, there is no confusion or doubts. You will feel adored and cherished!!
Also read up on soul ties. You might find it very helpful and enlightening-it did for me ((((hugs)))
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OP: Don't hate me for stating this...I'm in big sister mode.

You have instincts...use them! If you find yourself wondering if a guy is into you...he isn't. You know when a guy is into you!

I wish someone would have saved me a lot of time worrying by telling me this years ago. I just recently woke up and figured this out. When I revealed my revelation to my friends, they told me they already knew this.

I can not hate anyone who is offering me sound advice. Thank you so much for your input.

Than you everyone for your kind words and blunt responses. I needed them all. My mother who has known this guy from a young boy and loves him dearly even told me to leave him alone. But i'm going to take all of your advice and chalk it up as a learning experience.