Is some hair loss normal with relaxers?


New Member

I need your expertise.

1.) Is it normal for there to be some hair loss during the relaxing process?
2.) How do you know if you are allergic to relaxers?

In Feb 2004 I got an Affirm relaxer from my hair stylist.
When I came in to get my hair done, it had been about 4 months since my last touch up.

My hair stylist (of 10 years) just sighed, and was basically telling me that I should not try to extend my relaxers because my hair is extremly coarse and thick. I noticed she didn't apply the relaxer like normal, as far as parting the hair into sections and such. She just used her hands and put the relaxer on. I'm sure she overlapped. While she was doing it I had a bad feeling.

Anyway, when she was washing the relaxer out clumps and clumps of my hair started coming out. It was enough to make a small pony tail. She showed it to me, and told me that I should never try to extend b/c of my hair type.

After it was styled the damage was not really noticable, although it looked thinner to me. To my knowledge, this had never happened before, at least to this extent. I do remember a few times when my mom relaxed my hair at home I had some hair come out during the relaxer application. (but not a lot)

A few months after that happened, I exprienced extreme breakage. During this whole period I was under a tremendous amount of stress.

In September I moved, I went to my mom's hair stylist who applied an Affirm mild relaxer. She told me that no hair came out as she was rinsing the relaxer out.

Well, my mom's hair stylist moved! It has been almost 5 months since I've had a relaxer. I found a new stylist who has been washing my hair and straightening it w/ a Chi flat iron. I like the results....but I love to run so my hair reverts very quickly.

Now, I am terrified to get another relaxer for fear that my hair will start coming out again...but I crave the convenience...

What do you think?

Sounds like your stylist made a boo boo and blamed it on you. There are many woman on this site that extend their relaxers.
I agree with Thick Hair. No matter how long you extend there is no reason for your hair to be coming out in clumps because of that. She left that relaxer on too long and tried to blame you for your hair coming out.
I think it's because she didn't section your hair, so hair that may have been tangled from waiting a long time, probably got fused together while relaxing and broke off. I think your hairstylist stunk big time.

What is your hairtype?
I think it is normal for some hair to come out... but not enough to make a small ponytail :nono:. One time I was at the salon while my daughter was getting a touchup and after they rinsed out the relaxer the stylist took the hair that was in the sink strainer out and showed it to me... She said "This is what came out, and this is nothing!!" It was a ball of hair less than the size of a golf ball... I still went like this :eek: and it also made me wonder how much of MY hair comes out when they relax it... they've never shown me, and frankly, I'm afraid to ask! :look:
ms_kenesha said:
I think it's because she didn't section your hair, so hair that may have been tangled from waiting a long time, probably got fused together while relaxing and broke off. I think your hairstylist stunk big time.

What is your hairtype?

I agree with ms Kenesha. I remember back in highschool I had tried to extend my relaxer about 4-5 months. My hair was so tangled!!!! My mom ( who has always relaxedmy hair until I moved to Chicago about 6 months) relaxed my hair and my hair came out in clumps in the shower. Now, my hair wasnt damaged in anyway my hair was in EXCELLENT condition. I think it happens when the hair is tangled and matted.
I wonder if it was hair that had shed from your scalp but hadn't been combed out. I think it's very important to make sure the hair is tangle free prior to getting a relaxer touch up. I always do a good comb through the night before getting a relaxer touch up.
You're stylist was wrong. I've extended my relaxers for up to 6 months at a time and have never had adverse effects like that! You can definately extend your relaxer for however long you choose, just know that you obviously will have shedding and know that a week prior to your relaxer to put on a hardcore treatment like Aphogee or Emergencee.
ms_kenesha said:
I think it's because she didn't section your hair, so hair that may have been tangled from waiting a long time, probably got fused together while relaxing and broke off. I think your hairstylist stunk big time.

What is your hairtype?

Ms Kenesha--

I have some 4A in the front, but I'm mostly 4B.

Thanks everyone for responding! I think I will go ahead and relax; I will keep you all posted.