Is there anything you won't do to achieve long healthy hair?

More to add:

I won't spend more than a set (low :look:) amount on a product. I have tons of products but they are all cheapies. It's how I roll, lol.

I will NOT drink raw eggs. Sorry. *maybe* if I had my own laying flock and I KNEW every crumb that they ate. Maybe. But probably not. Not only is there risk of salmonella (it's not a government conspiracy to lie to you, ladies. :nono: Salmonella IS REAL) but it's a gross consistency :imo:

I will not use a product that stinks. When I first started lurking everyone was using Surge and some other stuff that reeked. Debates raged... Did it smell more like rancid bacon grease or more like a book of matches left out in the rain? :nono: No thanks.
I tried everything but the MN! I have no regrets in trying them, did I see growth? No, plus I am lazy and my scalp likes to be free of oils,grease,butters etc. Plus it was hard to resist a bandwagon at that time LOL!!

I will not purchase any hair products online, I found my staples at a local BSS and the cost was $20.00 and will last me several months.

What someones to put on their scalp or drink is their Business! As long as mine is in order lol!!

I find that I do not need to purchase Natural Hair Products to have great hair or growing hair.
Daily protective styling, wearing fake hair (I don't have the va-voom to do it, kudos to the ladies who do), not washing daily (my scalp loves to be clean)....
Well, as other ladies have stated, I won't allow myself to go bankrupt trying everything out there under the sun to grow my hair. I have a pretty solid regemin right now and only occasionaly change it up with trying a new product.
I had on kinky twists for a while and I hated them, I've never worn fake hair and I just hated the way it felt. It was itchy and uncomfortable. :-/ so I won't ever do fake hair again.
I don't mind pjism because I buy a lot of cheap things, trying hello hydration vs aussie moist one week isn't a big deal when they're both under $3.
I don't bother with growth aids because I haven't noticed any amazing noticeable growth to make it worth the effort imo.
I agree with a lot of you! I won't go broke and I will never ever ever ever walk around all day with people eyeballin me like WTH is that smell. I cant STAND foul odors! I also won't let my hair out rank something that is more of a necessity to my life or well being. Like God, my family or S/O, school, or work. I refuse to miss money to cowash my hair LOL
I must say I am surprised at the amount of "no fake hair" comments. I didnt expect that, so that includes plaits etc so for example a female officer that needs an easy hairstyle its on par with MTG? Interesting.
I won't adopt a complex regimen that takes a whole day and uses 50-11 ingredients and steps. I don't have that kind of time. I also won't get priorities out of whack to try to grow skip car or house payments just to buy a Pibbs. I can picture myself as a homeless lady with BSL hair pushing a Pibbs and a shopping cart through the streets and alleyways. Not cute. I will NOT drink or eat anything I find disgusting (like a raw egg mixture) to try to grow hair. Plain ole water seems to be helping my hair just fine.

I won't judge others because to each his own. We all want the same thing but all do different things to get there. HHG everybody!
-go broke
-wear fake hair
be a product junkie in the sense of just trying everything I hear about- I do stay well stocked with staples though
-order all of my products online especially handmade stuff I can recreate
-pop mad supplements : diet with multivit/omega 369 will have to do
-obsess over every nanometer of growth: as long as I take care of my hair it will thrive. I monitor it , but obsess, nah
-have an overly complicated regimen
-compromise my health
-use growth aids that don't benefit my hair and may dry it out/break it off
-I like keeping my ends protected, but I will wear my hair down when I want to
Firstly, some of ya'll are just too silly. :rofl:

As for me, I will not use MTG, MT, MN, and all that stuff. I'm not doing it.
I will not kill someone, sacrifice an animal, or sell my soul to Satan.
I will not be broke, fail out of school, become unemployed, or otherwise drastically change the course of my life because of my hair.
I will not eat anything raw. I also will not ingest or use any kind of pee, poop, sperm, or blood for the sake of long hair. It is just not that serious.

I would however, trip my mother if it would guarantee me 12 inches in a year. But I would help her right up and apologize profusely. Don't judge. :look:
I will/would not:

-use witchcraft/Satanic rituals or spells to achieve longer hair, or kill a person/animal to get it...that includes committing crimes--not I! I would not sell my baby either!

-eat/drink any bodily fluids or excretions, or any fluids/excretions from animals; this includes weird or funky animal parts (i.e. cow's tongue, chicken knees, whatever...)lol

-apply any bodily fluids/excretions from animals or humans to my scalp, skin, or hair

-apply MN to my hair/scalp (that's just a bit too far for me at this point, but who knows, I might one day try it) ha ha ☺ (I would use a strong-smelling product and do like MTG/S8, but I know how to add stuff and mask the smell)! Plus, those products work gr8 for me.

-purchase profuse amounts of products or spend exorbitant amounts of money on products, though I keep my staple products in stock (mostly drugstore/BSS cheapies w/1 or 2 salon-brand products)

-spend too much money on wigs (which I have grown to love, but I aim to be modest with the purchasing)

-ingest any relatively toxic chemicals/products/metals (even if it guaranteed 16" a year, it could lead to cancer down the road, then all the hair would be gone anyway due to chemo)!

-sacrifice my livelihood, relationship with family, career, or education due to my hair...I try to be balanced in ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE. Eventhough hair is a hobby of mine, I don't let it take up too much time, effort, or's disposable and can be here today and gone tomorrow if God so wills it (just like anything else in life)!! And, God is a jealous god, so if you are putting all your attention into something, someone, or some place, He just might allow you to lose it just because you put it above Him (just my opinion based on my interpretation of the Scriptures).

-neglect my regular responsibilities due to hair (i.e. not do my schoolwork on time because I was straightening/conditioning my hair for 3 hrs). As I said before, I am balanced and very level-headed.

-not let anyone touch my hair (especially stylists and jealous family members), whether they are said to have "growing hands" or not.

-not resume frequent washing or a complex regimen b/c I thought it would increase took up too much time and effort! Plus, my hair thrives being left alone and being washed only when absolutely necessary...

-not let go of my sanity and obsess about hair health and growth...I am not preoccupied with length, though I'd like my hair to grow longer and longer. I don't measure and track each inch acquired, and likely never will.

I just let it do it's thing by nature, and add a little help in the maintenance and styling dept. here and there! ☺♥ HHG Ladies!

Sorry so long, it's due to spacing...but I wanted to cover all grounds so there would be no doubt!!
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I won't:

Wear fake hair
Buy tons of products
Not going to use Monistat
Not going to use powders you have to mix
Not going to do scalp massages(tedious)
Not going to buy a steamer(too much money)
Tons of other stuff I can't think of right now.

But I recognize some of these things work for others, and I won't judge others. I am just going to do what works for me and what I am comfortable with.
Also! I won't hop from cheap product to cheap product after trying something that works (Jessicurl WDT) IMO an expensive product that can be used as a cowash, deepcon, and leavin is better than 400 cheap products with crappy ingredients.

For me nothing kills PJ ism better than results. I find that looking back, when I constantly had the urge to buy something new, it was because what I had at the time just wasn't working.
I definitely won't become a product junkie. I caught myself very early buying too many products and I kicked the habit.

I won't spend more than $30 on a single product, and that's still kind of pushing it.

I won't change my whole schedule to fit around my hair regimen. I have a busy life so I will throw on a hat and some accessories if I need to until I can get around to it.

Stress out, that actually does more harm than good.
I forgot to add, that I also will NOT do 50/11 steps to achieve what I already have with 3, I also will NOT condition wash Daily, I saw no benefit to my hair, being cleansed once a week is good enough. When I think of more I will come back!
I must say I am surprised at the amount of "no fake hair" comments. I didnt expect that, so that includes plaits etc so for example a female officer that needs an easy hairstyle its on par with MTG? Interesting.

I think people are talking about what they would not do PERSONALLY. It's not meant to judge others. If fake hair works for you, wear it. I've worn braids, sew-ins, kinky twists, everything. I don't wear fake hair currently because I don't need it and some of my personal views about fake hair have changed..... However, my phony pony was my saving grace while I was trying to achieve SL.

I have spent a lot of money on hair products, but I ain't going broke! Other people might be, but whether I spend $5 or $300, you better believe it's cash money, well within my budget. I also order a ton of products online :drunk:.
oh... Here comes Ms. McLazy
I will not exercise for healthy hair, I've hear suggestions made to people to start exercising to increase growth rates.

I'll do it for over all health purposes, but to get up to exercise just for hair, I don't think i can do that, it wouldnt motivate me enough, and I'd probably start feeling real insecure with people thinking I'm that obsessed about hair.
I won't: tell DH or kids they can't touch my hair.take ridiculous amt of supplements.Use MN.PS exclusively.Deal with my hair daily if I don't need to.Skip washing to make a style last.Buy salon or online products exclusively.Change my regimen if its working & my hair likes it.
To each her own but for me I will not:

Wear fake hair (just not my style)
Take supplements for the sole purpose of hair growth
Use monistat on my scalp
Use any type of chemical or growth aid especially if I don't know about long term health effects
Let my ends look a HAM
Use anything that has stinky potential
Eat/drink anything that I wouldn't normally eat or drink
Spend lots of money on hair products....anymore...(ok this one might be a what I hope to not do)
I am too lazy to put stuff on my scalp everyday to achieve long hair. I tried but stopped because it was too much work for me. I have learned that if I wash and deep condition my hair once a week and use no direct heat that it can and will grow. So I am just too lazy to invest that much time in my hair since I know that if I do protective styles I will retain my length.

But if it works for others I will not knock their hustle.
I will not wear fake hair as a protective style, love the look on some but just not for me right now.
I will not say "I will never relax again" because I just may but loving the natural hair now
What's interesting about this thread is the number of people who said they wont wear fake hair. I think that's one that I definitely didn't expect, especially with the number of weave and wig threads.
What's interesting about this thread is the number of people who said they wont wear fake hair. I think that's one that I definitely didn't expect, especially with the number of weave and wig threads.

I agree with the others regarding not wearing wigs/weaves. It may seem silly, but I'm committed to learn how to grow my own hair without any external applications and coverings. I feel like, if I can't grow my hair without a wig or weave and decide to wear one, what happens after I stop weaving? Back to Square One, unless I keep wearing the stuff.