Is there anything you won't do to achieve long healthy hair?

What's interesting about this thread is the number of people who said they wont wear fake hair. I think that's one that I definitely didn't expect, especially with the number of weave and wig threads.

I didn't expect this amount of people to say they wouldn't wear fake hair either, but I knew I was going to say it. I was on cloud 9 when I was wearing a wig as a protective style because it's so easy (I'm lazy when it comes to my hair). But it turned out the wig was doing more damage than good. Evidently I'm allergic to wigs (or fake hair). It was actually breaking my skin out. I haven't worn a wig in about a week and my skin has cleared up tremendously.

I don't think I need a wig to grow long hair anyway. I've never worn a wig until last October and I never had a problem growing/retaining hair.
i won't:

consume or topically apply anything that smells, tastes, looks, feels, or is disgusting to me.

sell my soul or hurt someone or anything like that

i won't spend a ton of money on products.

most other normal things, i'll do.
Don't laugh too hard because I know someone who actually tried this. I will not use urine (mine or anyone elses) to grow my hair! End of discussion!!! :nono:
Yeah! I will not sell my soul to the devil! Everyone has tried so many different things for the long healthy hair quest that we all have long list of do's and deal-breakers.
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I will not NOT wear fake hair to appease others :lachen:
my sister is always giving me dissapointed looks when I put in fake hair to PS like 'well what did you go natural for if you're just going to wear weave' like i'm betraying black women by "falling into the sterotype"

me: stfd and keep your judgement, i'm trying to get to APL! :driver::lachen:

I admit though I have a large issue with expensive fake hair but this may be because I'm really cheap.

I will NOT buy any kind of shampoo, conditioner or hair treatment for over $40 (and that is a huge stretch and i'm only making it for aveda)

I will NOT do that lace front ish, all that glue and blending and thinning and bleaching knot and crap sounds like way too much work for fake hair

I will NOT use henna again ever, I don't care if I "did it wrong" the first time, my hair will just have to be fine and weak

that's kind of it. I think for people who have had longer hair throughout their lives its easy to say what they will not do. But I've always been NL my entire life. I want long hair pretty badly, lol.
I never say never. IN the past i said i will never use gake hair and i bought mu very first wig. I saif that i will never use braids and i m learning how to braid (everubody in my work place loved them) I said that i will never used thaing withour logical reason and i think i've been junping in all the bandwagons here xD

I guess the only thing i will not do is to spend to much money in products.
Let me see. I won't use MN or MnT. Wont use a wig or weave for protective purposes. I wont use BKT. The formaldhyde thing kind of scares me. That just the beginning of a long list.
SHAY76 I agree with you, the formaldhyde is scary, but nobody complain about that chemical. but I have read that have some without it.
-I won't wear a weave, because it hurts more than helps in my case
-I won't put cooter cream on my head
-I won't take a whole bunch of vitamins. Taking biotin once a day was hard enough and I stopped taking that after a month. I just can't keep up.
-I won't stop using heat.
-I won't go to a stylist for a trim. My mommy does a great job herself. Plus all these stories about going from apl to nl are just a little bit much for me.
This is a funny thread. I don't do growth aids and powders (not knocking those that do!!!) and I cosign with the ladies that wont use anything funky. I have a sensitive nose and I am very particular about how my hair smells....I don't even like AO HSR anymore strictly because of the scent.
I won't use products not made for humans

I won't use a product that is for other body parts

I won't buy every product on the face of the earth

I won't wash or cowash my hair daily (i want to cry just thinking about it)

I won't wear fake hair..won't feel comfortable. plus the thought of having my hair braided for weeks screams migraines for me ( i would wear a wig if i was ill and lost my hair)

That's it for now
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I think people are talking about what they would not do PERSONALLY. It's not meant to judge others. If fake hair works for you, wear it. I've worn braids, sew-ins, kinky twists, everything. I don't wear fake hair currently because I don't need it and some of my personal views about fake hair have changed..... However, my phony pony was my saving grace while I was trying to achieve SL.

I have spent a lot of money on hair products, but I ain't going broke! Other people might be, but whether I spend $5 or $300, you better believe it's cash money, well within my budget. I also order a ton of products online :drunk:.

Thanks for this post, I find it all very insightful and this HHJ is sure an interesting ride:yep:
Hopefully there won't be a sell your first born for 1 inch growth challenge cuz I'll miss the hell out of my daughter!

I would however, trip my mother if it would guarantee me 12 inches in a year. But I would help her right up and apologize profusely. Don't judge. :look:

Bwahahahah Ahhahahahhaha! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
You guys are hilarious!

i will NOT wear my hair in old-lady buns 24/7 to achieve longer hair.:nono:

This is my "will not" as well.

I agree with the others regarding not wearing wigs/weaves. It may seem silly, but I'm committed to learn how to grow my own hair without any external applications and coverings. I feel like, if I can't grow my hair without a wig or weave and decide to wear one, what happens after I stop weaving? Back to Square One, unless I keep wearing the stuff.

I started out with wigs. After I got a little past SL, I got tired of covering up my hair (not to mention the cost of buying these wigs that never seemed to last more than a month) so I decided to try wearing my own hair out and styled. I wanted to see if I can still grow my hair without PSing.
There are a lot things I WON'T do to achieve long hair. Too many to list.

I also will not judge others for the things they will or will not do.

Well said, lady!!! :yep:

I just want to chime in that both MT and MN worked well for me; however, I was inconsistent with NT, and MN gave me headaches beyond words to describe. My sister's dermatologist actually told her that MN is great for dandruff. She is dandruff-free and asked because a friend wanted to know if it would work, and the dermatologist gave her an over-the-counter remedy that he had recommended to countless other patients. She told me about it because I also had intermittent BAD dandruff. It knocked out my scalp issues within a couple of weeks, and I noticed close to half and inch of growth in that time...but by then, I was having monster headaches. The headaches came to a full stop the day after I washed my hair and scalp clean of MN...

If it weren't for that, I would still be using because it wasn't challenging to out on. MT was more high maintenance as I didn't want it to touch my hair and cause breakage. I had to part more carefully.

They both worked for quicker growth, but MN was better...:ohwell:
