Is this a normal reaction when bagging?


I joined LCHF in Oct. of this year, love all the info from you beautiful women. I was very curious about hair bagging. Alot of you do it with bunning. Since, I have a little bun and my hair loves two strand twist, I strated on 12/30 bagging my entire head at night moisturizing my twist and sealing, and putting on my satin scraf. In the moring before I go to work I re-moisturize and seal put my hair up in two scrunchies re-cover with my satin scraf and off to work and re-cover before I leave and start the process over. Well my head is itching like crazy. Am I having a growth spurt? or am I clogging up my hair follicles and I need to wash my hair more often. I wash once a week or should I decrease bagging my hair? Thanks:yep:
Could be a growth spurt....or it could be something else. If I'm understanding this correctly, are you baggying every night?

If you are, you may want to wash your hair or cowash it more frequently to make sure the scalp is clean.
Give your hair some air girl! :giggle: Your scalp is probably itching from so much constant wetness and product being constantly put on it. Maybe baggy once or twice per week, but your scalp seems to be drowning w/ what you're currently doing.

Have yo been doing this from October 30th straight til now, everyday? WOW.
i agree with jamaraa... i only baggy on the weekends or when i'm bored... or after an s&d. especially after an s&d
OP, if certain products get on my scalp, it will itch like crazy. That's why I don't apply things to my scalp. I did apply EOs and natural oils when I had a bald spot to regrow, but that is the only thing that hasn't made my scalp itch when I baggy. I cannot condition overnight coz that will make my scalp itch. I stopped using serums to seal my hair because baggying with that on my hair made my scalp itch. I baggy with nothing on my hair.

My guess is it's not a growth spurt but rather all those products (and you're using a lot IMO) are to blame. When you baggy, you don't lose moisture so there's no need to use so much. I don't use anything at all and after my DC or CW, baggying keeps my hair moisturized for days. That you find you need to wash your hair more often and if that gives you relief then YES you're using too much. What you're doing would be like applying lotion on your skin over and over and over without taking any baths in between. Moisturizers are supposed to supplement your body's own moisturizing system not smother and suffocate.
I've never baggy'd, but it doesn't seem as if your hair/scalp is supposed to be wet all the time using this method from what I understand of it. Too much wetness would cause problems for me, but I wouldn't think your hair is supposed to dry sometime when using this method.
I have been doing this since Nov. 30, thanks ladies I will cut it down to twice a week.
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I have been doing this since Nov. 30, thanks ladies I will cut it down to twice a week.

OK it wasn't clear in your initial post when you started. After only a week or so, I doubt it's a growth spurt, you're scalp is telling you to ease up.

Good luck.
Whole head baggying made my head itch something terrible. Now I just baggy my ends at night under my scarf and that has worked really well for me keeping my ends nice and retaining length.