Is there anything you won't do to achieve long healthy hair?

I ask because I saw a monistat thread from 2005 where people poo pooed the idea of using it as a growth aid. 5 years later and everyone is on monistat (mn) like its the second coming. Same happened with MnT. So, is there anything you won't do to achieve your hair goals?
I won't go bankrupt or go into debt for long hair
I won't have a closet, cabinets, or drawers filled w/ products

I think that's about it for now....I have yet to try MN, any horse products, mermaid tails, snail poop, donkey eyelashes, none of that lls...
There are a lot things I WON'T do to achieve long hair. Too many to list.

I also will not judge others for the things they will or will not do.
- I won't wear ugly protective styles there are too many cute alternatives for the same purpose and results.

- I won't spend an exhorbitant amount of money, its unnecessary 99% of the time. On average the products I use are $6 and below.

Other then that I'm pretty open. I tried to make an MN mix when I was a newbie, it came out crappy and I eventually felt ridiculous for even dabbling in it mostly because I started out with a nice length anyhow. I don't judge other ladies that use them at all. I just feel the best approach to growing long hair is consistency in a solid effective regimen, understanding what allows your hair type to thrive, implementing it and just having patience.

Hair is always growing, just do what you should to retain the growth and the length will come.....don't get obsessed with every millimeter.
I won't go broke on hair. Ain't no way I would spend my last of last money on something related to my hair.

I won't wear styles I don't feel comfortable in when there are other options.

I won't do something that could potentially harm my health.
well, I don't judge anyone for anything really, everyone is different

But I won't wear fake hair or a wig as a protective style to give myself a break from my hair or let it grow or anything like that.
well, I don't judge anyone for anything really, everyone is different

But I won't wear fake hair or a wig as a protective style to give myself a break from my hair or let it grow or anything like that.

This right here is my biggest issue. If I could get over my adversion to things like that, I could actually do what I want to do right now. I think stuff like that ends up looking good on everyone BUT me :lol:

I am going to eventually take the leap and try it sometime this year though. We shall see how it works out
I thought I'd never wear a wig, but I am now. and my hair is thriving :yep:. The only things I'm absolutley sure will never happen are going broke buying hair products and doing anything that will harm my health.
I'll never wear fake hair. I'll never adopt a hair regimen that has 56 steps, 98 million ingredients, and takes 3 hours to get through. I'll never let somebody else's standard of beauty dictate what I should do with my head. I'll never take someone else's review of product or procedure at face value; I need to do my own research.
No fake hair. It makes me feel... less like myself, in a weird way. It's just not my style, though every once in a while I'll see some braids or a weave that make me want to think twice... I would always feel like someone could tell or like i have NO CLUE how to take care of it (weave.) Also, my hair is kind of fine, and the results have been very mixed with braids.

No growth aids.... seriously, I'm sooooo lazy. I have a hard enough time cultivating consistency as it is, no need to complicate matters.

No going more than a week without washing my hair. No press (or anything else) is worth the unhappy scalp.
I wouldn't:

drink raw eggs (gagging just thinking about it) - those ladies are tuff!!
wear fake hair as a protective style (except during shoots or something)
spend beyond my means for products/tools etc
be a product junkie
I won't wear horse conditioner on my hair. Oh wait I already did that! :lachen:
Monistat - did that
Sulfur - broke out in hives and yep I did that

Hopefully there won't be a sell your first born for 1 inch growth challenge cuz I'll miss the hell out of my daughter!
I will not become a biochemist for my hair. I can barely balance my check book.
I will not air dry my hair hates it.
Will not not listen to my hair.
I don't buy anything online (aside from hardware like a dryer or steamer)

I've changed my regimen to use up my stash and incorporate things I can buy locally. My hair looks as good as ever!!
Go bankrupt/use money set aside for my family only, put my health in danger, use items not beneficial for hair (e.g. Monistat (ew) or use fake hair.
wont do anymore...

i will not spend tons of money on hair products or hair--those days r ova---i put all that money into bidness stuff and i smdh at myself for the amount of dough i use to spend---even if it wasnt my actual money..

ummm my hair grows---its the things i do to it that messed it up--but im good now---i grew out of my experimenting stages---i keep it fly and simple--

im not into buns--something about buns irk me--lol---every once in a blue i will wear a high ponytail

i dont buy every new product i dont buy anything unless i used up all of what i have---again back to $$$ and keeping in my pocket--
I won't use chemicals. Not a relaxer, texturizer, softener :rolleyes: or BKT.

I won't use topical growth aids, esp not something I'm not convinced of the safety of.

I won't go to a stylist. Ever.

I am already totally guilty of buying 9 billion products. Sigh.
I've tried to slow down on buying so many products. I'm taking the time to give certain products a chance instead of jumping so quick to the next one. I've tried them all! lol
I won't...
-use growth aids
-buy anything outside of my budget (regardless of how AMAZING it is for others)
-use any permanent chemicals
-wear any styles that make me uncomfortable/look bad
-have a super complicated and complex regimen
Well, there isn't really much I wouldn't do. Progress hasn't been amazing for me this past year and a half, and I'm getting kinda desperate. Though, I know I wouldn't spend on anything exorbitantly priced, unless I was lucky enough to have the money to splurge. I know there are times when I've looked at certain products that claim to give amazing growth (OCT) or better health and look of the hair (BKT), but then I look at the price and I'm like :nono:, that's a shame but I'll just stick to my cheaper products thanks :yep:
Won't buy expensive products for my hair when an inexpensive one will work just as well.

Won't buy a thrillion and one products when only a few are needed.
I won't wear horse conditioner on my hair. Oh wait I already did that! :lachen:
Monistat - did that
Sulfur - broke out in hives and yep I did that

Hopefully there won't be a sell your first born for 1 inch growth challenge cuz I'll miss the hell out of my daughter!

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I actually laughed out loud...
-I won't use a hair care regimen that has more than 5 steps or more than 5 products.
-I WON'T WEAR FAKE HAIR......About 2 years ago, I would never even think about wearing a wig, weave, or whatever. That changed when I BC'd a little over a year ago. I was wearing braid extensions, wigs, etc. Now, March 2010, I am back to my old self. I found out that fake hair irritates my skin. I got my hair pressed on Saturday and I've decided I will not be wearing anybodies hair but my own. I love my own hair, nappy or straight, it doesn't matter. My hair is thrown back in a pony tail right now and it looks better on me than any wig.
-I won't jump on any bandwagons. It's not worth my time or money. I've read rave reviews on so many products that I've already used and hated.
-I will not use anything that stinks on my hair. I like to smell good. Nuff said!
I ask because I saw a monistat thread from 2005 where people poo pooed the idea of using it as a growth aid. 5 years later and everyone is on monistat (mn) like its the second coming. Same happened with MnT. So, is there anything you won't do to achieve your hair goals?

Er...Not me. :lol:

I perhaps should start with that: I WILL NOT USE MN on my scalp. Even if fungus was my problem, I'd rather find a natural regimen (eg oil of oregano?) than use that. I stopped using MN even for yeast infections years ago and resorted to other regimens (boric acid, garlic, tea tree oil) so there's no way I'll be putting that on my head.

I've never used any of the growth aids folks rave about: MT, OCT, MTG, chicken poo, Surge,... and doubt I'll be starting that soon. The only thing I used on my hair was a product I didn't even learn of on this forum but my own research--when I was losing hair. I considered that an "ailment" and the last thing I was going to do is use something with side-effects, so I sought natural remedies and found the Essential Oil Blend for Hair Growth. I did not continue to use it once my bald spot grew back, because once my scalp was healed, my hair grew without any help.

I have wanted long hair since I was a kid, but there are so many things I don't do that I know are good for hair retention, and so it's not like I need to do anything special to get my hair to grow. It grows regardless, and if I was pressed enough, then I'd just need to apply all the info I have for protecting ends...but as you can see, since I'm not that pressed, then I'm obviously not dying to grow it at supersonic speed either.

My hair goal since I was a kid was always to have long hair. And my hair is the longest it's ever been and while that's not tailbone or even BSL, it's a goal I never thought I'd reach and I got there without sacrificing a goat or jumping any hoops, so I'm not about to start.

If I tried all I could possibly try and my hair didn't grow any longer than it is (something I am yet to do), I still would not go out of my way to try some magic potion. It's not that serious to me.