Is there a group of you who are transitioning by using straight hair styles?


New Member
I would like to join a group that likes straight hair styles during their transitioning period instead of braid outs, twistouts, etc. I used those styles when I was natural but last year I permed my hair (to my regret) and am fed up with the two textures now that I have decided to transition again.

I will probably wash and flat iron with a heat protectant 1-2x per week. Is anyone here doing the same? If so can you share your experience, growth, and regimen.

I do 1/2 and 1/2 pretty much...before it was about 80% wet bunned, 20% flat ironed with a blue moon twistout or twist and curl (I've been transitioning since May 2009 and have only done a twistout 2x). I got burned out on bunning, so I am giving my hair a break on the pulling. I would say I do a week flat ironed (I only flat iron that one time and then I wrap every night thereafter), and 1 week wet bunned with daily co-washing. HTH!
I was doing so up until last week. I thought i'd try braidouts for 2 weeks. I just used to wash, condition, airdry then flat iron. I do that once every 2 weeks. I prefer it that way because i don't have to deal with two textures. I'm only 23 weeks post and my relaxed ends still break every time i wash so there is no visible progress in length even though i have a good amount of new growth.
I do 1/2 and 1/2 pretty much...before it was about 80% wet bunned, 20% flat ironed with a blue moon twistout or twist and curl (I've been transitioning since May 2009 and have only done a twistout 2x). I got burned out on bunning, so I am giving my hair a break on the pulling. I would say I do a week flat ironed (I only flat iron that one time and then I wrap every night thereafter), and 1 week wet bunned with daily co-washing. HTH!

Hey, this sounds like a great routine. I may mix mine up to something similar. I only flat iron about every 3 months or so for a trim, but lately, I've been wanting to straighten more since it's cooler and I won't have to worry about sweating it out in an hour.
Hey, this sounds like a great routine. I may mix mine up to something similar. I only flat iron about every 3 months or so for a trim, but lately, I've been wanting to straighten more since it's cooler and I won't have to worry about sweating it out in an hour.

Thanks! Hope it works for ya! :)
Back when I was transitioning....this is how I did it. Just be sure that you have the hair type to handle that much heat. My hair can definitely take that and still retain length but not everyone can. I would definitely advise against doing it every week and definitely dont recommend doing it more then once a week I would say every week and a half and try to give your hair breaks from heat every now and again and DCing is your friend:yep:
Back when I was transitioning....this is how I did it. Just be sure that you have the hair type to handle that much heat. My hair can definitely take that and still retain length but not everyone can. I would definitely advise against doing it every week and definitely dont recommend doing it more then once a week I would say every week and a half and try to give your hair breaks from heat every now and again and DCing is your friend:yep:

Questions for you BlackMasterPiece:

1. Did you ever chop or did you just keep cutting off relaxed ends until there was no more relaxer?

2. How long was your hair when you started?

3. How long did your transition take?

I'm currently 13 weeks post and can't decide what to do. I think I want to try washing and blow drying every 2 weeks. I have an appointment on Thursday for a touch up so I need to make a decision quickly. Thanks!:yep:
Questions for you BlackMasterPiece:

1. Did you ever chop or did you just keep cutting off relaxed ends until there was no more relaxer?
I never chopped I long term transitioned and got trims once in a while maybe twice a year.

2. How long was your hair when you started?
Halfway between APL and BSL

3. How long did your transition take?
After like 2.5 years, I was taking down my 8 braids after washing and conditioning getting ready to blowdry and realized my hair was finally consistently coily from roots to ends.

I'm currently 13 weeks post and can't decide what to do. I think I want to try washing and blow drying every 2 weeks. I have an appointment on Thursday for a touch up so I need to make a decision quickly. Thanks!:yep:
You're welcome :)
I transitioned 3 years ago but thought I'd chime in. I transitioned for the first 6 months by washing and putting my hair up in a ponytail. After that my hair was just too much for me to handle and I was rollersetting and lightly flatironing (1 to 2 passes max) once a week. I did this from months 6 through 10, which was my big chop. This was the best way for me to handle the two textures and make them blend together without going insane LOL Once I did the BC my new growth was just fine. Just be careful with the flatiron.
Thanks BlackMasterPiece (love your name by the way). My hair is just a little past APL and I don't want to lose the length. Lot's of thinking going on here. I appreciate your input.
I do 1/2 and 1/2 pretty much...before it was about 80% wet bunned, 20% flat ironed with a blue moon twistout or twist and curl (I've been transitioning since May 2009 and have only done a twistout 2x). I got burned out on bunning, so I am giving my hair a break on the pulling. I would say I do a week flat ironed (I only flat iron that one time and then I wrap every night thereafter), and 1 week wet bunned with daily co-washing. HTH!

My last relaxr was June 09 and I jus startd a similar reggie ! 1 week flat ironed, 1 week wet bunned n daily cowash, and 1 week rollerset. Hope it works!
Questions for you BlackMasterPiece:

1. Did you ever chop or did you just keep cutting off relaxed ends until there was no more relaxer?

2. How long was your hair when you started?

3. How long did your transition take?

I'm currently 13 weeks post and can't decide what to do. I think I want to try washing and blow drying every 2 weeks. I have an appointment on Thursday for a touch up so I need to make a decision quickly. Thanks!:yep:

Every two weeks sounds like a good plan! Try to rock that look for a week. Then the next week leading into ur next blow dry wear a moisturized bun.
Every two weeks sounds like a good plan! Try to rock that look for a week. Then the next week leading into ur next blow dry wear a moisturized bun.

That sounds like a good easy plan, because I know it will not look quite as nice the second week. Thanks for the tip.:up:
I'm currently 7 1/2 months post relaxer and have a combination of new growth, texlaxed, and relaxed hair. I shampoo and condition my hair every 1 - 1/2 weeks, allow it to air dry (sometimes I might have to lightly blow dry for less than 30 seconds), and flat iron my hair. I mainly use oils to keep my hair moisterized. I plan on doing a long term transition as I would really like to make my goal of MBL, as long as my hair is still healthy.
I am transitioning with heat. I wash and DC 1X a week followed by a light blowdry. My new growth is more stretched than straight. It makes managing my hair alot easier. My ends are doing fine, and I am just doing a routine trim every 3 months. I use a leave in daily to keep my hair from drying out and I bun the rest of the week. Using the no heat method caused me to chop earlier than I was ready to last time I transisitoned. Using heat has made this transition basically painless.
I would like to join a group that likes straight hair styles during their transitioning period instead of braid outs, twistouts, etc. I used those styles when I was natural but last year I permed my hair (to my regret) and am fed up with the two textures now that I have decided to transition again.

I will probably wash and flat iron with a heat protectant 1-2x per week. Is anyone here doing the same? If so can you share your experience, growth, and regimen.


I have been transitioning for almost 17 months and do straight styles. I had been using Mizani Thermasmooth (shampoo, conditioner, serum, & spritz) with the Mizani Butter Rich once a week. It would last the whole week. I have always been adamant about washing once a week so I never tried for longer. I have been trimming pretty regularly, kinda doing mini-chops, don't want to BC. Since I trim so often, I don't have a problem with split ends from the heat. I have probably half and half new growth on the longest parts of my hair, maybe an inch at the shortest. I think my hair did not grow as fast the first 4-6 months from such a damaged scalp from the relaxers. I have found success with George's Aloe (typically if I'm taking a break-will make your hair revert on flat ironed hair), olive oil, or jojoba oil on my scalp. I think its growing at a normal rate now. I also pre-poo with an oil (usually EVCO) almost every time I wash my hair. I tried using conditioners for awhile but I think using natural oils works better for me.

I recently ran out of the Thermasmooth serum and spritz, and just started using Lanza. This thread talks about that if you want to know more about the results and comparison between the two:

Hope this helps!
I transition "straight". Not because it's easier or anything; I just prefer straight hair without the harsh chemicals to my sensitive scalp. I'm 12 months post and I'm now in the weave it up challenge and I straighten my leave-out every 10 days. Works for me. Everyone can't handle heat.
:hiya: I'm six months post. My last relaxer was Aug 2009 and have 3" of newgrowth.

I really like what I've been doing to my hair lately:

Transitioning with straight styles:
Airdry in rollerset and flat iron roots

The following week:
I conditioner-wash ends in sections as I would roll it avoiding roots
Roll wet ends like a rollerset
End results is a fluffy rollerset

Next day:
I'll repeat this process or I'll bantu knot

This way my hair stays in a straight style and I shampoo as needed.
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I'm 9 months into my transition and I flatiron every 10-14 days. I DC at least 2x before each flatironing and I only use low heat (Maxiglide on 4 or 5). When I was relaxed, I only flatironed every 2 or 3 months. Haven't noticed any harm, so I'll be keeping it straight from here on out!
As for a BC - ain't gonna happen. I don't like short hair and the difference between my natural hair and texlaxed hair is not really noticeable.
^^ I occasionally stalk you Sheryl :look: mainly because I think we are the closest together in our transition

I use mainly straight styles for my transition. I am about a week and a half from being 6 months post and my hair has always hated twistouts of braidouts. I am just beginning to adapt a true low manipulation lifestyle by washing my hair only every two weeks in 6 sections. I Wash, condition, and deep condition as needed. Then I will either:

Ponytail roller set (so my roots are stretched 30% ,but not at all straight)

Blowdry and flatiron (no one than once a month IF that)

Or just blowout the roots and rollerset the ends.

This has truly helped me retain every inch.

My best
^^ I occasionally stalk you Sheryl :look: mainly because I think we are the closest together in our transition

I use mainly straight styles for my transition. I am about a week and a half from being 6 months post and my hair has always hated twistouts of braidouts. I am just beginning to adapt a true low manipulation lifestyle by washing my hair only every two weeks in 6 sections. I Wash, condition, and deep condition as needed. Then I will either:

Ponytail roller set (so my roots are stretched 30% ,but not at all straight)

Blowdry and flatiron (no one than once a month IF that)

Or just blowout the roots and rollerset the ends.

This has truly helped me retain every inch.

My best

My hair hates twistouts and braidouts also. I'll be stalking you as well. Feel free to PM me and oh yeah, we can be transitioning buddies. :yep: