Please Help!!!!!!!! My Hair is still breaking

Supergirl said:
I would recommend the Keracare line over CON and Pantene any day. Another thing that happens to us when we become "hair conscious" is that we are more likely to notice every little broken or shed hair. Chances are that your hair is breaking less than it was before you started your new regimen, but chances are that you are also noticing it more.

Well i intend on purchasing KeraCare becasue i've heard so many good things about it from so many, so im gonna break down and spend the money on it and hope i dont pass out when i do:lachen: i've went into a few stores and picked up a few things from this line and then changed my mind because of the price, but im gonna have just give in. I also understand when u say being more hair consciuos now i notice every little thing but IMHO i really think the breakage is the same as before. Im just grateful that my hair is thick and by me losing the hair that i have it really doesnt show any significant difference but its just knowinng that its coming out thats driving me crazy
So tomorrow im gonna clarify and shampoo with a moisturing shampoo, deep condition with a moisturing conditioner, and leave the infusium alone. im not gonna use any protien and see if that will stop some of the breakage.

I just want to thank all of you for your help and suggestions, Im so glad i found this forum its great to have someone to turn to for advise on things like this and i think before finding you guys if i had a question it would have been impossible for me to find theses answers and suggestions because IMO the stylist here in NY are not very attentive when asked questions about growth or what should be done to stop breakage so i feel like im pretty much on my own when it comes to the health of my hair.......But now i have you all and i really appreciate all of the help
Actually some people like Infusium and some don't. For me when I used it, it worked. I see you said you used Motions CPR. How often do you use it? This is one of the conditioners that I recommend. It's mixture of protein and moisture. I'm also using Keracare. Keep us updated:)
Tayw29 said:
Okay heres the deal since coming across this forum i have drastically change my daily hair care routine and for about a month now i have incorporated alot of the methods you guys use to help improve the health of my hair, however it still continues to break and i dont know what im doing wrong.

Ive be cowashing once a week with suave milk & honey or Tropical coconut with EVOO letting it sit for anywhere from an hour to 3 hours depending on my time, rinsing and applying NTM silk touch and or infusium 23 letting it air dry. I must admit i have used heat maybe 3 times this month but i find that when i blow dry my hair it actually feels and looks better but thats doesnt mean its doing my hair any good..... I've used castor oil, sweet almond oil, WGO, coconut oil, Grapeseed oil and they have been great. I wash once a week with CON (green & white) or Pantene relaxed and natural, Deep condition with Ors Mayo, or Motions CPR, been using Ors replenishing pak, only comb when wet and have been phony ponying to high hell, bagging my pony tail, using S-Curl no drip and tying my hair up with a satin scarf and sleeping on a satin pillow case.

Now with all that said my hair is still coming out a lot and i dont know what else to do to make it stop. Please Please Please Someone help me figure out what i should do to stop the madness. Oh by the way i have color in my hair right down the middle honey damn blonde which i know now is the Devil and thats primarly where its breaking but not solely where the breakage is.

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Tayw29,
It looks like you are using too much protein and not enough moisture. Sistaslick has posted a thread on maintaining protein and moisture balance, it is found as a first or second thread when you enter this forum.

You are using too much protein and not enough moisturising products added to the fact that you are using oils which just sit on your hair and do not moisturise. Oils are sealants and are best used after applying a water-based moisturiser. Have a look at the thread it is very helpful.

gorgeoushair said:
Actually some people like Infusium and some don't. For me when I used it, it worked. I see you said you used Motions CPR. How often do you use it? This is one of the conditioners that I recommend. It's mixture of protein and moisture. I'm also using Keracare. Keep us updated:)

I've used the Motions CPR once i actually bought it about 2 weeks ago and used it once since then. How are you using the motions cpr? and i will deffinately keep you guys posted, im actually trying to put together my fotki album so i should have pics up soon
MeechUK said:
Hi Tayw29,
It looks like you are using too much protein and not enough moisture. Sistaslick has posted a thread on maintaining protein and moisture balance, it is found as a first or second thread when you enter this forum.

You are using too much protein and not enough moisturising products added to the fact that you are using oils which just sit on your hair and do not moisturise. Oils are sealants and are best used after applying a water-based moisturiser. Have a look at the thread it is very helpful.


Yeah everyone is saying that the protien is probably the culprit, i have to incorporate more moisture in to my regimen but i thought if i only used one of the protiens a week it wouldnt be to much. for instance if i use the mayo im not using the cpr or the replenishing pak, i dont know im a confused mess when it comes to protien /moisture balance.....What do you guys suggest should be used for protien and how often, and what should i used for moisture and how often?