Is there a way to safely go from No Lye to Lye relaxers?


Well-Known Member
I have been using ORS no lye but have heard good things about the lye version. I am afraid to try it though because someone posted about having severe breakage from putting a lye relaxer on hair that was previously relaxed with no lye. Of course it would be a touch up only, but a small amount of overlapping is bound to happen even if u go to a stylist.

Is there a safe way to make the switch or should I just leave well enough alone?

My hair is chronically dry so I thought maybe this would help.
I don't know if I can offer help.. but I switched from no lye to lye because of the chronic dryness, and my hair has never looked better. I know it can be done, but not sure of the procedure since I did the no lye relaxer myself.. I was too scared to put a lye relaxer in. So I found a great stylist who made the transition for me, and I didn't lose any hair.
Yes you can as long as you don't overlap. I started out with affirm sensitive scalp and after about a year started using affirm lye relaxer with no problems.