Is This a Sign He's GAY?


New Member
If a man wears a scarf that looks like a rainbow (red, green, yellow, blue are the main colors), and he's soft spoken and somewhat feminine (neat and organized). Would you think he is gay? I saw this picture of a guy on a website and thought nothing about it. But it's a picture he uses for job interview presentations (it's also a casual picture which is weird because I know he has pictures of himself in a suit which would be more appropriate for interview presentations). Would he be doing that on purpose to signal to the interviewers that he is gay?
Your assumptions are based on:
His Scarf
Him being neat and organized
Him being soft spoken

If those are qualities of a gay man...then I know a hell of a lot of gay men.

He might not be, but if he is, why does it matter? (sincere question)
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Just curious. I grew up in a pretty sheltered environment and wondered if it was something subtle I wasn't aware of...especially with the increase in men on the DL.
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The only thing that really stands out to me is the scarf. I know plenty of soft spoken, neat straight guys.
Rainbows, pink elephants, pink or rainbow upside down triangles...and there's more Gay pride symbols. So, yes I would think he's gay.
You might be on to something. I know people around here are against making assumptions but sometimes your intuition is the best.

I was dating a guy awhile back who was masculine looking but soft-spoken and used verbiage females used. I thought I asked some of my friends about it and they said I was over-reacting. I followed my instincts and left him alone. Now let me throw this out there..........suppose I would have gotten into a relationship with him and found out he was gay. Some of those same women would have been like.........well you should have known better, the signs were there....blah blah.

If your instincts are telling you he is gay, go with it.

I personally believe he is gay and trying to let others know he is gay. The gay community is really supportive of each other and will go to great lengths to help one another out. I witnessed this at a job I used to have. Top management were all gay or about the jobs they created for each other and the hiring practices. You'd be surprised.
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From your description he's really just wearing a multi-coloured scarf. You think it looks like a rainbow but apparently in actuality it isn't. This doesn't necessarily mean he's gay and neither would an actual rainbow striped scarf in this particular context.

Being neat isn't an inherently feminine trait nor is it a sign of a gay male. A soft-spoken man is not necessarily gay either.

I was dating a guy awhile back who was masculine looking but soft-spoken and used verbiage females used. I thought

If your instincts are telling you he is gay, go with it.

I personally believe he is gay and trying to let others know he is gay.

The guy she's trying to suss out is just some guy on a website though. Not even a dating website at that. OP is free to try and guess his sexuality but this seem futile.
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And, sometimes, a rainbow is... just a rainbow. :giggle:

I agree. But I think most straight men would avoid a rainbow scarf for the purpose of others not thinking it's a gay pride thing.

It's hard to say for sure. I would have to observe his mannerisms.
....follow your gut instinct......

It reminds me of the old playa statement (joke) that played on a woman's gut ituition/instinct: "Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?"
I'm not sure if this question is allowed, but...

Why not just ask him? If you think he is bold enough to rock "pride" attire (though he might just like the colors), he may be out and proud.

It's a hot topic in the Supreme Court right now. Why not bring up the latest news and gauge his reaction.

Although... I'm a bigger fan of the direct approach.
Reminds me if the thread in OT at the moment about the guy wearing the gay pride tshirt and not knowing.

I'm assuming since you posted here you're interested in him romantically so I agree either find a way to ask him or just leave him alone.