Is there anyone else that doesnt like hair too long?

brownhaired_bonanza said:
Good lord, that sounds like a nightmare! :eek: Don't i have enough trouble preventing tangles already?
Actually it is not that hard. I wash my hair under the shower, It is very easy to detangle while under the running water(I mean, I am talking about my own experience). To me the hardest is when I do my own relaxer.
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zanna said:
Actually it is not that hard. I wash my hair under the shower, It is very easy to detangle while under the running water(I mean, I am talking about my own experience).
Zanna, Your hair is Beautiful!
:look: hmm i have just caught the new wave of hairnorexia... i just joined a Waistlength challenge... and i'm not even at bra-strap yet... actually i really think i am, but I'm waiting for my touch-up in 2 weeks to confirm... so... :look: hm yeah, never had waistlength and i wanna see how it is when i get there :) maybe when i do, i'll cut to mid-back and maintain, then when i'm in my late twenties/early thirties, i will go NATURAL! and let it grow to however long it wants to!

i digress... later :)
victorious said:
Armpit length is good enough for me. :up:

Bra-strap length would be a nice goal to achieve, but it's not necessary.

As for waist length or beyond, that requires too much patience and responsibility on my part. I'll rather look at beautiful album pics and celebrate with those ladies who achieve their goals. :yep:

Co-sign. Armpit length, thicker hair would be my ideal.

BSL, thicker hair even better, but if not to be, I'll live.:)
I'm about lower bck length and am more concerned with my hairs health then length.If i do achieve would be more difficult to do my hair the extra product i have to purchase to slather all over it.

I think i'm good with maybe another inch or two near waist length .
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zanna said:
Actually it is not that hard. I wash my hair under the shower, It is very easy to detangle while under the running water(I mean, I am talking about my own experience). To me the hardest is when I do my own relaxer.

This works for me also. It helps with the tangles!!!! Never bend over the sink to wash your's a nightmare to comb!

I wanna grow longer so my ponytail (below) will replace the phony pony I try to wear. About 4 more inches!!


  • pony.jpg
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ballet_bun said:
Is there a waist length Challenge or Group?
Yes there is a waist by 12.05/06 and tailbone hipbone challenge by whenever you think you'll get there. I think anyone can join

BTW Sherrylove please don't chop off your beautiful ong hair, say it isn't so:eek:
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Originally, I had a goal to reach APL by the end of the year and I did by the end of June. I didn't like it. It looked really long and thick and it just bushed when I air-dried it loose. I burned the fool out of the back of my shoulder trying to flat-iron it one day. I got it cut in layers about 3-4 weeks ago and that helped a lot with the bushiness of it. I got the back trimmed about 1 1/2 to 2 inches from APL because I thought I have plenty of time to get it back there again, if I want. But for that whole little few weeks, I did not think long hair was for me. It gets caught in stuff, tangled. The only problem I have right now is that, since I got the layers, I have pieces that stick out when I bun it.
I cut my hair in January to get rid of all my texturized hair, but I can't wait for my hair to fully grow back to its original length and longer because IMO, longer hair is easier to style and take care of. I can't say longer hair looks better on me, but I have determined that thick, natural hair looks better on me, so length does not matter except for styling options.
i would just be happy with a head full of healthy hair to my shoulders or to my collar bone...i dont want hair all the way down to my bra strap or waist length...i mean its hard already to find black women that actually have their hair shoulder length or collar bone as it is..and i think for me that that would be too much hair to have it to my bra strap or waist length...
Lucia said:
Yes there is a waist by 12.05/06 and tailbone hipbone challenge by whenever you think you'll get there. I think anyone can join

BTW Sherrylove please don't chop off your beautiful ong hair, say it isn't so:eek:

I hear you, lucia; but i have been rolling around in my head the idea of chopping my hair for a while now... i miss the thickness of it when it was shorter... dad, grandma, and new boyfriend also does not want me to cut my hair ever. yeah right... they do not have to do it and/or live with it...Lol... oh well...
I've been thinking of cutting my hair to maybe 2 inches above brastrap. I've cut two inches two weeks ago. It's still brastrap length, but my nape hair is 6 inches. Once it hit shoulderlength, my ends are see-throughish because of that. When the nape was shorter my hair looked even. So I'm cutting a little bit at a time.

When your hair gets longer this is an annoyance. If you have any hair that's shorter than your longest layers, you'll be able to see it after awhile even if it's only you that can tell.

I want to keep it growing, but I keep on cutting it.
I try to stay realistic and I'm not so sure waist or butt length is for me. Growing my hair out was really easy until I got to about bra strap and my growth/length stalled a bit.

I would like my hair to get about two inches longer to be at the bottom of the strap or a little lower and I will not try to go any longer.

I am, however, happy w/ what I got.:)
Bra strap would be my idea of heaven however armpit would be nice too any longer than bra stap is a no-no for me it would be a mess! :lol: